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By MiaPublished 12 days ago • 3 min read
Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

Worldview - a set of beliefs, values ​​and perspectives - is the lens through which each person views life.

For me, respecting other people's worldview does not mean blindly agreeing with everything they believe but rather recognizing and absorbing those differences.

Nowadays, surfing social networks, it is not difficult to come across conflicting opinions erupting around hot issues. Everyone has the right to express their opinion.

But sometimes a lack of mutual respect and understanding leads to fierce arguments or even personal insults.Not long ago, people were still talking about the image of an ascetic monk wearing patched clothes, begging for alms on foot, eating one meal a day, walking from North to South.

Many people expressed admiration for his will and compassion, but there were also many mixed opinions. They believe that he is taking advantage of the name of practice to spread Buddhism in a misleading way, inconsistent with Buddhist teachings.

Another post sharing about a man over 30 years old submitting his CV for a job but being judged a FAILURE because of his age has sparked a lot of debate. It is normal for some people to leave their jobs and submit CVs at this age and should not be judged based on age.Of course, there is also the opinion that older workers need to have superior skills and experience to compete with younger candidates.

There is a clip about a very meticulous mother writing a note with the words "3 steps into the disinfection room. Thank you!" in front of the newborn baby's room. Anyone entering the room must do all 3 steps of disinfection before each contact with the children.

So the Comments section below is filled with mixed comments. Some people think this is true, but there are also many people who criticize it for being too colorful and strict, "people with money see bacteria everywhere they look"...

Above are just 3 of the recent controversial topics. I still use social networks every day to update news. And as usual, I also clicked on the comments section and started reading everyone's opinions.Sadly, most people argue pointlessly or even criticize rather than sympathize and understand others.

In the past, when I read conflicting posts or opinions, I was ready to jump in and strongly refute them. But then trying to argue until the end only makes people more divided and doesn't solve any problems.

✨ And that's when I realized:

-> We don't always meet people with the same worldview.Even among people we are familiar with such as parents, spouses, friends, etc., sometimes disagreements can still occur.

-> Respecting differences is not only respecting others but also respecting yourself. When we know how to listen and sympathize, we will open the door to new perspectives, new experiences and from there we ourselves will be enriched and developed further.

-> What is called an opinion cannot be evaluated as absolutely True or False. Because family circumstances, educational environment, consciousness, and experiences will determine how each person views and behaves towards life.

-> If that choice does not violate the law or go against God's will, then it is worthy of acceptance.

-> Instead of criticizing or judging, try to understand and empathize with other people's choices. Each person has their own reasons for their actions.

-> If you can't agree or support, then at least have respect and don't say bitter words.

A monk gives up all his monastic practices to bring good energy to everyone, a man is trying to get a job to earn money to take care of his family, a mother is looking for ways to ensure her health. Is it worth criticizing and disparaging your child's health?

Behind the screen is still just a person. Arbitrary judgment not only shows a narrowness of perception but can also hurt others.

Imagine the world as a giant mosaic, each piece representing a separate worldview.

Listening gently, presenting opinions openly and being willing to put aside arguments when necessary - these are the first steps on the journey to connecting all things.

When we respect differences, isn't it better that we work together to complete that picture, creating a colorful and vibrant whole?

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    MiaWritten by Mia

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