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Book Review: I Will Teach You to Be Rich

A quick review of I Will Teach You to Be Rich giving you a sample of what the book covers!

By Marvin RobinsonPublished 7 days ago 5 min read


"I Will Teach You to Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi is a comprehensive guide to personal finance aimed at helping readers take control of their financial future. Sethi's approach is practical, straightforward, and sometimes humorous, making complex financial concepts accessible to the average person. The book is structured into a six-week program that covers various aspects of personal finance, including budgeting, saving, investing, and automating finances. Sethi emphasizes the importance of starting early, making smart financial decisions, and setting up systems that allow money to grow with minimal effort.

Chapter 1: Optimize Your Credit Cards

In this chapter, Sethi stresses the significance of having a good credit score and managing credit cards wisely. He explains how credit scores work and offers strategies for improving them, such as paying bills on time, reducing debt, and correcting errors on credit reports. Sethi also advises readers to use credit cards for their benefits, like cash back and rewards, while avoiding interest charges by paying the full balance each month. He introduces the concept of using credit cards as a tool for building credit history and leveraging rewards without falling into debt traps.

Chapter 2: Beat the Banks

Sethi highlights the importance of choosing the right bank accounts in this chapter. He advocates for using high-interest online savings accounts and no-fee checking accounts to maximize savings and minimize costs. Sethi provides a step-by-step guide to setting up these accounts and automating finances to avoid fees and ensure consistent savings. He emphasizes the need to avoid common banking pitfalls, such as overdraft fees and low interest rates on traditional savings accounts, by being proactive and informed about banking options.

Chapter 3: Get Ready to Invest

This chapter serves as an introduction to investing, focusing on the fundamentals that everyone should understand. Sethi explains the power of compound interest and the importance of starting to invest early. He demystifies common investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and stresses the benefits of long-term investing. Sethi also debunks myths about investing being only for the wealthy or requiring deep financial knowledge, showing how anyone can get started with minimal initial investment and basic financial education.

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Chapter 4: Consciously Spend

Sethi introduces the concept of conscious spending, which involves prioritizing spending on things that matter most to the individual while cutting back on less important expenses. He encourages readers to create a spending plan that aligns with their values and goals. Sethi's method involves allocating money to different areas such as fixed costs, investments, savings, and guilt-free spending. By doing so, readers can enjoy their money while still working towards financial security. He provides practical tips for tracking spending, negotiating bills, and finding ways to save without feeling deprived.

Chapter 5: Save While Sleeping

Automation is the key focus of this chapter. Sethi explains how automating finances can help save money effortlessly and ensure bills are paid on time. He provides a detailed plan for setting up automated transfers to savings accounts, investment accounts, and bill payments. By automating these processes, readers can avoid late fees, build savings consistently, and make investing a regular habit. Sethi emphasizes the peace of mind and financial stability that come with automation, freeing up time and mental energy for other pursuits.

Chapter 6: The Myth of Financial Expertise

Sethi debunks the myth that financial planning and investing require expert knowledge. He argues that most people can manage their finances effectively with basic knowledge and simple strategies. Sethi advises against paying for financial advice from high-cost advisors or relying on market timing. Instead, he recommends low-cost index funds and a set-it-and-forget-it investment strategy. This chapter empowers readers to take control of their financial future without feeling intimidated by the complexities of the financial industry.

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Chapter 7: Investing Isn’t Only for Rich People

In this chapter, Sethi reinforces that investing is accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. He explains the importance of retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs, and how to take advantage of employer matching programs. Sethi provides a step-by-step guide to choosing and setting up these accounts, selecting investments, and understanding fees. He emphasizes the long-term benefits of consistent investing and the importance of starting as soon as possible to take advantage of compound interest.

Chapter 8: How to Spend Less (And Still Have a Great Life)

Sethi offers practical tips for cutting expenses without sacrificing quality of life. He discusses strategies like negotiating bills, reducing discretionary spending, and finding cheaper alternatives for everyday expenses. Sethi also encourages readers to find ways to increase their income, such as side jobs or negotiating raises, to create more financial flexibility. The goal is to live a rich life without financial stress, focusing on value and enjoyment rather than deprivation.

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Chapter 9: Save Yourself First

This chapter emphasizes the importance of prioritizing savings and investments over other expenses. Sethi explains the concept of paying yourself first and setting up automatic transfers to savings and investment accounts. By making savings a non-negotiable part of their budget, readers can ensure they are consistently building wealth. Sethi also discusses the benefits of having an emergency fund and how to determine the right amount to save for various financial goals.

Chapter 10: The Finish Line

In the final chapter, Sethi provides a roadmap for long-term financial planning. He discusses the importance of setting clear financial goals, such as buying a home, funding education, or planning for retirement. Sethi advises readers to regularly review and adjust their financial plans to stay on track. He also emphasizes the importance of celebrating financial milestones and enjoying the journey towards financial freedom. The chapter concludes with a reminder that financial success is about making smart choices and enjoying life, not just accumulating wealth.


"I Will Teach You to Be Rich" is a practical guide to personal finance that demystifies the process of managing money and building wealth. Ramit Sethi's approach is accessible and actionable, making it possible for anyone to take control of their financial future. By following his six-week program, readers can develop healthy financial habits, automate their finances, and make informed decisions that lead to a richer, more fulfilling life.

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    MRWritten by Marvin Robinson

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