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Cup of Chai

a story of love

By DexeePublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Cup of Chai
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

A cup of CHAI is a gentle reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there is always time for a moment of PEACE.

Its 6:30 am. The sun has risen already, and the rays are gently entering the lounge area. I splash water on my face mindlessly thinking about task list for today. I start preparing the breakfast for kids, lunchboxes, lay out the clothes and all. Alright, time to wake them up and let the hustling start. Its chaos, getting them ready and then heading out the door to school. Finally, one task is done for the day, now onto next one.

The minute I step back home, I put on the kettle. Whil the water is boiling, I place my orange pekoe teabag in my favorite transparent cup, crush a few cloves of cardamom, add it to cup, add my favorite shakkar (type of brown sugar) and wait patiently for water to boil over. While im waiting to hear the kettle whistle, I make a note of my must wins for the day: like sending out email which I've been dreading, need to call my dentist asap and also book that haircut. Let's not forget i have to change the bedsheets today too... list goes on. . . Finally I hear the whistle which brings me out of my thoughts and back to reality, time to pour water into cup. As soon as water hits the teabag and cardamoms, the aroma is bliss. Just add a splash of full fat milk and ta-da!! So looking forward to first cup of chai. I've been craving this cuppa chai since 6:30 am. I got it finally. And well deserved too.

It's an art making perfect cup of tea. It takes perfect amount of ingredients, but also perfect amount of love to get the desired goodness in a cup. It's like a mini session of therapy with myself. It calms me down. Gives me a moment to myself to think, embrace, respond.

People say coffee is hug in a mug, but they have no idea what chai is. Chai is our answer to all the qualms of life; to all the ups and downs, new and old, happiness and grief; chai is our partner in moment of truths, friends spill tea over a cup of tea; what a conundrum! I don't have specific timings for it, but it's mandatory in morning and night. Chai, anytime, anyplace. It's a commitment, a form of love.

As I settle down on the sofa silently, looking outside the window to this huge lake and beautiful skies, I take my first sip in peace, love and gratitude... This bliss is beyond measure. Its not the big things which have a huge impact, but these small moments which make all the difference. This cup of chai feels like selfcare, warmth, a promise! Its romantic in its own way! And all day I look forward to this.

Once I'm done drinking my chai, I'll start tackling my day tasks. Do laundry, cook food, deliver that big project I have been working on, set up dr's appointment, order groceries, tidy up, make a mental note to buy birthday gift for my friend, remind husband of some pending tasks, fix the kids room, answer that work call, make weekend plans, pick up kids, feed them, entertain them, teach them, quick showers etc. Fast forward, dinner is served. Where has the day gone. Put kids to bed, catch up with husband, watch a tv show. Blah Blah Blah.

Finally, everyone is in bed. And I go back to my favorite part of the day, chai, having it in peace while I glance at the lake outside, glistening under moonlight, and count all my blessing, a roof over my head, food in the fridge, a loving family, beautiful kids who are growing up way too fast, good job, friends and this time!!

I turn to reading a book, sipping on my chai and reflecting back on the day, being grateful for all my blessings.


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