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When you are nothing, you are everything, empty deep healing


By michaeldbarr khgPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Bring the comprehensive healing of body and mind with the power of awareness (part two)


The healing of the mind

If you pay attention to your thoughts in practice, you will find that they are out of control, and we rise and fall in an unsolicited stream of memories, plans, expectations, judgments, and remorse.

At this point, the mind begins to show all its possibilities, which often conflict with each other, including the beauty of saints and the dark forces of dictators and murderers. The mind plans and imagines from this. Create endless struggles and plots that want to change the world.

The root of these mental activities is dissatisfaction. We seem to want to have infinite excitement and perfect calm at the same time.

Many times, thought does not serve us, but drives us subconsciously and unconsciously. Although ideas can be useful and creative, they tend to dominate our experience with relative concepts such as likes and dislikes, sublimity and vulgarity, self and others.

It tells stories of our successes and failures, arranges our sense of security, and habitually reminds us of who we are and who we are.

The binary opposition of thought is the root of our suffering. Whenever we think of ourselves as independent individuals, we develop fear and attachment, and become austerity, defense, ambition and boundaries.

In order to protect our isolated self, we push something away, and in order to support ourselves, we cling to and identify with other things.

Therefore, there are two ways to heal the mind:

The first is to bring attention to the content of your thoughts and learn to guide them in a more beneficial direction through intellectual reflection.

Through awareness, we can recognize and reduce useless patterns of worry and compulsion in order to clarify our confusion and remove destructive ideas and opinions. We can use conscious thinking. Reflect more deeply on the value we attach importance to.

For example, ask yourself, "have I ever been in love?" so that you can direct your thoughts to useful directions, such as compassion, respect and tolerance. Many Buddhist practices use repetitive sentences to get rid of the old and destructive pattern of repetitive thinking and bring about change.

However, even if we try to re-educate the mind, we cannot be completely successful. No matter how much we want to guide the mind, it seems to have its own will. In order to further heal mental conflicts, it is necessary to let go of the recognition of these conflicts.

This is the second way to achieve healing: we must learn all the stories of withdrawing from the mind, because the conflicts of thoughts and opinions will never stop.

In this way we step out of self-identity and out of our expectations, opinions, judgments and conflicts. The mind thinks that the self is separate, but the mind knows more.

Nisagadata said, "the mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it."

Many great sorrows in the world are caused by the loss of connection between the mind and the heart. We can reconnect with the heart in meditation and find that there is an inner feeling of broadness, oneness and compassion behind all the conflicts of our thoughts.

The mind allows the existence of the mind's stories, ideas, fantasies, and fears, but does not believe them, does not need to follow them or realize them.

When we touch the bottom of all chaotic thoughts, we will find the sweet and healing silence, which is the peace that everyone already has, the goodness of the heart, the strength, and the innate integrity.

This basic goodness is sometimes called self-nature or Buddha-nature. When we return to our self-nature, when we see all the ways of the mind, and still live in this peace and goodness, we are healed by the mind.


Be healed through emptiness

The last level of healing with awareness is awareness of the universal law governing life, the core of which is the understanding of emptiness.

It's hard to describe in words. In fact, I can try to describe it here, but only through your own spiritual experience can you directly understand openness and emptiness.

In the teaching of Buddhism, "emptiness" refers to a fundamental sense of openness and oneness experienced when penetrating or dispelling small, fixed self-concepts.

The most profound experience will lead us to a deep awareness of the fundamental openness and emptiness of life, the ever-changing and impossible nature of life, and that it is a never-ending process.

These processes are dynamic and continuous, and no single element can be called an immutable self. We are a process, intertwined with life. We are like the waves of the ocean of life, our temporary form is one with the ocean.

Some traditions call this ocean Tao, sacred, vacuum, immortal and immortal. Our life is born out of it, it is the divine response, the activity and dance of consciousness. When we understand this life-giving process of emptiness, we get the most profound healing.

An attending physician in a hospice ward experienced this connection when he was with the children of a dying 65-year-old man outside his ward.

They have just received the news that their uncle was killed in a car accident and are hesitating to tell their father. The old man was on the verge of death, so he decided not to tell him in order not to upset him.

But when they entered the room, he looked up at them and said:

"Don't you have something to tell me?"

When they were wondering what he meant, he continued:

"Why didn't you tell me my brother was dead?"

Surprised, they asked him how he knew, and the old man said:

"I've been talking to him for the past half an hour."

Then he called them all to the bedside, said a few last words to each child, and died ten minutes later.

You live in delusions and appearances of things.

There's a reality you don't know.

When you know it,

I realized I was nothing.

And when you're nothing,

You are everything.

and that.

Touch this field of oneness and you will be healed. We find that our fears and desires, our attempts to improve and protect ourselves, are based on completely wrong delusions of isolation.

With this wisdom, we can open ourselves up in one moment after another and live in an ever-changing Tao.

We find that we can let go and trust, let the breath go on freely, and let the natural rhythm of life easily lead us.

Our concentration makes us pay more attention to the body, discovering that the body is a gift from heaven; it can lead us to feel human emotions with our heart, and it can also heal the mind and attach importance to the mind without falling into it; it can also open us to the great mysteries of life and discover our emptiness and integrity, as well as the truth of being one with all things.

The source: "set foot on the secret path of the soul"

By Jack Confield.

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michaeldbarr khg

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