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“I got chills” That worked on me and he’s not even mine… I got chills! — Rachael Ray, The Rachael Ray Show

By SabrinaPublished about a month ago 8 min read

“I got roses for no reason last night!!!”

Hi Michael….I wanted to give you some feedback. I recently purchased the text the romance back and I cannot believe how well it is working. This is my first week and my boyfriend suprised me. He called and wanted to have lunch with me today! This has never happened. I look forward to seeing what happens in week two of the program. Oh, he is actually texting me back now! Thank you!

Texting the Romance Back works like crazy. I want to run around and tell every woman I know about it. I haven’t gotten this much attention from my husband in a long time. We’ll celebrate our 25th anniversary next month and it’s like we’re newlyweds again. He’s flabbergasted by my mad texting skilz. Thanks!

This has really worked for me. I have been married for 29 years and things had gotten out of hand. This has been truly amazing. I got roses for no reason last night. Thank you!!!!!

Hi – I wanted to share how txt the romance back worked for me. Up to recently I was single and I bought txt the romance back because I still had feelings for someone I briefly dated. Up until that point, I’d followed the advice along the lines of “the rules” letting him do all the work of initiating contact. I saw a man online I really liked and opened a conversation with him. Early on I used casual, fun txts to connect with him, but I also tried to use the txts to connect with his emotions. Early on he said he loved getting the txts though he often didn’t reply to them. If I hadn’t read Michael’s ebook, I would have stopped, when he didn’t reply, but reading it gave me confidence to keep connecting. We’ve known each other a month now, and yesterday twice he told me he absolutely adores me, and this morning he told me how much he loves the txts I write him – thank you Michael, we are both having a fantastic time because of your ebook.

Wow, Mike…you really weren’t joking with this stuff. Since I did these three things it’s changed him completely. He constantly wants to text me telling me how beautiful I am and how he loves me more than I will ever know, and he wants me to be in his life always…he’s even talking about marriage and kids. All I can say is thank you!! things got cold and distant for a while but it’s flipped a 180 in the opposite direction now we are closer and more connected than ever before.

— Elizabeth

“It’s like we’re love-struck teenagers again”

Your work is incredible! John and I have been dating for going on three years and we lost that “spark”. After just one day of sending an appreciation and a curiosity magnet, the outcome was outstanding. His response by text was simply that I had caught him off guard, I saw this as a fairly neutral statement. It wasn’t until the next day when I saw him in person that just those few texts had been a huge impact on him. It was like we were love struck teenagers again! He took me out to a movie and we made out during the entire thing and then that night while we made love, he took my face in his hands and held my gaze for the longest time. He told me that there is no one in the world he would rather be with than me, and that he had been thinking about that all day. I was blown away by all the romance just those few texts had caused. I want to thank you Michael, for creating such an amazing thing for couples to use to become closer again. It is such a blessing to see that awestruck wonder in his eyes again as if I could do no wrong. This program was the absolute best investment I have ever made throughout my life and I will be recommending it to all my girlfriends (single as well as those who are in relationships). I wish I had upgraded my package when I had the chance!

— Hannah

“I almost dropped my phone!”

just bought the Text the Romance Back 2.0 yesterday. What an amazing lil bible you have created! I immediately tried it out on my boyfriend of over a year. We live an hour apart, so we really only get to see each other over the weekends. We depend heavily on daily communication either by phone or text. I have texted him during the day, asking how his day was going, just to let him know I was thinking of him and seldom got a response. Well yesterday the text that I sent was: “Good Morning handsome, I don’t say this enough, but I really appreciate how you make dinner for me every night we are together. You do an amazing job of taking care of me and I hope you know how much I love you!” Now, I did not expect a return text, but to my surprise, he did. His response was ” Good Morning baby, thank you for being so good to me. I love you and miss you”….I almost dropped my phone!!!! It worked that fast!!!! Then this morning, I tried it again. “Good Morning handsome. You are the most caring, wonderful, amazing, handsome, passionate man I know. I cant believe how lucky I am to have you in my life! Within minutes he sent back ” good morning baby, I think I am the lucky one, cant wait to hold you and kiss you…love you sexy” In 24 hours, I think I have gotten the best texts since we were in month two of our dating and still in the honeymoon phase!!!! You are a GOD!!!!! I am soooo super excited to have found this gem of a book! It is amazing how a simple little text can put a huge grin on my face and make me feel like a giddy little school girl again! We have a lot of passion when we are together, it is the time apart that I feel lacks, and this book I feel will help keep it strong when we are apart!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for taking the time to produce this book!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!

— Angela

“I’m pretty shy… texting allows me to say things I couldn’t say in person”

I love Text the Romance Back. I am recently divorced and having been texting with someone who happens to be going through a divorce right now. He lives 45 min from me. We have been texting since July and it’s great. He was the first boy that I ever “really kissed” . It’s really cool to be back in touch with him. Through texting I can be a bit more assertive and fun. I’m a pretty shy person and texing allows me to say things I couldnt normally say in person. I have seen him only twice in all the months but we have our 3rd date already planned. Now because of the texting I even feel more confident when I’m with him. I love keeping him interested with the awesome texts that I have learned from you. Thanks so much!!

“I tried the first magic text after lunch… he texted and called me the same day”

[On the 3 Magic Texts Report]

I tried this on Wednesday after lunch, he texted and called me that night.

On Thursday (yesterday) he called and asked if he should book a room today for us to spend the night together. Sounded really cheesy saying things that I normally would not say to a men BUT…. Thanks Michael. I will definitely be buying the full program 🙂

— Siophan

“A simple thank you is not enough to repay you.”

I was planning to send you an email, and didn’t, with my results from [one of the TRB lessons] but now I must! A simple thank you is not enough to repay you. Text the Romance Back. It works! I’m a believer. I was skeptical- not any more …

I did a little “cutting and pasting” as you suggested, with a few modifications to reflect my situation. Whew! Read it and weep, tears of joy, that is.

If I were there right now . . . imagine my strong hands on your

shoulders, your muscles melting under my touch, my long nails raking you up your back. You feel yourself melting into the your chair, your

muscles are putty to my touch. You can’t be tense no matter how hard you try. All that tension flows out of you like a wrung wet facecloth. Your skin tingles. You feel my breath on your neck, my lips lightly kiss

your skin and you . . .

He replied: It’s not fair and oh so fantastic the effect you have on me, like a direct connection to the amygdala and limbic system. At your command, at the ready. If you’re ready to spread your wings to me and with me just let me know.

— Connie

“We are planning on seeing each other tomorrow for the first time in over 2 months!”

I divorced 4 years ago after being married over 20 years (we were together 26 yrs and have 3 kids) Then 15 months ago I reconnected with a guy I was friends with all thru high school.( We actually dated a few times during high school and college!!)We have had a long distance romance off and on for the past 15 months. When he broke up with me 2 months ago I thought I was ok with the decision and I thought it was over but I’ve been reading your emails for a while now and when I realized a month ago that I wanted to reconcile but wasn’t sure how he felt about it (plus he just started seeing someone else!) I tried a few playful flirty texts. He wrote back after the first one that I “had his attention!”!! Then 3 weeks ago I sent a picture message (g -rated but poolside!!) And said I thought he might like to see what he was missing!! his comment back was that he “was wanting me” We have texted or talked almost every day since. I have used almost every suggestion such as the “try not to think about…” And especially the “imagine ” texts —they all work!! I have saved all of our texts!!I think the most fun I had was on aug 24th-the day of the earthquake on the east coast (the day was close to the “anniversary ” of our being together 30 years ago). So I texted him the words to the old Carole King song about feeling the” earth move under my feet” – and stuff about my “trembling ” because I was reminiscing about the earthshaking makeout session we had 30 years ago that we both fondly remember!!! We had lots of fun with that !! We are planning on seeing each other tomorrow for the first time in over 2 months! We both are looking forward to it. I will let you know how it goes. If we “get back together”,the credit will be yours!!! Reading your emails gave me the confidence to “go for it ” and armed with your suggestions made it easy!!


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    SabrinaWritten by Sabrina

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