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Never Say Never

Biography of my Great-Grandfather

By Aashini RastogiPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 6 min read
Never Give Up On Your Dreams

This is the tale of an inspirational man with an amazing legacy, a man that was unbelievably determined and never let any obstacle get in his way. He was one with utmost dedication and resilience. He strived for excellence, come what may. He was struck with numerous major setbacks, but didn’t let them daunt him. He was truly one of a kind. And he was my great-grandfather Visheshwar Prasad Rastogi.

He had a large family, which consisted of six brothers (including him) and two sisters. They were severely impoverished and lived in a very tiny abode. He was the youngest of all eight siblings, and when he was just four years old, his mother passed away. Leaving only his inexperienced father to raise eight children. They lived a very simple life with absolutely no luxuries.

On one occasion, six year old Visheshwar was playing outside when he was stung by an ‘Asian Giant Hornet’ otherwise known as the ‘Killer Hornet’ or ‘Murder Hornet’. The insect had stung him just below his left knee, causing it to swell up and redden. At that moment, he didn’t know what hit him. All he knew was that an agonizing pain had sprung up in his leg and that it had quite noticeably swelled up. In immense pain, he hobbled home and explained what had happened to his family. He recounted that he had just been playing when a huge bee-like insect had stung him. His family assumed that it was just a bee sting, and applied some home remedies and medicines to it, expecting the swelling to cease. Days passed, and he complained that the pain had worsened. The swelling hadn’t lessened one bit, and remained noticeably large. Aching day in and day out, he complained that he couldn’t even move his leg without severe pain. Worried, his father finally agreed to take him to the doctor.

At the time, visiting the doctor was a huge expense, especially for poverty stricken families. Still, they went to a small medical clinic, where a doctor tried to figure out what was causing him so much pain. After examining his leg for what seemed like eternity, the doctor established that unfortunately he had been unsuccessful in discovering the cause of his agony. Growing increasingly more concerned, his father spent a large fraction of his savings on securing an appointment in a hospital. Upon arrival there, doctors painstakingly unearthed the cause of his pain; venom of the Killer Hornet. Hearing this washed a wave of shock over the family, it wasn’t a bee sting after all! The poison had spread throughout his lower leg and was speedily progressing through his upper leg. The only way to cure him of this unbearable pain was to amputate his lower leg…

The family considered this, and since there was no other option, they agreed. Unfortunately for them, their financial situation attained the surgery a very low priority and it was done in haste. They weren’t prioritized by the hospital and the amputation surgery was performed carelessly. Procedures were not followed and post-surgery care was terrible. Furthermore, his family wasn’t able to support him much either, his father had to work every single day to be able to provide enough for his large family. Still, he persisted. He remained optimistic and success driven. He patiently recovered and adjusted to his new life. Months passed, and he slowly but surely returned to school.

Due to their already impoverished situation, people would mock and ridicule the children, saying they would never get a good education and fend for themselves in life. They were not the only ones though. At this point in time, many families were extremely poverty-stricken, living in scarcity. The situation was so terrible that people were leaving their homes, and even trying to escape the country. Visheshwar’s oldest brother, had been married for only five years, before sadly perishing during the Spanish Flu Pandemic, which lasted from 1918 to 1920. Since the family lacked a mother, his widow took it upon herself to care and cook while their father worked long, laborious hours just to provide for the family.

Still, he persevered. He had the fire within to learn, to expand his knowledge, and to acquire wisdom. He continued going to school, crawling on the dusty jagged ground until 8th grade. He was so poor that his family couldn’t afford electricity, but still, he found a way. He studied under the street lamps on the road, making sure never to miss a single assignment. Though he was mocked, bullied, and ridiculed, he didn’t let any of it faze him. He completed his lower education with flying colours and then aspired to continue his educational journey. To do so, he had to move to his sister’s house (who had married and moved away) and wear her son’s old, second hand clothes and old belongings. But he remained fiercely motivated and graduated high school with top scores in every subject.

He then applied to Banaras Hindu University (BHU) to complete his tertiary education. When he arrived there for a tour, the principal upon seeing him, instantly rejected him saying that a disabled person would not be permitted to study at his prestigious university. He remarked that there were too many staircases on the campus, and if Visheshwar injured himself, there would be severe consequences for the university. He also doubted whether or not Visheshwar could even climb the stairs. With a smile on his face, Visheshwar instantly crawled up the stairs and assured the principal that he would be fine, and would take full responsibility for any injuries that may happen. Upon seeing his dedication and aspiration to learn, the principal was easily convinced. He was accepted into BHU. Once he started there, many students were hostile towards him and discriminated against him for his disability, leaving him out of many discussions and groups. But he remained unbothered and goal-oriented. Constantly showcasing his talent, determination and the uncontrollable desire to learn. He was granted a 100% scholarship to BHU and didn't need to pay for his accommodation, food or tuition. He had a wonderful time at college, making many cherished memories, and acquiring and developing numerous skills.

He completed an MCom (Masters in Commerce) from BHU. Then obtained a job as a teacher at a nearby school. Later, after establishing a deep connection with all the students and showing that he cared about empowering young people, he was appointed the principal of that school. He had innumerable skills and an incredible personality; he was fluent in English, Sanskrit and Hindi, he was a proficient swimmer (from before, and even after his injury), and a great chef. He even found a way to give back to the community he had come from, and offered free English, and Commerce tuition to children of all age groups. He truly was an amazing and kind hearted principal, undeniably one of the best in that school’s history.

Even after going through so many hardships, his misfortune continued. At his school, a teacher was jealous of Visheshwar and filed a court case against him. Accusing him of false doings and allegations. Saying that he wasn’t fit to teach and shouldn’t be allowed to stay at that school. Visheshwar was disgusted, but knew he hadn’t done anything wrong. He fought the case with all his might. Fighting to win the case took him all over india. To Mirzapur, Illahabad, Lucknow, and finally, Delhi. In all these places, Visheswar won the court cases, and finally in the Supreme Court of Delhi, his win on the case was final. This process had taken years and years. During this time, his young adulthood had passed.

Soon after, his father passed away, leaving him only with his siblings. When he turned 28, he married Champa Rastogi. They had three daughters. He then got a job in an iron factory, which took him to many different destinations, such as Sri Lanka and Kolkata, all to which he went alone. He toured the Entire India, alone, and on one leg. Finally, at 4am, 3rd of January 1997, he passed away. Leaving his legacy behind for the world to recognise. Visheshwar was an incredible, dedicated and motivated man, who faced challenges head on and never underestimated himself. He faced immense difficulty and innumerable challenges in life, but never let them hold him back. I am so proud to be a descendant of such an inspirational person and strive to keep his legacy alive.


About the Creator

Aashini Rastogi

I'm a young, budding author. I love expressing myself through various types of writing styles and would love to share my love of literature with you!

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  • Deepti K9 months ago

    What an amazing piece of work Aashini! If I didn’t know already I would have not realised that it was written by such a young writer.

  • Divit Garg9 months ago

    This is really inspiring! Nice job Aashini!

  • Richa Shahi9 months ago

    Beautiful work Aashini😍😍 Brought tears to my eyes..Great man n true tribute to him.

  • Susmita Patnaik9 months ago

    Such a beautiful piece of work! I loved reading about your grandfather’s arduous journey and yet his perseverance to keep going! He must be such an inspiration to you. Well done and keep writing 😊❤️

  • Cherisha Agarwal9 months ago

    Beautifully expressed and very captivating story. Well done Aashini❤️❤️

  • Jyoti Rastogi9 months ago

    Truly inspiring and very well written. Well done Aashini!

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