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Iron; The super mineral important for super moms during pregnancy and lactation

Importance of iron intake during pregnancy and lactation

By Ferroton Published about a year ago 3 min read
Iron Deficiency anemia

Our doctors continuously advise us to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to ensure a child's safe and healthy delivery. However, as soon as the bundle of joy enters the world, mothers focus on them. Amid this change in emphasis, mothers neglect to care for themselves.

At this point, problems, including postpartum depression, extreme hair loss, and irritability, become relevant. But frequently, underlying issues must be found and adequately addressed. To provide the newborn with the best possible life, mothers must be healthy before and after pregnancy.

The correlation between iron deficiency anemia and pregnancy

Iron is an essential mineral that is critical to the overall health and well-being of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. During pregnancy, the body's demand for iron increases significantly as the developing fetus requires iron for proper growth and development. Lactation also increases the body's need for iron as the mother's milk production requires additional iron stores.

The daily iron requirement for to-be moms

Iron requirements increase dramatically during pregnancy, and it is critical to consider iron consumption to fulfil the increasing demands of the growing baby, and greater blood volume. During pregnancy, the World Health Organization recommended a daily iron consumption of 30mg.

Iron is especially crucial in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Iron intake is especially crucial during the last trimester of pregnancy because the growing baby begins to build iron levels in preparation for the first 6 months after being born. These reserves are used until the baby starts to eat solid foods.

Consuming enough iron during the last trimester may encourage maintaining iron levels throughout pregnancy, reducing the risks that may come into the picture later, like early delivery or giving birth to an anemic baby. This is especially true for women, who are more likely to acquire low iron levels.

Increase iron intake through diet

Pregnant and lactating women need to consume enough iron in their diet. The following foods are good sources of iron: meat, poultry, seafood, beans, lentils, leafy greens, and fortified cereals. A healthcare provider may also recommend iron supplements if a woman's diet does not provide enough iron or has been diagnosed with anemia.

The need for lactating women to take additional iron supplements

Iron is essential for lactating women as it is needed for breast milk production. A woman's iron stores can deplete during the lactation, leading to iron deficiency anemia in lactating mothers. Consuming additional iron through supplements or iron-rich foods can help prevent this and ensure that both the mother and baby have enough iron to support healthy growth and development. Look for the ones with a non-nauseating fragrance and a combination of folic acid and vitamin B12, as they make the best iron supplement for pregnancy.

Maximize the iron absorption

In addition to dietary intake, pregnant and lactating women should also take steps to optimize their iron absorption. This can include consuming iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, as vitamin C can help increase iron absorption. It is also vital to avoid consuming coffee, tea, and other foods and drinks that contain compounds which can inhibit iron absorption.

Wrapping up

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in pregnant and lactating women's overall health and well-being. Adequate intake of iron through diet and iron supplements and steps to optimize iron absorption can help ensure that the mother and her developing fetus or newborn have the iron they need for proper growth and development. It is crucial for pregnant and lactating women to speak with a healthcare provider about their individual needs and to have their iron levels regularly checked.


About the Creator


Ferroton is an iron supplement containing Iron and Fomarate, used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and lactation. Visit our website at: Ferrotone

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