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Man and Wife

Chapter 10

By Arazella SnowPublished 5 days ago 4 min read


The room was silent.

Inhabited by two figures who appeared to be engrossed in some conversation, such quietude which lasted soon came to a halt by the barge-in of some hefty men, aim company of a lady.

One of the men stepped forward, steps heavy as he made his way over to where Bastiano stood.

The fellow shifted his eyes of the figure of the man, onto the form of Isabella sat on a chair not too far away from him.

The lassie was busy with the cookie in her hands, and sought to spare no attention to the disruptive strangers who had just waddled into the room. As much as the lady knew, she could care less about whatever their visit was, and whoever the dame they had arrived with, is.

"il Padrone" The voice of Gustav had managed to earn the attention of a standing Bastiano who suddenly had his gaze fixed on his lady visitor.

"The chick stated that you had called for a meet with her" Uttered Gustav, eyes examining the figure stood beside him.

Bastiano only responded with a nod, soon dismissing the men, and at their exit, he turned his attention to her.

"Giorgia" He greeted.

"I would have had Matteo pick you up" Came his words, while he reached to set a kiss on either side of her cheeks.

"I thought your schedule reads of our meeting at this hour, why then do you have a whore at your side?"

And perhaps, that was just enough to snatch the attention of Isabella whose face had been buried all the while in the 'Chatlotte Brontë' Novel held in her grip.

She managed a glance at the lady, letting out a scoff, just before she returned to biting into her cookie.

Bastiano accessed the scene before him.

Having two dames who didn't seem like they fancied each other so much, wasn't what he thought to settle with on a Wednesday afternoon.

Isabella only got to her feet, figure making way to where the forms of Bastiano and the stranger stood.

She saw Bastiano shoot a finger out at her, a bid of keeping her back in place but she was certain to ignore the fellow while she came standing right before the lady.

Walking over to the lady, she goes; "if that's how much you crave him, it wouldn't hurt saying it now, would it?"

"I've grown to know that there's nothing so interesting about this one, and not in my existence will you find him warming my bed" She spat.

She had proceeded to walk away, but suddenly paused mid-way.

"Also..." and in a quick motion, she lunged the novel in her hands, sending a hard whack down onto the lady's cheek.

"I don't go by the tag 'whore!"

And right there, stood in utter silence was an aghast Bastiano, who only remained amused at the scene.

His gaze shifted off an already evading Isabella, onto the figure of Giorgia who remained paused in dissatisfaction.

The lady couldn't hide the woe which she so happened to have walked into.

"I'm sorry about, Chiara" Came the words of Bastiano. "I've always known the lady to be sour...Do forgive her"

"I thought you promised to keep your bitches on leeches?" Uttered Giorgia with a frown now crossing her face.

"This one's different. Special"

He soon motioned for her to come have her seat, and with a pour of wine in a glass for her, he came crouching right before her figure, at once digging out a black box off his coat pocket.

The lady only remained gazing at the piece, scrutiny examining as Bastiano uncovered the box to reveal a diamond 'Chopard' necklace, with her name engraved into it.

"You've always known how to spoil a lady" Uttered Giorgia, reaching to fasten it around her neck.

Slowly, he settled a kiss at the back of her palms, finally resting his gaze in the curious one of the dame.

"The gesture comes with a deal" Came those words which left the lassie steering in her seat.

"What is it?"

"There's someone I need you to go after"

"Someone who's existence has taunted me" Followed Bastiano.

"The last time I saw the Tosser I ran a bullet in him, but I've always know the swine to be stubborn, so stubborn he is, that he happened to laugh death in the face"

"I need you to find Luca Bonnucci".


It appeared as though some sort of load had been set atop the frail shoulders belonging to the dame, for all she found herself doing, was frozen in her seat, gaping at the figure before her.

His eyes were all the while settled in hers, perhaps awaiting a response from the lady, for all she had managed to do for the past minute since his utterance dropped, was bore her gaze in his.

"What do you mean?" Came the voice of Giorgia.

"I need you to go after Luca Bonnucci" He cleared his throat. "Find the bastard, and perhaps I would be fortunate to run a bullet that would bring him down this time around"

"He's always had a thing for you, has he not?"

"What you're asking of me is unfair" Uttered Giorgia.

"You owe me" Followed Bastiano.

"But I don't see how that has to involve me in issues that concerned my past"

"Luca made up almost half of your life" Interjected Bastiano.

"And that chapter is closed"

"I want you to re-open it"

"You'd do that for me, won't you?"


About the Creator

Arazella Snow

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    Arazella SnowWritten by Arazella Snow

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