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Chapter 3: Visit From An Old Friend

By Michelle HillPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

Chapter 3: Visit From An Old Friend

I shot up from my bed, trying to control my breathing. I look at the alarm clock on my night stand. The bright red numbers telling me it was four in the morning. Another dream taking me back to my past. I move the covers off of me and I swing my legs to the side of the bed.

I can see the glow of the street lights coming through my window. I let out a sigh and stand up. I stretch and let out a small groan. I throw on a shirt and open my window. I just needed some air. The last two weeks have been, I guess pretty great. Haley and I met on the rooftop almost every single night, just to talk. Okay well, she's does most of the talking.

I climb out my window and sit down on the fire escape. New York City at four in the morning was somewhat peaceful. I take in a deep breath and let it out. My family is trying to find me. They've been trying to find me for the last six months. They're the reason why I can't sleep. In my dreams I can feel them trying to track me. It was their way of saying it was time for me to claim my throne.

But I couldn't go home just yet. It's always been a right of passage for the heir to find their soulmate. I left home thirty years ago. My ancestors before me would find their soulmates within the first decade, but not me. I had to be sure. The visions I got with Haley were a sure sign she's my soulmate. However, I can't just break it to her right away. It was going to take time.

In our tradition once we find our soulmate, we supposed to take them back with us right away. Like, we take them in the middle of the night, they wake up in a new room, and we're supposed to tell them why they're somewhere else. I just couldn't do it. I mean especially now, in the twenty-first century. I can't just take a girl away from her life overnight. It doesn't work that anymore.

With one more sigh, I climb back into my apartment. Good thing I don't have work tomorrow. I might catch a nap. Well, that is if I can nap.

I close my window and lock it. I take a few steps to my nightstand and I turn on my lamp. I rub my face in my hands and decide that I'll just read for a little while. It'll keep my mind off of things.

As I was reaching for my book on the nightstand, I hear the floor creak. I pause and shake my head.

"She's not ready Jade." I say as I turn around and see my childhood friend. I meet his piercing green eyes as he steps into the light. His scared cheek, and pale skin. He still strong as I remember.

"It's doesn't matter. You were supposed to bring her last week." He says in a calm voice.

"You always follow tradition. But this is different. She has a family she's visiting in a few weeks. I can't just let her uproot her life for something she won't understand." I try to keep my voice down. I mean, it's almost five in the morning.

"Your mother says you've been gone long enough. Either you bring her home or we do." Jade tells me sternly.

"What's gotten into you? You were never like this." I look at him with a curious look.

He cleared his throat, "I am now head of the army. Your mother and sister sent me to make sure you found your soulmate and not just messing around."

I nodded, "Well, I'm not surprised you're head of the army now. It was bound to happen sooner or later." I walk past him and enter my small kitchen. I open a cabinet and grab a small glass. I turn back to him and shake my head. I put the glass on the counter and then place my hands on top of it and lean in.

"I know we haven't seen each other in thirty years, but you have to understand this is different. I can't talk to her like when I used to court women years ago. I freeze whenever she's around. Or I want to run away from her, yet I want to be near her. I just don't understand why this is happening." I turn to my fridge and open it up. I find the pitcher of water and turn to fill my glass.

"That means, she's the one." I hear Jade say softly. "All the others you were with, yes you fell in love, but they didn't have that spark you needed. But she does. You feel as though you're on fire, and she's the one that could put it out. You feel your world is spinning and she's the only one that can make it stop. You feel chaos and she's the only one that can calm it." He explained to me as I take a few sips of my water.

I put the glass on the counter, "That's exactly how I feel when I'm around her. How do you know how I feel?"

Jade smiled, "That's how I felt and still feel about Isabel."

I returned the smile, but then it faded, "How did she feel when you took her away from her life?"

Jade sighed and walked up to me. He took a seat on one of the bar stool and put his elbows on the counter. He was silent for a few moments, more than likely trying to remember. He let out a long sigh, and looked at me.

"She didn't take it too well. She wouldn't even look at me. She didn't come out of her room for almost two months. I kept my distance. I mean, I tried everything. Flowers, clothes, jelwery. All she wanted was to go home. But I couldn't do it. By the third month she just gave up and came out of her room. After a year she became more comfortable and I took her to see her family." He explained.

I listned intently to his story. He went on to tell me that they made a compromise. They would see Isabel's family twice a year for the Holidays. After ten years together and once her parents passed away, that's when Isabel decided to be turned.

"I guess the good thing about our tradition, is our soulmates can decide if they want to live with us forever, or stay human." He stood up and looked at me.

I sighed, "I guess that is the good part. I-" I stopped talking when I heard something in the hallway. I looked at Jade and he nodded. I don't know how they found me, but they did. We both stayed still and waited.

They found me. Just one thought came to my head, 'Haley.'


About the Creator

Michelle Hill

I'm 35 and taking each day one at a time. Writing is my passion and I'm also a huge movie buff. Music is another way I escape reality for a while. I live in VA, and I have traveled a bit. I hope to share my words with the world.

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