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Dimensional Traveler 01

Chapter 1: To the Library (Can we kill a teacher yet?)

By XoshaversePublished 4 months ago Updated 3 months ago 10 min read


To my daughter, who pushed me to write as much and when I could manage, since she always seems to know when I was making an attempt at working and would decide that was the best time to call for attention.

Chapter 1: To the Library (Can we kill a teacher yet?)

Graduation Project

“Hey, Mia! Are you paying attention at all?” A bronze skinned girl with soulful, dark brown eyes whispered to a honey skinned girl with bored, hazel eyes lounging in the seat next to her. “Since when Lyra?” Mia questioned in a hushed tone. “Graduation project is completely pointless, especially with Lyguin teaching it.” She whispered back before attempting to stifle a long yawn.

Lyra made an exasperated facial expression. “Can you shoot me please?” She jokingly begged her friend. “No,” came Mia’s tired, nonchalant reply. “Why not?!” Lyra whined slightly indignant. “Because then I would have to suffer listening to Bucket O’ Shush by myself.” Mia smirked as she side-eyed her best friend.

As if it was planned out, not even a moment later— “SHUSH!” A petite, plump, long cocoa colored, frizzy haired teacher yelled towards the two girls. “Mia Palmeiro and Lyra Fernandez, do you want to stay with me after school?” Her shrill voice asked, as she sent an icy glare in their direction. The girls flinched at the thought of having to do such a thing, again.

“No, Doctor Pompas. Sorry.” They said in unison, quite use to the dialog currently happening. Doctor Pompas nodded and turned back around to the board, her shrill voice ringing throughout the hell hole known as graduation project. Luckily, before Lyra had time to start whining and bugging Mia again, the bell rang. The girls grabbed their respective book bags and hastily exited the hated classroom.

“Finally!” Lyra exclaimed excitingly, as they weaved their way through the throng of people in the hallway. “I can barely stand two seconds with that freaky, annoying, lion, penguin, teacher person, um, well, thing. I should cut —“ Before she had a chance to dive into a long winded, off topic rant Mia spoke. “Lyra,” she interrupted, as they strolled down a less congested corridor. “Huh?” Lyra looked over at her quizzically.

“Back to your original thought process. You can barely stand—” Mia prompted, attempting to steer her train of thought back on track. “Oh, right! My bad. Anyway, I can barely stand two seconds with her. Why the hell do we have to deal with, not one but two, forty-five-minute classes with her?” she questioned rhetorically.

“Simple, it is because this school is insane. No other reasons really. We already knew that though” came Mia’s biased retort. By now the two had made their way to their Japanese class. Entering the classroom, they noticed a substitute teacher sitting at the front desk with a large stack of papers beside them. As they greeted some of their classmates, they went to take their usual seats situated in the back corner of the class beside the large bay windows. Lyra sat on the non-functioning radiator, while Mia hopped onto the top of a two-drawer filing cabinet. Having arrived at the classroom early, the bell had yet to ring, so they continued conversing about various topics until the bell rang.

It was going to basically be a free period because there was a substitute teaching the class. The substitute handed everybody ten worksheets that were front and back. The girls took the sheets and were done within the first fifteen minutes of class. Lyra then pulled out her Saiyuki playing cards while Mia pulled out her Ouran High School Host Club ones. Though, neither one actually played with them. They were mainly for them to look at the cute, adorable, and hot guys that were on the front and the back of the cards. Besides the random friendly arguments that ensued the period went well. Finally, the bell rang, but the girls lingered in the classroom for as long as they could before slowly walking to the worst place ever, English class.

School Daze

As the girls made their way to the next class, they were dragging their feet when Mia said “Hey, Lyra?” Lyra replied sullenly, “Yeah?” Mia continued. “Is education necessary?” she questioned. “Do you really need to ask?” came Lyra’s sarcastic response. Mia let out an audible sigh, “Never mind.”

Walking into the constantly freezing classroom, they nodded hello to Mr. I’shire with contempt and took their usual seats in the back row. “This class is so fucking pointless, like I don't already know English! I speak the damn language every day!” Lyra hissed angrily. “Tell me about it” Mia replied annoyed.

As the class sluggishly dragged on, it took both of them all of their will power to keep them from falling asleep. Right before class ended, Mr. I’shire ever so kindly informed the class that they had a book report due on Monday. Luckily for him, the bell rang before the entire class had a chance to jump him without missing lunch or their next class.

“I really don't feel like hitting the library this weekend.” Lyra said as they reached the stairwell. “Neither do I, but we have to since that jerk made this worth two-hundred points.” Mia gritted out as they descended the steps. “Bastard” Lyra grumbled. “You know it, but if we don't do it we'll drop two whole letter grades.” Mia said while playing with the chain at her side. “Yea, I know. It's still gonna be a pain in the ass though.” Lyra stated clearly annoyed. "Yup, but the worst part is that he's probably going to lose it like everything else and then blame it on the students as usual." Shaking her head she thought of all the times that had already happened.

The two teens reached the bottom of the steps and walked into the cafeteria to get lunch or at least their version of it. Their school had a student run store within the cafeteria which sold a variety of homemade snacks, treats, and alternative beverages. After hanging out with their friends and talking about whatever popped into their heads the bell rang to go to their sixth period class.

“Let’s head to the library after school to start that report. The sooner we get it done the better our weekend will be.” Mia said while grabbing her folders and a textbook from her locker. “Alright. We’ll meet here and then walk to the library.” Lyra said as she grabbed one of the many graphic novels that filled the shelves of her locker. “Okay, cool with me” Mia replied as she snatched a graphic novel out of Lyra's locker as they said their farewells and headed off to their next class.

As per usual the day dragged on as though it would never end. The students walked around like brainless zombies going from class to class, following the same schedule just like they had done a hundred times before. Finally, the last bell rang and as if the spell that had been cast on the whole student body was lifted, all of the students went to their lockers to gather their belongings and fled the school as fast as humanly possible.

As they agreed they met at their lockers and once they had gotten rid of their school stuff headed outside. They didn't have to walk far to get to the library since it was down the street and around the corner past the gas station. As they rounded the corner, they decided to stop at the gas station to stock up on food, junk, and drinks. By the time they had exited the store they had both spent around twenty dollars and the sun had begun to set.

The sun had already descended towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. The sky was painted with shades of pink, orange, and purple, as if a talented artist had brushed their canvas with a masterful hand. The clouds floated lazily in the sky; their edges illuminated with a fiery hue. The air was still and quiet, with only the occasional car passing in the distance.

As the sun continued its descent, the shadows grew longer, stretching across the land and creating a sense of peacefulness. The trees and buildings were silhouetted against the colorful sky, creating a dramatic and beautiful scene. A gentle breeze carried the slight scent of rain and a freshly cooked meal, adding to the tranquil atmosphere. The setting sun was a breathtaking sight, a perfect end to a not so perfect day.

The Library

The library was a majestic building with a grand entrance. The exterior was made of sturdy stone and was adorned with intricate carvings and columns. The large double doors were made of dark wood that were flanked by tall arched windows. Above the entrance, a clock tower stood tall, displaying the time for all to see.

The front lawn was well-manicured and featured various flower beds and trees. A paved walkway led up to the entrance, with benches scattered along the way for visitors to rest and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

The library’s name was prominently displayed in bold letters above the entrance, along with the year it was established. The building’s architecture was a beautiful blend of modern and traditional styles, giving it a timeless and elegant appearance.

Along the side of the building, you could see a large parking lot for visitors to park their cars. There was also a designated area for bicycle parking, promoting Eco-friendly transportation.

The library’s windows were adorned with colorful stained glass, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. From the outside, one could catch a glimpse of the shelves filled with books, creating a sense of anticipation and curiosity.

The surroundings were relatively quiet and peaceful, creating a tranquil atmosphere for visitors to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The building was situated in a serene neighborhood, with greenery and nature all around.

Overall, the outside of the library exuded a sense of grandeur and sophistication, while also promoting a peaceful and welcoming environment for all who enter. It was a place where knowledge, beauty, and serenity come together, inviting all to explore and discover.

As they entered the building they were met with rows upon rows of books, plush armchairs and sofas, ornate bookshelves, and huge windows that let in plenty of light. The walls were lined with paintings and sculptures, and there were cozy reading nooks scattered throughout. A grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, adding to the elegant atmosphere.

The space was filled with the scent of old books and the soft sound of pages turning. In the center of the room, there was a large fireplace with a crackling flame, perfect for curling up with a book on a cold day. The library was the perfect haven, inviting visitors to escape into the world of literature and lose themselves in its beauty.

There were only a couple of people inside, most of which were putting their things on to leave. "How about we split up. If we find a good book, we can use that." Mia suggested. They both headed to the fictional section, each taking a row. It wasn't long before the librarian came on over the intercom saying that the library was closing in fifteen minutes.

Mia went to the last row of fictional books, looking them all over, but not finding a single good one. She was at the end of the row, all the way in the corner, looking at the last of the books when she bumped into a book cart. The jolt from the bump caused a single book to fall off of the cart. Mia looked down at the fallen book and bent to pick it up. An intricate golden design wrapped around the front, side, and back of the book, but no title was on it. She was surprised to see that it was softly glowing silver.

"Hey, come here for a sec!"Mia whispered to Lyra who was searching the rows of books on the other side of the bookshelf she was in front of. Lyra came around the corner and glanced over her shoulder at the book. "Why is that book glowing?" she questioned. "How the hell should I know?" Mia replied as she opened the book and paged through it only to find that the pages were empty. "What the hell?!" Lyra said baffled. "That's so fucking stupid. Why the hell would they have a blank book in a library?"

Mia just shrugged as she began to go through the pages once more. Nothing. The book was completely blank. Not a single word or picture in it. It didn't make any sense at all. ‘A completely empty book in a library?’ Mia didn't know what to make of it. She decided to page through it one more time. That is when something caught her eye, so she went back to the page only to find something she never expected.

"Hey, check it out" she said placing the page in front of Lyra's face. As they looked at the page, they saw bold golden words slowly appearing as if being written by an invisible hand. Once the writing had stopped it looked like a poem verse. Simultaneously, they started to read what it said aloud.

Travel through time, dimensions, and space,

In order to reveal secrets hidden,

Take my heart to where it needs to be,

To find a place that is perfect for me.

As they uttered the final words the faint silver glow around the book began to grow brighter. Then, a giant black and dark purple hole appeared in front of them, sucked them in and disappeared just as quickly as it had arrived. As the silver glow started to slowly fade, on the page in silver cursive lettering were three simple words:

It has begun...

Copyright ©2024 Fable Galactica

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Chapter 2 >>>


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Comments (1)

  • Lynne Norvell4 months ago

    I’m liking the story so far. It’s off to a good start, hopefully it will continue and even get better!

XoshaverseWritten by Xoshaverse

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