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The Crimson Rivers: Immersive World of Thrilling Crime Fiction

The Crimson Rivers Summary, Main Idea, Synopsis

By NilSercanPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

We are the Masters, We are the Slaves.

We are Everywhere, Yet Nowhere at All.

We are the Decision Makers.

We are the Dominant Force of the Crimson Rivers.

If you don't trust your heart or have dinner cooking on the stove, don't start reading this book.

Grange's boundless imagination, ever-increasing tension, compelling characters, and a series of horrifying murders will take control of you from the very first lines...

"The Crimson Rivers" sold 450,000 copies in France alone and has been translated into 20 languages.

A breathless pace. A story that immediately captivates. Highly realistic scenes of violence. Events unfolding around two extraordinary individuals: one, an energetic and experienced police officer, the other, a rookie from the streets of North Africa...

"One of those books that shakes you, turns you upside down, and engulfs you from the very first pages. It will constantly keep you on the edge of tension; a flawless thriller that will make you feel like walking on a red-hot wire." -Le Monde-

"A series of murders influenced by James Ellroy and Thomas Harris." -Le Nouvel Observateur-

"With incredible mastery, Grange has managed to write a flawless novel that astonishes the reader. The reader emerges from the novel in a state of shock and emptiness upon its completion." -Le Point-

"It used to be said that crime-thriller novels were the domain of the Anglo-Saxons. With 'The Crimson Rivers,' Grange not only proves that a French author can write in this genre but also presents a serious competition to the Anglo-Saxon writers." -Le Magazine litteraire-

"The best thriller since 'The Silence of the Lambs." -Le Figaro-

Quotes from "The Crimson Rivers"grangehhh:

"Casting light on others while drowning in one's own darkness, how does that work?"

"A woman loves as if she will never leave, but there are times when she leaves as if she never loved."

"He wasn't thinking about anything, not feeling anything."

"Leaving happiness for tomorrow is like waiting for the river to stop flowing before crossing to the other side. And you know, that river never stops."

"Deciding not to be surprised by anything anymore."

"No, you don't understand. This actually shows that you are lucky."

"Taking refuge in loneliness, counting the days, hours, and weeks."

"A person can only miss the people they know and the experiences they've had."

"He began to live in his dreams."

"Even madness has its own logic..."

"Though filled with sorrow, what he truly felt was hatred."

"In his eyes, emotions meant a defeat, a weakness he had rejected from the start."

"Beside every door series, there are 200 police officers, and also commandos tasked with preventing the two sets of fans from encountering each other or even seeing each other..."

-These accounts are for a novel. - Death is also a novel, Commissioner.

"We're not making any progress. All I know is based on what I feel.”

"The Crimson Rivers" Review - Personal Comments:

A book that could stand out or should stand out in the Mystery-Thriller category. There are many elements in the book that will meet expectations for mystery and suspense, but at the same time, it clearly conveys the weakness of the dialogues. Is this an issue? It's debatable, yes. One thing that isn't up for debate is that the author can be calmer compared to his other works.

Even though two different events are mentioned in the book set in France, they actually progress in connection with each other. The language of the book is very fluid and captivating, with an engaging plot. While reading the book, I felt like I was watching a crime movie, and it never bored me while reading. If you enjoy mystery novels, you must definitely read it.

Wishing You Enjoyable Reading in Advance.

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    NilSercanWritten by NilSercan

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