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Dimensional Traveler 03

Chapter 3: What the hell? (Where the fuck am I?) Part II

By XoshaversePublished 3 months ago Updated 28 days ago 9 min read

Chapter 3: What the hell? (Where the fuck am I?) Part II


The first thing Mia noticed were the two sleek, black, triangular ears with white tips, on the top of her head. Two small hoop earrings, one red and the other blue, set pierced in the right ear near the tip, the ears that had resided on the side of her face were gone. Her once shoulder-length dark brown hair, was now jet black, flowing down to her waist, a silver streak running through the length of her hair, silver highlighted bangs dangling just above her long eyelashes.

Staring at her reflection, Mia was stunned, her once hazel orbs were now dark chocolate brown with royal purple slits. She wore a tight, long-sleeved, black kimono top, outlined in silver, it was light, yet comfortable and designed for easy movement. A royal purple crescent moon facing upwards, cradling an open blood-red rose, was embroidered in the upper right-hand corner. Silver flames danced halfway up her torso and wrist-long sleeves, her toned midsection on full display.

Around her neck, she wore a black leather choker, that same symbol fashioned as a silver charm. A black leather bracelet with silver spikes adorned each of her wrists. The pants were made of the same material as the shirt, the silver flames dancing halfway up the pant legs. Sturdy, black tennis shoes adorned her feet, the same crescent moon symbol on the outer side of each shoe. A long, furry, black tail, outlined in white, gently swished back and forth behind her.

On her back were two black scabbards, with silver lining, crossed in an "X" fashion. Mia grabbed each of the protruding hilts and pulled the blades from the scabbards. The twin dao swords were a sight to behold, exuding an aura of power and grace. Each sword was crafted with the finest precision and care, resulting in a flawless pair of weapons.

They had been forged from solid black metal, with a sharp edge that reflected the glare of the sun. Embedded in the center of each sword was a diamond-shaped blood-red ruby, white swirls seemed to move inside of them as if they were alive. The hilts were adorned with intricate carvings, depicting a wolf with wings in various forms, and made from a durable wood.

What made these twin dao swords truly magnificent was their unique design. The two swords were identical in every way, perfectly matching each other in size and shape, allowing for a seamless flow of movements, when wielded by a skilled warrior. The balance of the swords was impeccable, making them effortless to wield and maneuver. The weight was evenly distributed, allowing for swift and precise strikes, while also providing a strong defense when needed.

Mia placed the swords back into their scabbards, then sat down in a patch of grass, a couple of feet from the stream. Her mind was racing, various thoughts and scenarios running rampant, in her overactive imagination. Though the sweet new outfit, the awesome weapons, and this gorgeous-looking place were all pretty cool, plus she had ears and a tail, which was weird but kind of cool too. She still needed to figure out where she was and where Lyra was as well.

She thought about the last thing she could remember, ‘We were in the library searching for a book report. I had bumped into a book cart, a book fell, we opened it.’ She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to recall what happened, then her eyes popped wide open. ‘Now I remember, we found some verse, read it aloud, then a black hole or vortex thing opened up and we both got sucked in.’ Mia’s excitement faded just as quickly as it had appeared, once she thought, ‘Damn it! That still doesn’t tell me where the fuck I am!’

The Storm

Mia sat there by the flowing stream for what felt like hours, the sun had started to set long ago. Soon, the trees began to rustle and sway in the wind, and the birds flew for cover. The air was thick with the scent of rain and the sound of distant thunder.

As the first drops of rain fell, the animals by the stream scurried to find shelter. Squirrels darted up trees, rabbits hopped into their burrows, and deer sought refuge under the cover of leaves. The forest floor was soon covered in a blanket of fallen leaves and twigs.

The rain came down in sheets, pounding against the forest canopy. The wind howled and whipped through the trees, causing branches to creak and sway. The once bright and sunny forest was now dark and foreboding.

As the storm raged on, Mia, knew she needed to find shelter quickly. She began making her way through the woods, but the heavy rain and strong winds were making it nearly impossible to see anything.

Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, she stumbled upon a small cave hidden behind a large rock formation. Mia's heart raced with excitement as she made her way inside, grateful for the temporary refuge from the storm.

The cave was dark and damp, but it was better than being out in the open. Mia huddled in a corner and tried to catch her breath. The thunder roared outside, but she felt safe and protected inside the cave.

Mia's eyes adjusted to the dim light, and she noticed that the cave was bigger than she initially thought. She could see a small tunnel leading deeper into the cave and she couldn't resist the urge to explore.

As she made her way deeper into the cave, she discovered a small pond with crystal-clear water. Mia was amazed, she had never seen such a beautiful sight before. She kneeled and cupped her hands, taking a sip of the cool water. It was the most refreshing thing she had tasted in a long time.

Feeling rejuvenated, Mia continued to explore the cave. She found an opening in the wall that led to a hidden chamber. Inside, there were shelves filled with books, scrolls, and potions and a comfortable bed made out of soft moss.

Mia couldn't believe her luck. Not only had she found shelter from the storm, but she had also stumbled upon a cozy little hideaway. She decided to make herself at home for the time being since the weather didn’t give her many other choices. Needing to get out of her wet clothes, she decided to light a fire, remembering seeing some twigs just outside the cave entrance. If the twigs hadn’t gotten too wet, she would soon have a roaring fire blazing.

Making her way back to the entrance, Mia began gathering twigs, her pace hasty, wanting to return to the warmer part of the cave. She was engrossed in her thoughts, when suddenly, she heard a low growling sound, making her freeze in her tracks. Looking out into the stormy darkness, she saw a pair of glowing golden eyes, peering from the shadows.

Lightening flashed across the sky, illuminating the shadows, and giving form to the silhouette that those piercing eyes belonged to. A large wolf-like creature stood before her, but this was no ordinary wolf. It stood taller than any wolf Mia had ever seen, and those eyes bore into her, as she felt a shiver run down her spine. The silhouette stepped forward, revealing its full form — it was a Fenrir, a legendary monster, known for its strength and ferocity.


Despite the fear coursing through her veins, Mia couldn’t help but be mesmerized by its beauty. It had sleek black fur on a strong build as it stood at an intimidating height, with sky blue markings on its face and halfway up all four of its paws. Large paws, tipped with sharp silver claws, dripping with blood.

‘Blood?’ Mia thought, as she noticed the Fenrir was injured, its front paw held up off of the ground, blood flowing from a large gash down its leg. A hand-sized puddle had already formed in the short time that the Fenrir stood near the entrance. ‘Poor thing. You must be in so much pain.’ Mia thought sadly.

Without thinking Mia reached out her hand, offering it to the creature. To her amazement, the Fenrir nuzzled its head against her hand, almost as if it was seeking comfort. Mia couldn’t believe it — she was having a peaceful interaction with a powerful and feared legendary creature.

Feeling a surge of bravery, she decided to try and help the Fenrir. In a soft and gentle voice, she coaxed, “Oh mighty Fenrir, said to possess a sense of intelligence and cunning. I am Mia Palmeiro, a lost traveler taking shelter from the storm. Please, enter from this chaotic night’s weather and allow me to tend to your wounds.” Mia gestured towards the opening of the cave, safe and protected from the raging elements outside.

The Fenrir watched her intently for several moments, its eyes never leaving her face, before slowly walking farther into the cave. It took a seat about three feet inside the cave, just far enough to be out of the storm’s reach. Mia cautiously approached the Fenrir, carefully inspecting its wound, and finding a deep gash just above its paw.

“I should be able to bandage that up for you. Let me just go grab some supplies. Be right back,” Mia said as she turned and headed further into the cave. It wasn’t long before she returned with a tiny medical kit bag, a towel, and a small bowl in hand. Walking over to the entrance, she set the bowl down, outside the safety of the cave’s shelter, placing a decent-sized rock inside.

Returning to the Fenrir, Mia knelt and opened the medical kit, the contents neatly displayed and organized. “It’s a good thing I never leave home without this. My friends think it’s silly, that I won’t need any of this stuff, but who is it that they always run to first when something happens, eh.” Mia said nonchalantly as she rummaged through the bag’s contents, pulling out soap, gauze, a clean cloth, antibiotic ointment, and bandages.

She set them aside on the towel before getting up to grab the bowl of water, which was already overflowing. Taking the stone out, the water was at a more agreeable level, so Mia walked back over to the Fenrir. She calmly explained, “I’ll need to clean that wound before I can bandage it. This may sting a little, but you’ll have to bear with it.”

Mia started to clean the wound with the collected rainwater, using about one-third of the bowl. She then took the soap and poured some over the wound, gently rubbing the area, making sure to remove any dirt or debris. Using another one-third of the water bowl, she rinsed the soap away. Grabbing the gauze and clean cloth, she applied pressure to the wound to stop any remaining bleeding.

Once the blood had stopped, she applied a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the wound to prevent infection. Not that she was even sure Fenrir could get infections, but it was better to be safe than sorry. So, she did it anyway, covered it with the remaining gauze, then bandaged the wound and secured it in place.

Once Mia was done, the Fenrir stood up and let out a low howl, it was deep and rumbling, sending chills down Mia’s spine. Taken aback, Mia wasn’t sure what it meant, when the Fenrir suddenly licked her cheek and started nuzzling her neck. Mia couldn’t refrain from the fit of giggles, the Fenrir’s whiskers were tickling her, its cold, wet nose repeatedly touching her skin.

“Glad you’re feeling a bit better,” Mia said as she lovingly petted the Fenrir’s head. “Why don’t we get some rest and start the day anew, eh.” The purring sound emanating from the Fenrir grew in intensity, agreeing with Mia’s statement. As the two ventured deeper into the cave, the storm was calming down, the rain turning into a gentle drizzle. Soon they drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and content in the cozy little cave.

Copyright ©2024 Fable Galactica

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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<<< Chapter 2

Next update: 7/4/24

Authors Note: Dimensional Traveler will be going on hiatus due to HQ relocation efforts commencing. We will be returning shortly, PLUS, there will also be new member-only perks available. We look forward to seeing you soon! ~Fable Galactica


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