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These foods can easily lead to skin aging, and most people like it.

Daily skin care

By jasonbmedi KhfPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Everyone wants to age slowly, but some "aging agents" are hidden in our diet, which may invisibly accelerate the aging of the skin, heart, liver and other organs, endangering health.

01 Heart "Aging Agent": trans Fat

Trans fats, also known as "devil fats", are among the lipids that have the greatest impact on cardiovascular disease. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 's relevant data, more than 500,000 people worldwide die of cardiovascular disease every year as a result of the intake of trans fatty acids.

A comprehensive trans fat ban can help reduce the incidence of heart disease and stroke, according to a study published in the 2017 JAMA Cardiology (Cardiology).

Researchers at the University of Chicago School of Medicine and Yale University School of Medicine compared the lives of people in the New York area and areas without trans fat restrictions. The study found that people living in restricted areas had significantly fewer hospitalizations for heart attacks and strokes than those in unrestricted areas after three years or more of restrictions. The difference in comprehensive comparison is about 6.2%.

Trans fat has two sources, one is natural food, the other is processing source. What we need to control is mainly synthetic.

When buying packaged food, we can look at the list of food ingredients-those that contain margarine, margarine, vegetable cream, cream, cocoa butter, refined vegetable oil, shortening, margarine, vegetable fat powder, etc., may contain synthetic trans fatty acids, so choose as few as possible.

In addition, such as cruller, Youtiao, etc., are often fried in vegetable oil, and vegetable oil in the high temperature state will also produce trans fat, so eat less fried food.

02 lung "aging agent": kitchen oil fume

Smoking is an important factor harmful to lung health, but many non-smoking women also suffer from lung cancer, and lung cancer has become the second highest incidence of cancer in women. Why is that?

In fact, many people ignore another "invisible killer"-kitchen lampblack.

1. Cooking fumes in the kitchen are endangering the "cooking" of the family.

A follow-up survey on the causes of lung cancer found that among the risk factors for lung cancer among non-smoking women, more than 60% of women had long-term exposure to kitchen fumes, and 32% of women preferred to use high-temperature fried food when cooking.

The amount of toxic lampblack emitted by lampblack is thousands of times that of a cigarette, and the human body absorbs more toxic lampblack in this environment every day than smoking two packs of cigarettes in an hour.

Over time, lampblack particles deposited in the lungs, difficult to discharge, will gradually damage the lung mucosa, may cause chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung and even lung cancer.

2. Simple 2 to take care of lung health

Three meals a day is essential, when making fried dishes, how to reduce the harm caused by oil fume? cocoa gives you a few tricks.

1 do not use "three kinds of oil": high temperature oil, refried oil, rancidity oil.

2 pay attention to ventilation. Turn on the range hood before opening fire and turn it off for a while after cooking to keep the kitchen ventilated.

03 liver "aging agent": alcohol

Friends and relatives get together for a drink, socialize for a drink, lonely and depressed for a drink. Wine is too common on the Chinese table, but it is an important "killer" of the liver.

1. Drink for a while, and the liver is tired

Almost everyone knows that drinking hurts the liver. After alcohol is absorbed by the intestines and stomach, it will enter the liver and metabolize. Drinking a lot of alcohol will cause chronic damage to liver function. If you get drunk, you will get acute hepatitis. If you drink too much alcohol for a long time, it will lead to alcoholic liver and even liver cancer.

Research by the World Cancer Research Fund found that drinking just three glasses of wine a day is enough to cause liver cancer. For every 10 grams of alcohol consumed (equivalent to about one alcoholic drink), the risk of liver cancer increases by about 4%.

During the holidays, parties and parties large and small are bound to drink to cheer up the fun. Warm reminder: be sure to have the right amount!

In addition, we should also remember that the mixed drinking of red wine, white wine and other kinds of wine will cause greater harm to the liver, intestines and stomach.

2. Do three things well to reduce the burden on the liver

The safest alcohol consumption is 0. But it is inevitable to drink some wine in life, how to protect the liver

1 to control the amount of alcohol consumption. No more than 40ml of spirits / 120ml of yellow rice wine / 350ml of beer / 150ml of red wine per day.

2 eat enough protein. The regeneration ability of liver tissue is very strong, and the daily intake of 90g high quality protein can repair hepatocytes and promote hepatocyte regeneration. Therefore, you can eat more high-protein foods such as eggs, milk, fish and shrimp.

3 eat more green vegetables, traditional Chinese medicine pay attention to the five "cyan into the liver". Rich in dietary polysaccharides and fiber, can reduce the burden of the liver. Adequate vitamin An is beneficial to the repair of liver injury.

04 stomach "aging agent"

It is said that "ten people have nine stomachs". As an important digestive organ, why is the stomach always "injured"?

1. "five fears" in the stomach

Bacteria: Helicobacter pylori, which can be parasitic in the stomach, increasing the risk of gastric cancer by 4 to 6 times

Cold: cold food can stimulate the contraction of capillaries in the stomach, decrease the secretion of gastric juice and disorder of gastrointestinal function.

Hot: overheated food can scald the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of cancer

Satiety: eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach and affect the self-repair of gastric mucosa.

Heavy: that is, heavy taste diet, can directly damage the gastric mucosa, increase the risk of hyperemia, erosion and other lesions.

2. Tips for nourishing the stomach

Good eating habits are the first step in protecting stomach health.

It is important to maintain a hygienic and regular diet.

If you don't pay attention to meal hygiene, overeat, or always eat food that is very irritating to your stomach, the stomach will certainly "retaliate" you. On the contrary, relatively regular moderate meals and not eating before going to bed can alleviate the burden on the stomach to a certain extent.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco, eat less high-salt and smoked pickled foods, and eat more fruits and vegetables

Studies have shown that alcohol and tobacco, inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables, high-salt diet, consumption of smoked meat and pickled foods are associated with the risk of gastric cancer.

Therefore, a healthy diet requires eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoiding high-salt foods, smoked meat and pickled foods.

Don't force yourself to eat something that doesn't suit you.

05 intestinal "aging agent": improper diet

The "intestinal age" of normal people is not much different from their physiological age, but with the increase of age, the pressure of life and work increases, coupled with improper diet, the number of beneficial microflora in the intestinal tract decreases, while the harmful microflora continues to increase, which finally leads to the imbalance of intestinal flora. Intestinal function appears "aging".

Many young people are partial dieting, excessive dieting, unscientific weight loss, alcoholism, smoking, and staying up too late. These unorganized lifestyles bring great burden and stimulation to the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in their "intestinal age" greatly exceeding their actual age.

It is recommended to eat regularly to ensure the intake of dietary fiber, one jin of vegetables and half jin of fruits every day, and 1/3 of the staple food is coarse grains.

06 skin


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