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Separated by Million messages

My Impossible love

By Maurício DiogoPublished 7 months ago 6 min read
Separated by Million messages
Photo by Abdul Gani M on Unsplash

CONTINUING... I used her number in the search bar and couldn't believe the results I found. I found an account that I hate, the name of this account is Maria Vikuka, it's a catfish, what is a catfish? Catfish are people on the internet who pretend to be other people, they do it to get likes, gain attention, others do it because they don't like their personality, so they prefer to adopt a new personality by tricking people on social media, some do it just to bully other people, and that's exactly what Maria Vikuka did to me. This profile belongs to someone who hates me, laughs at my photos, my photos are never good for her, puts dozens of offensive comments on my photos, I always block them, but after a while another account appears again with the same thing. Name Maria Vikuka, I didn't block the last account, I'm putting up with her, but it's been a long time since she said anything bad to me, but why does Alice's number match that account? I have to know, now I'm going to call her.

Pimmm… pimmm… pimmm…

Alice: Txê stop calling me, don't you have anything else to do? Leo: Yes, I do, I need to find out who you are? And why does your number correspond to an account called Maria Vikuka on Facebook? She hung up the call. Does she know whose account this is? Or is she the owner of the account? I'll find out about that tomorrow. Early in the morning, I received a message on my WhatsApp, it was Alice, the message said “I hate you”. I didn't understand why, this message is completely the same as Maria Vikuka's way of writing, she always uses uppercase and lowercase letters in all letters of a word, and I realized that this message was to show me that she is Maria Vikuka, I just didn't understand the meaning. Why did she hate me like that, and as much as I thought I couldn't find anything that would justify that, I don't really know her, but she already knew me, and for a long time, I think the best thing to do now is sleep , tomorrow I will have my answers, even if I have to take the strength away from him.

In the morning I received the electronic payment and a message from her telling me to go to the store at 5pm, because that's the time she finishes work. I did what I had to do, put up with my boring life until 5pm and went to the store in search of answers. When we got there, I met him outside the store and we walked. And on the way: Leo: So Alice... Aren't you going to say anything? Alice: How am I supposed to talk if you're not saying anything either? Donkey, I know you want to ask me questions and understand why I did all that. Leo: Yes, that's what I want to understand, I don't know why I did all that and for a long time, tell me why. Alice: Do you want to go somewhere first? Leo: A place? Alice: Yes, one that is close by, it's a place I always go when I'm sad, angry or any other feeling that is acting negatively on me. Leo: And where is it? Alice: Do you have money? We'll have to go by motorbike, it's in Mogado. Leo: What? You who hate me want to take me away? You have a plan to kill me. Alice: Hahahaha, I don't hate you to this extent. Leo: So you know how to laugh, what a surprise, okay then, let's go. We went to Mogado, it's a place let's say “Desert” despite it appearing to be a forest, there are few people and it's more landscape than anything else, a perfect place for her to kill me, but she says she doesn't want to kill me so just I can only trust her, I put everything in God's hands. We arrived near a lake, and it is exactly the place where she says she feels good. Leo: We're finally here, ugh, well you know what I want to know, you can start talking about it. Alice: It's like that Leo, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I really hate you, and that feeling won't change with a million apologies from you, you're the person who hurt me the most in this life, you made me cry a lot times.

Leo: But why? What did I do?

Alice: Do you remember Ugly Monkey from middle school? From the Vida do Saber Institute?

Leo: Hahahaha, that really ugly girl that everyone picked on her at school, that one was really funny Ya, she had strange glasses, she had a lot of pricks on her face txê, and she liked me, she won me over on Facebook and everything, fuuu.

Alice: Do you know her name?

Leo: I don't remember and I never wanted to know, people called her ugly little monkey so I thought that was her name too.

Alice: Her name is Alice, and I am the one you call “ugly little monkey”.

Leo: What? What do you mean you're the ugly little monkey? You can't, you are beautiful, you have beautiful eyes, your glasses are different from her glasses, your face is beautiful without blemishes and thorns, you are the total opposite of her.

Alice: I suffered a lot because of the insults they said to me at school, there were no days when people didn't call me ugly, I always went home crying, because I could never bear the pain, I felt like a belittled, worthless person, mine Mom always cried when she saw me coming in once again sad and with watery eyes, she always called the school management to complain, and the principal came to my office to lecture my classmates, everything always seemed fine afterwards. , but they always insulted me again, because of that my grades started to drop, I no longer had the desire to study or anything. And you get into this story, it turns out you didn't insult me, you were always on the phone, I thought you liked me so you didn't insult me, and for a while I noticed you, you were the only person who made me smile even without talking to me, I was embarrassed and everything, and then I noticed that I was in love with you, I looked for information about you, I found a lot, I got your Facebook, I made you a friend request and you accepted it on the same day, I pulled you and you didn't respond to me at that time. one day, I thought you hadn't seen it, the next day I sent it again and you didn't respond, I started sending you love messages every day, and one day you saw it, you replied to me but with laughing emojis, I asked you why you were laughing, and you told me that I could send you a million messages of love, you would never stay with me and at the end of the message you put the name that I hated most in my life “ugly little monkey”, I blocked you and that day I cried so much that my tears seemed like they were going to end, my eyes wouldn't dry, the next day I didn't go to school, I spent a week locked in my room, just crying, my mother couldn't bear to see me like that so she decided to take me out of school, and I started to having classes at home, I continued to be in love with you, I created another account with the name Maria Vikuka just to be able to see you, I noticed that you found a very beautiful girlfriend, there were more reasons for me to cry, and from that day on I started to hate you.


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    MDWritten by Maurício Diogo

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