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How to Use AI to Make Better Ads

growth your work using AI

By Anas KabahaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Ads are getting smarter, and that’s a good thing! Advertisers are realizing that traditional static ads aren’t as effective as they used to be, so they’re turning to new technology—like artificial intelligence (AI)—to create more effective ads for users and businesses. This approach is great for the advertisers, but it can be difficult to understand the changes in practice from their perspective and how this will affect their business overall. Here’s what you need to know about how AI works and why it’s important.

The Benefits of AI

AI is a powerful tool that can be used in many different ways. One way is for advertising purposes. With the help of AI, companies are able to create ads that are more targeted and have higher rates of success. This leads to an increase in sales, customer loyalty, and customer engagement. Using this technology will allow brands to reach their audience better and more efficiently.

#1: Targeted ads will help increase ROI.

#2: Advertising becomes more cost-efficient when using AI.

#3: Smart algorithms improve click-through rates by over 40%.

#4: Advertisers save on production costs with artificial intelligence because they don't need as many man hours. It's estimated that a company could reduce production time by up to 60% with the use of AI.

#5: A brand's message will reach customers faster and more often thanks to ad automation .

#6: Customers can also view ads anywhere and anytime thanks to digital channels. And now, advertisers can automatically tailor their messages based on how customers interact with them.

#7: In addition, consumers are viewing ads more often thanks to smartphones which is making it easier for advertisers to hit their target market.

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The Different Types of AI

There are three main types of AI:

The first type is called rule-based. This type of artificial intelligence is created by programmers who set up a series of rules that define how the AI should behave. The best example is Deep Blue, which was able to beat chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Another example is Watson, which won on Jeopardy and can be used for a variety of purposes.

The second type is based on machine learning. Machine learning uses large amounts of data and different algorithms in order to improve over time without being explicitly programmed what to do or what data it should use.

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The Process of Making an AI Ad

1. You'll want to collect data on your audience. The more you know about their interests, the better your ads will be.

2. Start by defining an objective for your ad campaign. What do you want it to accomplish? Create a list of items or outcomes that are important for your goal and measure them at the end of the campaign with a key performance indicator (KPI).

3. Choose an advertising platform and create ads that reflect what you're trying to achieve, using images, video, text or other media types as needed.

4. Track engagement rates in order to learn from what's working and refine what's not working so well until you have met your KPI targets for engagement rate.

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The Future of AI in Advertising

AI offers a number of benefits that make it superior to traditional advertising techniques. It's scalable, which means no matter how large your company grows, you'll always be able to keep pace with the demand for your product or service. It also allows companies to run more ads at once and target them with greater precision than ever before. For example, if a company is looking for new customers in the United States, they can use AI-based software that will find potential customers who are most likely not only geographically nearby but also have similar interests as their business. The result is a better customer experience and an improved conversion rate.


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