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How Picking the Right Salesforce SMS App Will Grow Your Business

360 SMS App

By 360 SMSPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

SMS integrated with Salesforce has been an absolute game changer for businesses. It comes with many benefits, such as direct and instant reach, better open rates, personalization, customizations, and two-way communication, to name a few.

Picking the right app for your business is crucial; it can make all the difference. People use their phones all the time for all their needs. The right app will help you reach their preferred channels. This will improve your productivity and customer experience. We will in this blog learn how picking the right app will grow your business.

What to Look for in an App

There are certain parameters that you should check thoroughly before you make your decision. So here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you make the right decision.

Does it Meet your Business Needs?

Business needs can be as specific as your business. So, the first question you need to answer is if the app you are picking meets these requirements. Let's say, for example, you need to send drip campaigns through the SMS app. Check if the app you pick has the capability to do the same.

How Easily Customizable Is the App?

The app you pick should be customizable to suit your needs. This will include speeding up your process, better management of data, etc.; for example, you need your customer queries to go to a specific person and sales queries to another. The app you pick should be able to do this. Apps like SMS Magic are good at this. But SMS magic alternatives like the 360 SMS app make the process much easier.

Does it Have Multi-Channel Support?

Your customers will likely use other platforms, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram. The app you pick should be able to run and manage campaigns across all these platforms. This is crucial as you don't want to use different apps to manage different platforms. You need one app that can manage your muti-channel needs. Apps like the Mogli SMS app do have muti-channel support, but if you need your campaigns to run across various channels, Mogli SMS alternative apps like 360 SMS support at least 11 channels.

Is it User-Friendly

You want the app to be adopted quickly. A quick adoption ensures that your team can use the app with Salesforce. Keeping this in mind, it becomes crucial to your success that the app you pick is user-friendly. It should be designed not just to get things done but also to get them easily. A user-friendly app is deployed quickly and accelerates your business growth.

How Cost and Time Efficient is it?

You need to do an analysis of what your ROI is going to be. You want the app to save you money and time. Most apps do it through automation and customized workflows. You will need an app that makes your team more efficient in doing tasks while saving money. This is why you will need the app in the first place.

What About Data Management?

You want your data to be your power. It gives you critical insights into your business and helps you make better decisions. When you pick an app, it should be configurable to the Salesforce cloud. This will help you keep all your data in one place. You don't want multiple sources of data to complicate the process of analyzing it. A good app will have a single place where you can see and analyze your data. It also makes muti-channel data analysis easier.

How Good is Their Customer Service?

Everything new comes with its challenges, and it's the same with picking the right SMS app. You and your team will be going through a lot of new processes. Things like customization can take some getting used to. You need to pick a partner who can help you at every stage and is available when you encounter any hurdles.


There you have it, your guide for picking the best SMS to boost your business. Make sure you give your selection process enough time. Understanding what your business needs are is the most important step. Your choice of app should have easily customizable options and save your company valuable time and money. Choosing from the many options available on AppExchnage can be tricky. Don't forget to vet the partner you are picking and ask yourself all the questions that are mentioned above.


About the Creator

360 SMS


360 SMS is a one-stop text messaging solution for Salesforce. The app empowers users to communicate effectively with customers and business partners.

360 SMS App

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