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How to improve your expression ability


By michaeldbarr khgPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Reader: good evening, Mr. generous. Ask some questions. I am not very good at expression. I find it difficult to speak and write. I know every word, but when I want to say or write, I can't figure it out. I find it hard to talk to people. I don't know what to say. I don't think I have anything to say. My mind is always blank. Chatting and writing is not easy at all. I have nothing to say to anyone, nor to my family. When looking for a job, you can never pass the interview. I hope the teacher can teach me how to improve my expression ability.

Me: the overall ability and expression ability are not the same, and the expression ability is different from the expression ability of written language. What you really want to improve is your overall ability, which is often referred to as energy. This improves, your expression ability, your communication ability, your influence naturally increases. To be alive is to express, express, and express in a variety of ways. Doing things is expression, posture is expression, expression is expression, doing nothing, sitting there is also an expression.

Written language is only a kind of expression. Not everyone is good at the expression of written language, many people with wisdom and energy are not good at the expression of written language. Because, through the written language to express, in fact, is a very inefficient way of communication. The most efficient expression is empathy. If you are not good at verbal expression, there is no need to worry about it. During the interview, you can use your posture, your expression, and your relaxed state to express your confidence. When you need to use language, you talk about simple and real events or your work experience, and clearly tell the interviewer that you are not good at verbal expression, that you are an activist, and that you pay more attention to practice and execution. Of course, if you really have the ability to execute.

It's a record of the consultation. People often envy people who can chat, talk or write. In fact, the expression of written language is important to our work and life, but it is not so important. There are two points. First, the expression of written language is only a small part of the way people communicate. The state of your life is presented to the people around you, not just by speaking and writing, you can't speak at any time, you can't write at any time, and when you speak and write, it's usually only a small part of it. Even if the interview is a way of communication that depends on speaking and writing, speaking and writing do not play a decisive role.

What really makes a difference is the whole state you show. What kind of state you use to say, what kind of state you are expressing is often more important than what you express. Otherwise, there would be no interview and no face-to-face communication. People often say that people with heart are the most beautiful and confident people will shine. If you are a sincere and confident person, you show a state of sincerity and self-confidence, even if you don't say anything, or what you say is simple and boring. You are also radiating your own charm, you can also move others.

In our society, we are now pursuing technology and skills. What chat skills, expression skills, marriage skills, workplace skills, performance skills and so on, is it good to have skills? However, the skills you learn from others, the skills you copy mechanically, are not good and sometimes counterproductive. Coincidentally, the real skill, the skill available at any time, is to truly be yourself. In the process of being yourself, you will naturally have some inspiration, some convenience and skillfulness.

Second, being able to speak and write is only half of the communication between words and language. you are transmitting, and the other half is that you have to be able to receive, listen and understand. If you give a reference to others, you will be able to answer three, that is, you will listen and understand. If you cite one, you can only get 0.3, that is, you can't listen or understand. We live in the same world, receive roughly the same basic education, teach by the same teacher, some people become scientists, some people can only go to the construction site, why such a big difference lies in the receptive ability, lies in whether you can listen and understand.

As far as the current situation of the world is concerned, there is no shortage of people who can speak and write. on the contrary, there are too many such people, otherwise there would not be so many self-media to produce a huge amount of content every day. Now is an era of excess expression, everyone always seems to have a lot to say, a lot of views to express, a lot of feelings to express. Where there is excess, there must be deficiency. What is lacking is the lack of meditation to receive, and the lack of people who can listen, understand and receive. When a person learns to listen, understand and receive, his overall energy increases.

How to increase your intuition ability

Why do people lose their ability to perceive, because there are too many feelings

If you don't want to rest, you will lose the ability to rest in the end.

Intuitive inspiration is stronger, predictability is better, sleep quality is better!

When your receptivity increases, you will find that everything is really fine!

Observing your own process with meditation increases your ability and wisdom.

The correct use of their own life power is the key to all success in life. Reading this article is better than reading a ten-year book!

I feel the ability to breathe has improved. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I feel a constant influx of energy from the top of my head!

Too much desire, and insufficient ability to satisfy desire, both exist at the same time!

Where does people's ability to repair themselves come from?

People with poor concentration should first improve their balance ability. There are three simple and practical methods.

Hugging is a better action, it means that you open up your own space and improve your reception!

The stronger the ability to separate, the less need to separate!

How to increase one's ability must first understand what is meant by ability!

What you really need is not something, but the ability to do it!

You need to realize that at the root of all your abilities, there is a core competence!

Whatever you rely on will limit you. The more you rely on, the greater the limitation, and the smaller your ability.

When your absorptive capacity reaches the maximum, everything is your nutritional energy!

When you learn the ability to turn waste into treasure, life will continue to evolve!

Not affected by the environment, everyone has this ability, but you have never known it!

How to improve your awareness is suitable for people with zero foundation!

Thinking leads to qi stagnation, which leads to a decline in the metabolic ability of emotion, which in turn leads to mental illness!

The ability to extract information determines your learning speed, which is very enlightening!


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michaeldbarr khg

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