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Echoes of Desolation 3

Ghosts of Yesterday

By Nofisat lawalPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Echoes of Desolation 3
Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

In the picturesque village of Ember brook, where ancient cobblestone pathways wound through clusters of quaint cottages, there lived a woman named Evelyn. Once, her home resonated with the joyful echoes of shared laughter and the warmth of family bonds. However, a poignant silence now gripped the rooms, and the walls bore witness to the spectral footprints of a love that had slipped away.

Evelyn's husband, Benjamin, a man of wisdom and tenderness, had departed from this world, leaving behind an emptiness that cast long shadows across their once-happy abode. The village, with its time-worn charm, stood as a backdrop to Evelyn's solitary journey through the haunting memories of yesteryears.

As she moved through the cottage, every creak of the floorboards seemed to whisper Benjamin's name—a spectral echo that tugged at the strings of her heart. The family portraits adorning the walls, frozen moments in time, captured the essence of a love that had blossomed and matured, now existing as ethereal imprints of a joyous past.

The attic, a repository of shared dreams, held remnants of the life they had built together. Dust-covered photo albums, handwritten letters, and artifacts from their travels became a sanctuary where Evelyn communed with the ghosts of yesterday. In each artifact, she found a tangible connection to a love that had not dissipated with the passage of time.

The village square, where once the community had gathered for celebrations, now seemed to harbor a solemn hush whenever Evelyn passed through. Friends and neighbors, with sympathetic glances, offered kind words that hung in the air like fragile whispers. The village, though bustling with life, carried within its stones the silent stories of a woman navigating the haunting echoes of yesterday.

Nights in Ember brook were particularly poignant for Evelyn. The moon cast a gentle glow through the lace curtains, illuminating the spaces once shared with Benjamin. The silence of the night echoed with memories of shared dinners, whispered confessions, and the comforting embrace of familiar arms. The bed, a canvas for dreams painted by two, now bore the weight of solitude.

The garden, once a vibrant kaleidoscope of colors, mirrored the changing seasons of Evelyn's grief. Blooms of spring had given way to the vibrant hues of summer, each petal holding the weight of a love that had weathered the storms. In the garden, Evelyn found solace among the whispers of rustling leaves—a communion with nature that mirrored the ephemerality of life and the enduring legacy of love.

As the anniversary of Benjamin's passing approached, Ember brook seemed to clothe itself in a tender melancholy. The village square, adorned with flickering lanterns, became a place of shared remembrance, where the community gathered to honor the departed. Evelyn, though enveloped in grief, felt a sense of comfort in the shared rituals that transcended the boundaries of solitude.

In the attic, she unearthed a trove of memories—a box of handwritten love letters exchanged between her and Benjamin. The ink on the aged pages seemed to contain the essence of their shared journey—a narrative of love that echoed through time. Each letter unfolded like a chapter, revealing the intricacies of a romance that had deepened with every passing year.

The village, touched by the narrative of Evelyn's grief, embraced her with silent gestures of support. The baker left a loaf of warm bread at her doorstep, and the florist arranged bouquets of her favorite flowers. These acts of kindness, though unable to fill the void left by Benjamin's absence, became gentle reminders that, in the village of Ember brook, the echoes of yesterday were acknowledged and shared.

On the eve of the anniversary, the village square transformed into an intimate gathering—a collective effort to celebrate Benjamin's life and the enduring bond he shared with Evelyn. Lanterns illuminated the faces of friends and neighbors, their expressions a mosaic of empathy and understanding. Evelyn, holding a flickering candle, felt the warmth of communal remembrance as the ghosts of yesterday danced in the gentle breeze.

In the attic, where shadows merged with artifacts, Evelyn discovered an unexpected gift—a forgotten journal containing Benjamin's reflections and musings. Each page unfolded like a dialogue between their souls, a testament to the enduring connection that transcended the boundary between the living and the departed.

As Emberbrook embraced the echoes of yesterday, Evelyn, though surrounded by the spectral footprints of love lost, discovered that the ghosts of yesterday could be gentle companions in her journey. The village, with its winding cobblestone paths and weathered cottages, became a tapestry where grief and community interwove—a testament to the resilience of a woman navigating the haunting beauty of a love that lingered in the spaces between memories. In Ember brook's collective remembrance, Evelyn found not only solace but also the enduring presence of a love that would forever echo through the corridors of yesterday.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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  1. Expert insights and opinions

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  2. Eye opening

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  3. Heartfelt and relatable

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  4. Masterful proofreading

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  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (4)

  • Aduife Oluwa6 months ago


  • Great

  • Nofisat Owoyemi6 months ago

    Hmmmm wawo

  • Owoyemi Nofisat6 months ago


NLWritten by Nofisat lawal

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