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own sorrow?

own sorrow?

By Meghan GershkovichPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

I like my life now. It's as clear as water.

It seems that more and more do not love to talk, like a person to see the sky, want to go far away.

I feel that I have lost contact with everyone, are busy, I think I want to stick to the end.

The fireworks in the night filled with our time, shed ice blue tears, and then filled in the air for.

I wrote my story with my heart, only to find that what I experienced was so ordinary. But I think, will when one day can have a vigorous time, I will start to miss the quiet quiet flow of life.

In fact, life is always in a constant circle. And the same, is the sadness and joy. We all have a time when we don't want to be touched or mentioned, because we are constantly growing and changing. And the reason why we are sad is no more than one word. Love. Because of love, so pain, so the moment hysteria, become crazy, emotions are not controlled by our own. Or because of love, so happy, so instantly ecstatic, become excited, it seems that everything looks so beautiful. But it will pass. Because too much love, because too much love, so doomed to no result. Because this love is crazy, it is not suitable for real life. Life is calm, it is quiet.

But how many people can do not be happy with things and not with their own sorrow?

I can't say that I can let go of everything and nothing. After all, life still has to go on, life still has to go on. We still have to live in the eyes of the public. No matter what your state of mind or mood is, you can't change this fact.

Sometimes life is too repetitive. We feel like we want to escape. But then again, no matter how far we run, we always come back. Because we're more than just us. We have too much to care about and not give up.

I met a lot of friends, but unconsciously with the friends of the wrong side.

Sometimes when you meet a familiar face in a crowd, you are hesitant about how to say hello, and that person has gently passed you by the wrong shoulder. The corner of the mouth just pulled up the arc at a loss, had to become a self-deprecating smile. It's okay. Just live well.

We used to tell each other everything we'd do for each other. It is just that time is a big hand that rolls over and pushes us in different directions and paths. It's not your fault. It's not my fault.

Many things, big or small, are better than a brush. I am a person who likes and dislikes clearly, so I do not always have a real smile with you. I am just an ordinary person, will be uncomfortable, will have emotions, will be willful, will cry, will laugh. Even I don't mind being slightly hostile to people who target me. This is who I am. Either way, it's me.

There are always many insoluble knot in life, one finished another comes, but there is suffering, there is hope.

When I was very young, my parents left me, and I could only live with my grandmother without any family to tell me the truth of the matter, but in fact, I knew that my father had done something wrong, and he needed to bear some responsibility and pay some price. And my mother made the choice to leave home when I was very young.

I remember when I was very young, I would not understand when everyone else had a mom or dad and I didn't. She went to her grandmother and asked, "Grandma, why don't I have mom and dad?" At that time, grandma told me that my parents went out to work, and when I grew up some parents would come back, at first I believed it, but after a year, two years, three years...... I began to doubt it, and as I grew older, I knew the truth.

Dad calls me once in a while, twice a year. No one knows how much I look forward to the home phone ringing, every time I pick up the phone, I hold a stomach of words but how can not say, that rehearsed in advance of the phone scene, as if by this precious and merciless time swallowed. Dad never asked three words, "How is grandma's body", "Have you listened to grandma?" ", "How are your grades? . These are the three questions I need to answer every time I pick up the phone, and I also know that these three questions are full of all my father's thoughts and anxieties, I can even smell his guilt, and I can see my father's tightened brow through the phone. In fact, I have always wanted to take the initiative to tell my father that everything at home is fine, Grandma is in good health, and I am very strong. Of course, the most important thing to tell dad is - I miss you.

In addition to looking forward to my father's phone call, more hope is that my father will come home soon, although I have not experienced the feeling of being cared for by my parents, but I have fantasized about the happy moment countless times. If someone sees my happy face and the corners of my mouth, it must be that I am dreaming of a beautiful scene of family reunion... There are expectations in the heart, there is hope, life will not be too bad. If things don't get better at the end, they're not the end. I will redouble my efforts to study, with my expectations and hope, until my father comes home!


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