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Routine Skin Care for Oily Skin

How to Keep Your Skin Looking Fresh and radiant All Summer Long!

By Carl BriskoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Routine Skin Care for Oily Skin
Photo by Matthew Tkocz on Unsplash

Applying a daily skin care routine to your oily skin can feel like a no-win situation. If you’re too aggressive with your products, you end up making it worse by stripping your skin of its natural oils, clogging pores and causing breakouts. If you don’t use enough moisturizers, toners and exfoliators, you run the risk of dehydrating your skin, leading to wrinkles and fine lines faster than normal. Here are some tips for developing an effective routine that keeps your skin looking great all summer long without drying it out or causing blemishes to pop up at unexpected times!

Use only mild facial cleansers

Wash your face twice daily with a gentle, non-drying facial cleanser. Avoid soap, which can dry out your skin and cause excess oil production. Also avoid foaming cleansers because they are harder on your skin than traditional varieties. For example, a product such as Dove Sensitive Skin bar is an effective alternative that won’t overly irritate or dry out oily skin types.

Wash your face in the morning, evening, before bed and whenever you need it

Oil is constantly being produced by your skin. It's a good idea to wash your face regularly, at least three times a day. This will help remove any excess oil and prevent your skin from becoming too oily or dry. Use an exfoliating cleanser once or twice a week in order to slough off dead skin cells that can clog pores, causing blackheads and acne.

Use makeup remover every night

Even if you can’t manage a full skin-care routine every night, at least remove your makeup. It may seem inconvenient, but it pays off in keeping your skin clear of blemishes. Plus, cotton pads are easy to keep on hand—and once you take off that mascara, there’s no way you’re sleeping in it. Micellar water is another viable alternative.

Use moisturizer with SPF

Although you may have oily skin, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need protection from UV rays. Make sure to apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. If you are planning on being outside for long periods of time, be sure to re-apply every few hours.

Try products that minimize shine

A common misconception about oily skin is that it means a shiny face all day long. In reality, many people with oily skin have a natural glow—there’s no need to skip sunscreen or feel self-conscious about your complexion. However, there are things you can do to help keep your skin matte, including starting with products designed especially for oily skin. These formulas contain pore-minimizing ingredients like oils, extracts and powders that absorb excess oil without overdrying your skin.

Don’t touch your face

Touching your face can transfer oil from your hands or fingers onto your face, making it seem greasier than it actually is. When you touch your face, make sure you are not adding more oil. Rubbing oils into your skin will only cause them to stay on longer, so use lotion instead.

Avoid hot water

Hot water can dehydrate your skin, causing it to produce excess oil. If you wash your face with hot water in an attempt to clean off dirt and grime, don’t be surprised if you end up with breakouts. Use warm water instead; it cleanses just as well without damaging your skin or triggering acne.

Cleanse at night instead of in the morning.

In general, cleansing your skin before bedtime is much better than morning cleansing. Why? The idea behind night cleansing is that you are giving your skin all day to breathe and get rid of any impurities that might be left over from your regular routine. The second reason why night cleansing is better is because it helps you sleep longer by eliminating excess oil on your face. If you have oily skin, make sure that you apply a light moisturizer at night before heading off to dreamland.

Remove make up before going to bed

While it may seem like a great idea to scrub your face before bed, all you’re doing is agitating your skin. It’s best to cleanse your face with gentle cleanser (avoid using exfoliants if you have oily skin) at night and use toner just on dry patches. Pat dry with a soft towel; don’t rub vigorously or you will risk pore irritation that causes oil production.


Having an oily skin is something that a lot of people struggle with every day. However, there are easy things you can do in order to keep your skin looking fresh and radiant all summer long. The tips above are some of my favorite ways to maintain an oil-free complexion, and I hope they help you out as well!


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