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How to remove eyelash extensions by yourself

Bye-Bye, Lash Extensions!

By 3newsPlusPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Eyelash extensions have been a great way to enhance your natural lashes and achieve a glamorous look without the hassle of applying mascara every day. However, there comes a time when you want to say goodbye to them and go back to your natural lashes. Removing eyelash extensions can be a daunting task, but it can be done safely and effectively with a few DIY tips. In this article, we will share some helpful tips on how to remove eyelash extensions by yourself.

Bye-Bye, Lash Extensions!

Before we dive into the tips on how to effectively remove eyelash extensions, let us first understand the process of how they are applied. Eyelash extensions are glued to your natural lashes using semi-permanent adhesive. Over time, the extensions naturally fall out as your natural lashes shed. However, if you want to remove them before they naturally fall out, here are some tips to help you do it safely.

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1. Be Gentle

The first and most important tip when removing eyelash extensions is to be gentle with your lashes. Tugging or pulling can cause damage to your natural lashes, resulting in breakage or even permanent loss of lashes. Use a light touch when removing the extensions and avoid pulling or tugging.

2. Use Steam

Steam is a great way to loosen the adhesive used to attach the eyelash extensions. You can use a warm washcloth or take a warm shower to create steam. Gently hold the warm washcloth over your eyes for a few minutes, then use your fingers to carefully remove the extensions.

3. Oil-Based Makeup Remover

An oil-based makeup remover can also help dissolve the adhesive used to attach the eyelash extensions. Soak a cotton pad in the remover and place it on your closed eyes for a few minutes. Gently wipe the extensions away with the cotton pad.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing properties and can also help dissolve the adhesive used for eyelash extensions. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to your lashes and let it sit for a few minutes. Use a cotton pad to gently remove the extensions.

5. Use Tweezers

If you have a steady hand, you can use tweezers to remove the extensions. Gently grip the extension close to the base and slowly pull it away from your natural lashes. Be careful not to pull too hard or you may damage your natural lashes.

6. Avoid Pulling

Do not pull or tug on the extensions as this can cause damage to your natural lashes. If the extensions are not coming off easily, you can use a different method or seek professional help.

7. Use Water

Water is another great way to loosen the adhesive used for eyelash extensions. Soak a cotton pad in warm water and place it on your closed eyes for a few minutes. Gently wipe away the extensions with the cotton pad.

8. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is known for its soothing properties and can also help dissolve the adhesive used for eyelash extensions. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to your lashes and let it sit for a few minutes. Gently remove the extensions with a cotton pad.

9. Be Patient

Removing eyelash extensions can take time, so be patient and take your time. Rushing the process can result in damage to your natural lashes.

10. Seek Professional Help

If you are unsure about removing the extensions yourself or are experiencing any discomfort, it is always best to seek professional help. A licensed esthetician or lash technician can safely remove the extensions for you.

DIY Tips to Remove Them Safely

Removing eyelash extensions can be a simple and safe process if done correctly. By following these tips, you can effectively remove the extensions and avoid damaging your natural lashes. Remember to be patient, gentle, and seek professional help if needed.

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Now that you know how to safely remove eyelash extensions, you can say goodbye to them with confidence. With these DIY tips, you can remove the extensions and give your natural lashes a chance to breathe and regenerate. Happy lash removal!

source: 3newsplus


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