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Is your Goal to Get in Shape in 2023?

Dr. Bushra Helmandi from NYC’s Beauty and Body Aesthetics Gives the 411 on truSculpt iD

By Ben NelsonPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Now that the holiday feasting season is over, many of us are turning to our usual New Year’s resolutions: lose weight, eat right, and exercise. Getting rid of those love handles and turkey waddles, as well as fixing the other areas where stubborn fat hangs, can be daunting. No matter how much you exercise or how well you eat, there can still be residual, bullheaded fat in problem areas throughout the body that hinder your ability to achieve your ideal body contour.

For people who experience this frustration, there are several plastic surgery techniques that can help them get the results they’ve been looking for. Not everyone is ready to undergo an invasive procedure, which is where the highly popular non-invasive body contouring procedures come in. These treatments target specific areas of hard-to-rid fat without the need for injections, incisions, or downtime.

There are several methods of body sculpting to choose from. The most common has been CoolSculpting, however, the procedure suffered a bad rap last year after supermodel Linda Evangelista was diagnosed with Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), a rare condition where after undergoing the procedure the freezing process caused the affected fatty tissue to thicken and expand. It has since been revealed that the side effect impacts less than 1 percent of CoolSculpting patients.

The newest form of body sculpting procedure is truSculpt iD. According to Dr. Bushra Helmandi, a chiropractor who founded Beauty and Body Aesthetics, the only clinic in Manhattan to provide wellness-based solutions in conjunction with beauty treatments, it is a revolutionary, non-invasive, monopolar RF body sculpting platform that offers proven results. It is also a much quicker procedure. While other forms of treatments like Coolsculpting or Sculpsure, take, on average, about 105 minutes and 50 minutes to complete, a truSculpt ID session is only about fifteen minutes.

Dr. Bushra Helmandi says truSculpt is similar to CoolSculpting in that it is another nonsurgical approach to body contouring, but that rather than freezing fat cells, the truSculpt system uses heat to destroy them. The heat from the truSculpt applicators comes from an innovative radiofrequency technology that tightens the skin’s tissue by stimulating the production of collagen while melting the fat cells underneath.

The purpose of TruSculpt ID is not to aid in weight loss or to treat obesity. Instead, the system is intended to remove light to moderate fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

The biggest question everyone wants to know: does truSculpt hurt and are there side effects?

Dr. Bushra Helmandi says the procedure is painless and that clients often report feeling a pleasant warming sensation. It’s comparable to a hot stone massage.

During the treatment, the technician uses the truSculpt iD handpiece to apply the radio frequencies directly to the desired area. The radiofrequency pulses penetrate the skin and deliver energy to the tissue beneath. Each pulse lasts for several minutes.

Most patients are comfortable enough during the treatments to multitask by watching TV, working, reading, or even napping.

As far as side effects, truSculpt iD is well-tolerated and has less potential side effects than CoolSculpting. There may be redness, sweating, and mild tenderness in the treated areas. However, according to Dr. Bushra Helmandi, they usually resolve within a few hours. She also says there are no bruising or scarring from the procedure.

Most importantly, Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia has not been seen after truSculpt iD.

Keeping hydrated is important. Medical aestheticians advise patients to drink lots of water to help the fat cells travel through the lymphatic system and start to digest throughout the body.

Most healthy adult men and women are candidates for the procedure. The ideal candidates are those within 15 to 30 pounds of their goal weight. Those that are pregnant, have a cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator, or have benign or malignant tumors in the desired treatment area, should steer clear of this treatment.

The second biggest question everyone wants to know: What parts of the body can be sculpted with truSculpt iD?

truSculpt ID has been clinically proven to be effective on all body types and any body area including the abdomen and flanks, upper arms, inner and outer thighs, banana roll, knees, ankles and other troublesome body parts as well. It can be used almost anywhere on the body from the neck to the toes, however, it is ideal for removing fat from areas where the skin isn’t too loose and hasn’t lost its elasticity. The parts of the body that show the best results are the thighs, buttocks, arms, chin, love handles and abdomen.

How many procedures are needed before seeing results?

Dr. Bushra Helmandi reports that patients see an average of 24% reduction in fat after just one 15-minute treatment session. The energy delivered by truSculpt triggers the body's immune system to break down fat cells in the treated areas. This process takes anywhere from four weeks to three months. “Clients may begin to see results anytime during that period, or even later,” she continues.

Many patients achieve the results they want in just one session, however, additional treatment may be required, depending on a client’s desired level of extra fat removal and their weight loss goals. Patients may opt for a second or third session in order to get optimal results.

Keep in mind that the best results take 8-12 weeks. If you are doing multiple sessions, Dr. Bushra Helmandi recommends scheduling them at least three months apart.

Some important pros of truSculpt iD are that multiple regions can be treated at once. Also, tattooed areas can be treated as normal. The absolute best pro is that the results are permanent!

What is the approximate cost of truSculpt iD?

Costs vary depending on the areas being treated, but, on average, they are between $300 and $1800 per session. To help clients kickstart their new year body goals, Beauty and Body Aesthetics in New York City is currently offering 15% off packages for truSculpt iD.



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