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The Fascinating Universe of Philippine Folklore

Philippine Folklore Stories

By Thelma PerezPublished 16 days ago 3 min read

Philippine folklore stories have long been enchanting our minds, because, that is how wonders, mysteries, and ethics are mixed in. They knew that these must be the stories that progress from generation to generation, showing how rich is the cultural heritage of the Philippines. They don't delight us only, but also, they do chat about those things that we care about the most. The mythical characters and the legendary heroes that are our favorites are what they always are so proud to read about.

A Land of Charms and Mystic

This is a distinctive feature of Philippine folklore stories that makes readers leave the world which is reality. Therefore, everything is possible in the world of magic. Take for instance, kapre (a giant who is fond of cigars) might stay perched on the trees to watch over the land while tikbalang (a half-man, half-horse spirit) can be wandering around the woods. In these tales, a supernatural aspect is invariably introduced but it can be either a kind of normal world which is out of the normal or the other type of world that is quite strange.

Aswang legend will serve as an example to prove how the Aswang, a creature that can change into different forms, is the most popular and dreadful story of Philippine legends. At any time, it desires, and shows the ability to change from any animal type to another; thus, swallowing its prey. The aswang - a rural folklore with a vital part to play in Philippine mythology - is commonly perceived as the hazard of the unknown and the hallmark of community vigilance.

Lessons from the Past

The tales of Philippine spiritual music and performance are not mere play and dance; rather, it is a valuable instruction. Also, they frequently espoused the ideas of courage, goodness, and consideration for nature. Through the course of the plot the exploits of selfless heroes such as the brave hero, Lam-ang start to become noticeable. It is a symbol of bravery and excellence in both children and adults and that is why it is considered priceless.

On the other hand, the mythical stories of diwatas, are nurturing deities that stay in the deep forests and mountains. Concerning nature lovers in such cases also, the system or mechanism of the ecosystem must be preserved and peacefully coexist between the human world and nature. As per the legend of Diwatas, it is nature degradation but also equally the protection and conservation of nature's resources are the things that have been given different personalities.

Cultural Connections

The safeguarding of the diversity of Philippine culture is one of the main roles played by traditional Philippine folklore stories. They help in preserving and disseminating such rich culture. There are about 7000 islands in the Philippines consisting of diverse ethnolinguistic groups that form the Filipino national culture and religion. Folklore implies more than local traditions since it forges a connection with all persons, irrespective of their background and origin, through stories that have universal appeal.

They are usually narrated at family reunions, birthday parties, and other openings involving the community. It allows families to come together and being a community is celebrated. Tales are not more than storytelling but are a process of giving knowledge and history to the next generations.

Keeping the Folklore Alive

In a time like this when technology has overpowered everything and everything is fast-paced, traditional Philippine folktales do not lose their relevance. Fairy tales develop through their modernized adaptations and retellings as movies, television shows, and literature. As a result, fairy tales should never die. Thus, just like the bridges that connect the past and the present, they become a medium through which the new generation may rediscover and appreciate their rich history and culture.

In addition to such educational and cultural activities, these tales can be remembered as well. Schools are our cultural tales’ reflections and cultural centers now organize storytelling workshops and events. In this way, stories are not only repeated but they also inspire the younger generations of storytellers.

Embracing Our Folklore

The Filipino folklore is not only a set of fables or myths, but in fact, it is the very soul of the Filipino people. By simply reflecting our fathers' values, worries, and ambitions they show us the deep inside of the national soul. It is from these legends that we can celebrate our culture, and preserve its allure to continue to be attractive and instructive for future generations.

Therefore, bearing in mind that when you hear about aswang or heroic sagas, there is a box of tidbits and magic to discover and exchange. Hereafter, let us repair the fame of Philippine folklore by going back to the past while facing the future.


About the Creator

Thelma Perez

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