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Fractured Bonds

Sibling Rivalry

By sadiku akinPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
Fractured Bonds
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

The village is tranquil. Its name is Willowbrook. It sits between rolling hills and lush greenery. Two brothers, Adam and Ethan, grew up side by side there. They had a childhood full of laughter and mischief. They had an unbreakable bond. They formed it through shared adventures. But as they grew up, their harmony began to fall apart. Jealousy and greed poisoned it.

Their discord was over a parcel of land left to them by their late father. It was a small inheritance. Both siblings cherished it. Adam, the older brother, saw the land as a sanctuary. It was a place to build his dreams and nurture his family. In contrast, ambition drove Ethan. He was also fueled by resentment. He saw it as a stepping stone to wealth and power.

As years passed, tension simmered. It was below the surface. It led to heated arguments. They were over the rightful ownership of the land. They tried to reconcile, but the gap between them grew. Envy and resentment fueled it.

One fateful evening, dusk fell upon Willowbrook. Adam confronted Ethan. He demanded an end to their feud and a peaceful resolution to their conflict. Rage consumed Ethan and greed blinded him. He saw only one path forward. Blood paved it.

In a fit of madness, Ethan lashed out. Crimson stained his hands. He killed his older brother. The act was unforgivable. Shock and horror spread through the village. News of the fratricide spread fast. It shattered Willowbrook's peace.

The once inseparable brothers now lay on opposite ends. Darkness consumes one. The earth consumes the other. Ethan stood trial for his terrible crime. The echoes of their broken bond echoed through the village. They were a stark reminder of the power of envy and greed.

In the end, justice won. But, the scars of the past ran deep. They left Willowbrook forever haunted. The cause was the tragic tale of two brothers. The allure of land and the poison of envy tore them apart. Amid the whispers of the wind and rustling leaves, the memory of Adam lived on. His own family cut short the life of a gentle soul. His memory was a solemn reminder.


About the Creator

sadiku akin

Passionate educator, mentor, and advocate dedicated to empowering youth through education.

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