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The Three Village Pillars

The Tale of Wisdom, Kindness, and Music

By Chineme DorisPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, there lived three men who were as different as day and night. Their names were Ethan, Edgar, and Duncan. Each of them had unique qualities that set them apart in the eyes of the villagers.

Ethan was the wise one among the trio. He had a mane of silver hair that cascaded down to his shoulders, and his eyes sparkled with knowledge that seemed to stretch beyond the horizon. He was the village's go-to person for advice and wisdom. People would flock to his small cottage, seeking his guidance on matters of the heart, finance, and even the mysteries of the universe. Ethan's humble abode was filled with books from floor to ceiling, and he spent his days reading and reflecting on the wisdom of the ages.

Edgar, on the other hand, was the ugly one. He was a sturdy man with a hunched back, a crooked nose, and a face that bore the scars of a childhood accident. Despite his unattractive appearance, Edgar possessed a heart of gold. He was known throughout the village for his kindness and willingness to help anyone in need. He had a way of making people feel comfortable and valued, which endeared him to all. Edgar spent his days working as a blacksmith, crafting tools and weapons for the village, and his evenings telling stories by the fire at the local inn.

Lastly, there was Duncan, the dumb one, as the villagers often referred to him. Duncan was tall and lanky, with a perpetually bewildered look in his bright blue eyes. He was not blessed with the gift of intellect, and his speech was often a jumble of words that left others scratching their heads. Despite this, Duncan had an unparalleled knack for music. He could play any instrument he laid his hands on, and his melodies had the power to move even the coldest hearts. He spent his days wandering through the forest, composing tunes that echoed through the trees and brought harmony to the world around him.

The three men were inseparable, each filling a unique role in their close-knit community. Ethan's wisdom guided them through life's challenges, Edgar's kindness forged bonds that strengthened the village, and Duncan's music brought joy and solace to all who listened.

One fateful day, a great calamity befell the village. A massive storm swept through, leaving devastation in its wake. Houses were destroyed, crops were ruined, and the villagers were left in despair. It was a dark time for the community.

In the face of this disaster, the three men sprang into action. Ethan used his wisdom to devise a plan for rebuilding the village, taking into account the best practices from ancient texts. Edgar, with his strong hands and knowledge of metalworking, led the efforts to reconstruct homes and essential infrastructure. Duncan, despite his lack of traditional smarts, rallied the spirits of the villagers with his melodies, inspiring them to work tirelessly to restore their beloved village.

Weeks turned into months, and slowly but surely, the village began to recover. The three men's strengths complemented each other perfectly, and they became the driving force behind the restoration efforts. Ethan's wisdom ensured that every decision was well thought out, Edgar's kindness motivated the villagers to work together, and Duncan's music provided a soothing balm for their weary souls.

As the village flourished once more, the people came to realize the true value of wisdom, kindness, and the power of music. They learned that it wasn't one's appearance or intelligence that defined their worth, but the unique gifts and qualities that they brought to the community.

In the end, the wise man, the ugly man, and the dumb man were no longer defined by those labels. They were simply known as Ethan, Edgar, and Duncan, the three pillars of their village, whose combined strength had not only rebuilt their homes but had also restored their faith in the beauty of diversity and the resilience of the human spirit. And so, their story became a legend, passed down through generations, reminding all who heard it that true wisdom, kindness, and the power of music could conquer even the darkest of storms.


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Comments (2)

  • Jady Rose10 months ago

    lovely story

  • Ewanose10 months ago

    Love it Don't forget to subscribe

CDWritten by Chineme Doris

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