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The Cheshire House Six

Nightmare gets progressively worse. And feels more ominous than it did before. It feels like the entity in her dream is warning her. But why? And what is he warning her about?

By Raphael FontenellePublished 5 months ago 5 min read
The Cheshire House Six
Photo by Florian Lidin on Unsplash

Hello Journal,

Tonight was one of the worst nights of my life. I was sleeping on the couch and the man was back. He was descending the stairs as I watched television. But this time, he actually touched my face. His hands were so cold, so very cold. It was like someone took ice and pressed it to the sides of my face. Unlike last time, where his voice sounded so weak. This time, I heard his voice so clearly. It was low,rough and I couldn't understand much. His words were,"Get...out...of..."

Then the alarm phone sounded before I could make out the last word. This is messed up. I just wanna leave here. It's not even been a whole friggin' week and my life is like a horribly done horror movie. I want to tell my Mom, but what am I supposed to tell her?

'Mom! The house seems to be haunted and we got this freaky tiny door that just popped up outta no-where. What do I do?'

She'd think I was stealing from my grandparents booze or something. I may have done that once. ONCE. But I paid them back and they trust me still. I didn't even drink the stuff but of course Mom doesn't believe me. This time she'll not just ground me, she'll probably send me to some far off high school or worse. And I doubt that either of my Grandparents have seen the door and they'll never believe me. But I'm wondering if Stephanie would. She's done this for a few years, why was she so eager to make me take this? I know she was busy with her job, but why didn't she ask any of our cousins? Why me? We are close, but I haven't told her that I needed something to do this year.

I don't like this. Not even a week, I'm scared to sleep. This is picking up steam too easily. Is it because I'm noticing it? I wonder what would happen if I ignore everything and just take short naps? I think it'd probably be pretty easy. Sure I'd be tired and I might not write in the journal for a long while. But I just need to do something to stop dreaming about the decomposing man and his creepy cold hands. That were grossly wet too.

I don't even wanna know why they were wet. But I need to find a way to safely stop dreaming about this crap. Maybe meditate about it? I heard that helps with bad thoughts. I think this is all this really is. And I'm putting too much stock in whatever this is. Some of my dreams have been just as realistic. I've dreamed vividly before and it can be just something like that. Right? Right. I was just having vivid dreams that seem prophetic.

As for the room,it's something else. Maybe just a ghost and it's not interested in hurting me. After all, the only things that happened were just footsteps with music and cleaning. It's just stupid. I'm being stupid.

Mom and Dad would be laughing at me. Stephanie probably would be making jokes about me being so silly.

So I'm going to just spend time trying to think of something else. Like my job or something else worth while. And I do need to talk about that today. Just, basically to ease off the rapid horror movie that's going on. My co-worker, Raven has told me about some pretty funny stories about stuff she's seen over the two years she worked there. There had apparently been this drunk dude that came into the station. In a cloth diaper and playing a banjo. He asked her if they had any chicken and waffles flavored chips. When she said that they didn't, he just burst out crying and threw his banjo on the ground. Ran out of the store as he threw his huge temper tantrum.

Raven said that she just picked up the damaged banjo and threw it away. It wasn't like she could keep it in the store. The next day, she told the boss about this and he just laughed. Thankfully the guy never came back. But she couldn't believe someone did this.

Drunk people are weird.

But not as weird as the totally sober, possibly, guy who came in wearing a turkey mask. And he tried to buy cigarettes. Cigarettes that they didn't sell by the way. He was fine with it,so instead he got a lighter and vaseline. No he didn't get anything other than that. But the fact some random dude got those while wearing a full raw turkey mask is still weird.

Raven than had to warn me about one customer. He apparently flirts with all the girls on staff,well the grown ups at least. And he might ask my age. I've been told that if he keeps trying to flirt with me,to turn him down nicely. But Raven suggested that I flat out tell him to eff off and leave me alone. Like I could definitely do that. He has yet to come in to the store but I think he'll come around soon enough. It doesn't scare me but I'm a little weirded out that he'll come around soon enough. Hopefully I won't be alone when I do this sort of thing and he'll ignore me. It hasn't happened a lot before, but I'm hopeful. When I was helping her clean up the store, she described him. That way I'll be prepared for when he comes around. And he's about six feet tall, has very dark hair. He's usually seen wearing different colored sweaters. Most of them are nerd sweaters. Like Harry Potter type nerd stuff. And she said that he has a huge scar over his right eye. He sounds like an annoying protagonist from a cheap romance novel.

I'm glad that I'm not around for when he's there. She says he's usually around for the morning crew. I'm the evening crew. Thank goodness for me not being a morning person. Yay for being a complete grouch! It saved me the awkwardness of having to deal with a flirty dude. Cuz I'm..I dunno. I think I prefer women to men. Maybe. I'm not completely sure. But I'll figure that out sooner or later. And somehow,dealing with possible supernatural stuff might be easier than understanding my own sexuality. Or a little less complicated.




About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    Huh. That's so suspenseful. Get out of? The house? Gotta wait to find out! Hearing to part 7!

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