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Chapter 6 The Letters 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'X' and 'Z'

Word parts for medical professions

By Mark GrahamPublished about a month ago 3 min read
medical professional (

The Letter 'S'

1. What is the prefix for 'tube, fallopian tube'? salping- (i,o)

2. What is the prefix for 'blood'? sanguin- (o)

3. What is the prefix for 'malignant (cancer) connective tissue'? sarc-(o)

4. What is the suffix for 'tumor, cancer'? -sarcoma

5. What is the prefix for 'hardening'? scler- (o)

6. What is the suffix for 'dryness or hardness'? -sclerosis

7. What is the suffix for 'examining instrument'? -scope

8. What is the suffix for 'observation'? -scopy

9. What is the suffix for 'cut'? -sect

10. What is the prefix for 'half, part'? semi-


1. What is the prefix for 'poison, rot, infection'? sep-(ti)

2. What is the prefix for 'left'? sinist-(o)

3. What is the prefix for 'body'? soma- (t)

4. What is the prefix for 'sound'? son- (o)

5. What is the suffix for 'involuntary contraction'? -spasm

6. What is the prefix for 'spermatozoa, make sperm (sex) cell'? sperm-(ato)

7. What is the prefix for 'spleen'? splen-(o)

8. What is the suffix for 'stoppage, maintaining a constant level'? -stasis

9. What is the prefix for 'contracted, narrow'? steno-

10. What is the prefix for 'sternum, breastbone'? stern-(o)


1. What does the prefix 'stoma-t' mean? mouth

2. What does the suffix '-stomy' mean? artificial opening

3. What does the prefix 'sub' mean? less, under, below

4. What does the prefix 'sup- (er, ra) mean? above, upon, over, higher in position

5. What does the prefix 'sym-, syn-' mean? joined, fused together


The Letter 'T'

1. What does the prefix 'tach- (o,y) mean? rapid, fast

2. What does the prefix 'ten- (do, o)' mean? tendon

3. What does the prefix 'tetra' mean? four

4. What does the suffix 'therapy' mean? treatment

5. What does the prefix 'therm- (o,y)' mean? heat

6. What does the prefix 'thorac- (o)' mean? thorax, chest

7. What does the prefix 'thromb- (o) mean? clot, thrombus

8. What does the prefix 'thym- (o)' mean? thymus gland

9. What does the prefix 'thyr-' mean? thyroid gland

10. What does the suffix '-tome' mean? instrument that cuts


1. What does the suffix 'tox- (ic)' mean? poison

2. What does the prefix 'trach- (e,i,o) mean? trachea, windpipe

3. What does the prefix 'trans' mean? across, over, beyond

4. What does the prefix 'tri' mean? three

5. What does the prefix 'trich-(o)' mean? hair

6. What does the suffix 'trips- (y) mean? crushing by rubbing or grinding

7. What does the suffix 'trophy' mean? nutrition, growth, development

8. What does the prefix 'tympan (o)' mean? eardrum, tympanic membrane

The Letter 'U'

1. What does the prefix 'ultra' mean? beyond, excess

2. What does the prefix 'uni' mean? one

3. What does the prefix 'ur- (o)' mean? urine, urinary tract

4. What does the prefix 'ureter (o)' mean? ureter (tube from kidney to bladder)

5. What does the prefix 'urethr-(o)' mean? urethra (tube from bladder to urinary meatus)

6. What does the suffix '-uria' mean? urine

7. What does the prefix 'uter- (o)' mean? uterus, womb


The Letter 'V'

1. What is the prefix for 'vessel, duct'? vas- (o)

2. What is the prefix for 'vein'? ven- (o)

3. What is the prefix for 'to the front, abdomen'? ventro-

4. What is the prefix for 'spine, vertebrae'? vertebr- (o)

5. What is the prefix for 'urinary bladder'? vesic- (o)

6. What is the prefix for 'internal organs' viscer- (o)

7. What is the prefix for 'necessary for life'? vit- (o)


The Letter 'X'

1. What is the prefix for 'yellow'? xanth- (o)

2. What is the suffix for 'strange, abnormal'? -xenia


The Letter 'Z'

1. What is the prefix for 'animal'? zoo-

2. What is the prefix for 'enzymes'? zyme-


Note: As stated earlier all these word parts are from 'Diversified Health Occupations' textbook. This was the final chapter of 'Word Parts for the Medical Professions'.


About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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  • “M”about a month ago


  • Allwyn Roman Waghelaabout a month ago

    Superb as always

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