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5 Surprising Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Irregular

Menstruation is something that women have to accept and live with for the rest of their lives. When women get their periods.

By Ferroton Published about a year ago 3 min read

Menstruation is something that women have to accept and live with for the rest of their lives. When women get their periods, it seems like a hassle with all the back pain, cravings, mood swings and menstrual cramps. And on the other hand, when we do not get periods on time or miss them, it fundamentally means something is wrong; maybe there are chances of pregnancy and so on. This makes periods a are a blessing in disguise and a sign that your body is healthy.

Don’t worry; it is pretty common for women of all ages to have irregular periods due to stress or even lifestyle changes that are inevitable. But what should you do if you skip your periods and want to get them back on track?

To get to that, first, let’s assess the possible causes of irregular periods.

  • Generally, there are two times in a woman's life when she has irregular periods:
  • During the start of their menstruation cycle
  • During the beginning of menopause
  • During pregnancy, when periods take a backseat

On average, most women have an average period cycle of 28 to 30 days, and if this cycle goes up to 40 to 45 days or more than that, it means your menstruation cycle is irregular.

If your periods do not fall within the above ranges, you might have missed your periods due to one of the following five reasons:

  • Stress

It has a massive impact on your menstrual cycle. Your body releases cortisol hormones when you are under emotional or mental pressure. This cortisol hormone suppresses the part of your brain that regulates your period, the hypothalamus. Hence, if there is a rise in your stress level, your body enters into fight-or-flight mode, which temporarily stops your ovulating process.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS, an acronym for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, causes a hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system. Women suffering from PCOS do not regularly ovulate. Thus, their periods are irregular, inconsistent, and untimely. Also, there are other symptoms of PCOS, which include excess body or facial hair, fluctuating weight problems, dark patches on the skin, and infertility problems. If you or your partner have any of these symptoms, we recommend you consult a doctor who will guide you through proper treatment and medications.

  • Iron deficiency or anemia

Iron deficiency can cause irregular menstruation by disrupting the hormonal balance, reducing the ability to ovulate, and affecting the thickness of the endometrial lining. Iron deficiency can also cause symptoms contributing to menstrual irregularities, such as fatigue and weakness. You can check your iron levels by undergoing a blood test, and taking iron supplements, as your healthcare provider recommends, can help. You can opt for iron supplements like Ferrotone, which has 30% elemental iron and helps increase iron levels quicker than other available iron supplements.

  • Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills contain a chemical compound that prevents your ovaries from releasing eggs. These pills work by producing different hormones, including estrogen and prostaglandins, which cause an irregular menstrual cycle. It causes some women to have slight bleeding, while others may skip their periods for 3 to 6 months.

  • Thyroid Conditions

The thyroid is a wing-shaped gland that covers the windpipes in your body. These windpipes produce hormones that help stimulate several activities in your body, including

your menstruation. Out of many other thyroid conditions, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism might affect your period cycle. Usually, the thyroid regulates your body's metabolism. An overactive or underactive thyroid gland can make your periods light, heavy, or irregular. Also, thyroid diseases can stop your period, a condition known as amenorrhea.

  • Bottom Line:

Irregular periods and abnormal period cycles are common among women. Stress, PCOS, iron deficiency, birth control pills, and thyroid conditions are just a few reasons for irregular periods. It's imperative to consult a healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes in your menstrual cycle, so that the underlying cause can be determined and the appropriate treatment plan can be developed. However, it's essential to remember that irregular periods can also indicate an underlying medical condition like iron deficiency anemia. Taking care of your overall health, managing stress levels, and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help regulate your menstrual cycle and promote general well-being.


About the Creator


Ferroton is an iron supplement containing Iron and Fomarate, used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and lactation. Visit our website at: Ferrotone

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