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Ways to Smell Fresh All Day Long

Because who doesn't need to?

By Vala FlynnPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Nothing beats being able to go through the day smelling as fresh and crisp as you did when you stepped out of your home.

Nothing does.

Despite the stress from work and every other activity that fills your day, following these tips will ensure that you remain fresh and sweet-smelling all day long. Trust me, you’ll be glad you read this one. Enjoy!

1. Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water is the best way to stay fresh-smelling all day. Your body functions optimally when you drink plenty of water. Water dilutes undesirable smells like garlic, onions, and coffee breath, making you smell better. Drinking three bottles of water a day is the minimum amount of liquids you should consume each day.

By Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash

2. Choose the Perfect Perfume for Yourself

Choosing the right fragrance for your body is not as simple as it appears. It takes a lot of effort and a great sense of judgment to arrive at the perfect fragrance for you. With the abundance of fragrance options out there, ensure that whichever perfume, aftershave, or body spray you select makes you feel good about yourself. In addition, ensure that your perfume is water-resistant for nothing less than 24 hours.

Photo by Duané Viljoen from Pexels

3. Combine with Other Scents

We live in a scent-obsessed era. A fragrance essence is frequently added to our laundry detergent, shampoo, body wash, deodorant, and even toothpaste. Perfume works best when it complements these elements. Take note of the scents you come across during the day and pick a perfume that complements them.

While it's difficult to know what scents you'll use on any given day, your favorite lotions and hand soaps are wonderful places to start when looking for an aromatic perfume combination. There are also scented body lotions that are made to match your signature scent.

Photo by noel nesme from Pexels

4. Apply Fragrances to Pulse Points

It's just as vital to know how to apply fragrance to your body as it is to know what kind of scent to use. You will not receive the full benefit from your perfume, cologne, or scented oil if you do not apply it to the appropriate spots. Perfumes should be applied to pulse points so that the aroma adapts to your body chemistry organically. As a result, as your body heats up, a pleasant smell is produced naturally. Your wrists, back of your ears, and behind your knees are all good places to apply deodorant.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

5. Before You Buy It, Test It!

Consider scents to be similar to your clothing or shoes. It's natural to try on clothes or shoes before purchasing them when you go shopping. The same may be said about fragrances. It's not enough to just be aware of it. You must put it to the test yourself to see if it is right for you. Fragrances smell differently on various people, which is why we recommend trying on fragrances before buying them. When you're buying online, it's incredibly tough to test. In this scenario, you might want to explore purchasing samples.

By Christin Hume on Unsplash

6. Your Wardrobe Deserves Some Spritz

It isn't by chance that you have a signature scent- it’s something you were deliberate about. You may need to spritz your clothing and other fashion things if you want them to smell beautiful. Of course, you don't want to spray every fabric you possess for hours. As a result, spraying the wardrobe where your clothes are stored is more effective. This should be done at least once a week. The technique will leave you with a long-lasting distinctive aroma that is tranquil and pleasant rather than overpowering. It will also allow your garments to mix in with other scents.

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

7. Watch Your Choice of Outfits

It's not only about the application when it comes to smelling wonderful. Care and observation can sometimes be enough. The attire you put on for the day may have a significant impact on how nice you smell throughout the day. Most people overlook how much impact clothing texture has on the body. Clothing comprised of light textiles and other materials, as opposed to bulky and tight-fitting clothing, can help to reduce sweating.

Thick clothing traps heat and causes sweating, resulting in a foul odor. Pay great attention to your cloth labels. Some garments are composed of wick materials, which absorb perspiration before germs can contaminate it, lowering the possibility of smells. When picking your clothes, you should also consider the weather. The hotter the weather, the lighter your cloth should be. Always choose clothing materials that give you the most comfort.


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