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Black Heart


By Madiha MasoodPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

It had been three agonizing days since her abduction, the drugs still gripping her senses. When she blinked her eyes open, a hazy afternoon greeted her. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a radiant, warm glow that painted the room with an eerie tranquility. As she sat down, the memories of the previous night gradually resurfaced, her mind echoing with the brutal truth: "Yes, you were violated last night." Those words, like a recurring nightmare, pierced her very soul.

Tears streamed down her face as she grappled with the injustice that befell her. "Why me? What wrong had I ever done?" She stood up, her resolve crumbling as she walked to the door, eyes fixed on the ominous camera lens. Her voice trembled with desperation, a plea for answers reverberating through the silent space. "I want to know why I'm here! Answer me!" She shouted into the void, her cries echoing for hours, blending with the torrent of tears that followed.

"I won't endure this another second," she declared, determination igniting within her. Rising to her feet, she started to explore her surroundings, her first proper assessment of the room. Illuminated by the daylight, she scrutinized the space, revealing it to be more of an aging storage room. Boxes and decrepit furniture stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time. Amidst the relics, a bookshelf caught her eye, brimming with old books and school notebooks. Among them, she selected a drawing book, its pages adorned with an array of meticulously drawn butterflies, each one vibrant and lifelike.

Caught in contemplation, a question arose in her mind—was this room once part of a home, now transformed into a repository of forgotten memories? Could these drawings be linked to the person who had assaulted her? Her reverie was abruptly disrupted by the sound of a doorknob turning. Dropping everything, she dashed towards the entrance, confronting a man bearing a tray of food. With unwavering resolve, she declared her refusal to eat, her anger a palpable force. "I need to see your boss," she demanded, fury and desperation melding in her voice.

Amidst laughter and with a grotesque mask obscuring his identity, he locked the door, leaving her alone once more. Fueled by rage, she unleashed her anger upon the room, her actions echoing her turmoil. The shattering of glass resonated as she hurled an old vase against the window, cracking it. She repeated the assault until the room resembled her inner chaos. The door opened once more, revealing the masked man, his spray rendering her unconscious.

When consciousness returned, the darkness of night enveloped her. A single lamp swayed above her, casting eerie shadows. As she surveyed her surroundings, her eyes settled on the remnants of the destruction she had wrought, but now the room lay barren, void of any trace. Her heart pounded, a sense of isolation overwhelming her, amplifying her fears. Tears welled in her eyes, despair intertwining with the intense pain that radiated through her being.

However, as she took in her surroundings, she realized her clothes had been changed, and her injury tended to. Gauze covered her foot, a stark reminder of her shattered window escape. Puzzlement gnawed at her—her clothes changed, the glass repaired—where had she been taken? Her thoughts raced as the unanswered questions fueled her mounting panic. The door clicked open once again, but exhaustion kept her rooted to her spot. When her gaze met the intruder, recognition flooded her senses. The man who had assaulted her stood before her, his face grotesquely masked.

"Why did you kidnap me? You've ruined my life," she cried, a mixture of anger and desperation coursing through her. The tray he carried was placed on the floor as he seated himself, his grimy mask obscuring his features. With chilling calmness, he questioned her actions, focusing on the room's state. "You've destroyed this place," he remarked. She fired back, accusing him of ruining her life. Their words clashed, her vulnerability and his indifference a stark contrast.

"I care little for this place, only you matter," he declared, his attention fixated on her foot. In a heart-wrenching retort, she bared her soul, highlighting the wounds inflicted on her heart and soul. "You said you'd kill my soul, and you've succeeded," she whispered, her voice laden with pain. He maintained his façade, demanding cooperation as a "good servant" to avoid further suffering.

An urge to ask a final question consumed her, and she implored, "What do you want from me?" His response was chillingly succinct: "I want you." A brief moment of silence hung in the air, before she erupted, denouncing him as a psychopath and criminal. Defiant, she declared that even if she survived, she would make his life a living hell. With an unsettling smile, he left her, a cryptic promise lingering in .

She lay down as the clock struck 8, the embrace of sleep eluding her. Memories of happier times played in her mind like flickering images, taunting her with what once was. Her gaze fell upon her hand, devoid of the ring that once adorned it, a symbol of her love for Hydr. In her mind's eye, she could vividly recall placing it in the wardrobe, its loose fit prompting her to keep it safe. The pain of separation surged within her – from her rings, her love, and her family.

Questions swirled in her mind, each one more distressing than the last. "Where are you, Hydr? What has happened to my family? Can they really have forgotten me?" Desperation laced her thoughts, fueled by disbelief that only three days had passed. "How could they forget me so soon? Baba, you always found me, but now you're nowhere to be found," she mused, her thoughts drifting to fond memories.

A memory resurfaced, one where she sat with Hydr in a restaurant, savoring a meal and sharing affectionate words. The memory was bittersweet, his declaration of love echoing in her mind. "I don't quantify my love, but I'll always be with you," his words replayed like a soothing refrain. Her playful question about being lost evoked his assurance that his heart would lead him to her, wherever she might be.

Her reverie was broken, the past giving way to the harsh reality of her situation. "You promised you'd find me, but where are you now?" Anguish overwhelmed her, and tears flowed freely. The weight of her helplessness crushed her spirit, as she realized that the confident and cheerful person she once was had been replaced by a broken soul that could only cry.

The fourth day arrived, marked by familiar pain and the suffocating confines of her prison. As she was served food, she endeavored to regain her composure. Determination ignited within her – she couldn't remain passive any longer. The idea of an act crossed her mind, a way to disrupt the oppressive routine. She waited for her meal, and when the tray was placed before her around 3 pm, she began feigning distress. Gasping for breath, she writhed, her performance convincing enough to prompt the man to leave the tray and approach her.

Faking unconsciousness, she lay motionless, the man's alarm prompting him to flee to inform his superior. Seizing the chance, she sprang into action, rising and sprinting from the room. She traversed through the basement, discovering it to be more extensive than she had thought, resembling a furnished house rather than just her enclosure. Despite her search, freedom remained elusive, her attempts to unlock the metal door ending in failure.

Amidst her frantic efforts, the sound of footsteps drove her to hide in the operator room. Arrayed with screens displaying different corners of her captivity, the room was a chilling revelation. She concealed herself behind a desk, her heart pounding in her chest. Two men entered, discussing her disappearance and revealing their boss's imminent arrival. She crouched in silence as they speculated on her whereabouts.

Averting her gaze, she caught sight of a man without a mask, his identity obscured, but her heart raced at his presence. Abruptly, darkness engulfed the room, plunging her into an unsettling void. An unseen force seized her arm, and a voice cut through the darkness, ending the prolonged hide-and-seek. She was dragged to her designated spot, the man's absence of a mask unnerving. He declared her punishment was due, revealing two massive bulldogs.

Panic surged within her, her phobia of dogs rendering her immobile. Their barks reverberated, echoing through her mind as she froze, terrified that the slightest movement might provoke them. The night passed in a chilling silence, her resolve to remain still her only defense. Exhaustion eventually overcame her, and she drifted into a restless sleep, her body leaning against the cold pole.

Morning broke, the dogs absent from her sight, leaving her surrounded by the remnants of her ordeal. Tears welled anew, the realization that her vulnerabilities were being exploited settling heavily upon her. As a new day dawned, she grappled with the grim certainty that she must brace herself for the torments that lay ahead.


About the Creator

Madiha Masood

Dealing with a profound burden and enduring agony in search of solace, I made the choice to document my experiences and paint the world with my vibrant thoughts, hoping to receive recognition and understanding for my efforts.

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