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Hair loss treatment for women

Thinning and shedding of hair is a common problem among female. Many search for the best treatment and remedy.

By A. CH.Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Hair loss treatment for women
Photo by Jenna Anderson on Unsplash

Hair loss treatment for women includes Rogaine solution (a topical medication). Other choices are light therapy, hormone therapy, scalp massage, and hair transplant in some cases.

Several effective medications that serve as a hair loss treatment for women are available and are being implemented successfully. Many women around the world are suffering from alopecia. It is not as uncommon as one thinks. Any age group of women can be affected with baldness, be it women under 30 or older than 70 years of age.

Hair loss treatment for women with any kind of baldness is now at hand. The most common form of female alopecia is “female pattern baldness” also known scientifically as “androgenetic alopecia”, which starts in the late teens and has a long-term effect. It is the result of the gene that is inherited by the parents. However, alopecia in women is not always genetic, it can also be a result of wearing uncomfortable hairstyles, using inappropriate products, not taking enough nutrients, changing hormone levels, or simply because they are aging. Each of these problems/lacking has a solution and if treated as soon as possible, one can save herself from permanent loss.

Hair Loss Treatment Options:

1. Minoxidil (Rogaine):

The most common hair loss treatment for women, Minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, is an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved treatment for baldness that works for both men and women. It increases the growth cycle, reduces patchiness, and thickens hair patterns. However, when a person stops using Rogaine, the hairs that grew because of the drug fall out again within 6 months. It comes in two concentrations as 2% solution and 5% solution. The 2% solution has to be used twice a day whereas the 5% solution requires a single application per day. However, the 2% solution has turned out to be more effective for androgenetic alopecia in women.

2. Ketoconazole:

Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication. It is used to control dandruff that causes scaling, itching, and flaking in the scalp. This drug is used in cases when androgenetic alopecia is caused by inflammation of follicles. Ketoconazole strengthens follicles and treats inflammation. Ketoconazole is sold online and over the counter as a shampoo by many brands, out of which Nizoral is the one well known.

3. Platelet-rich plasma:

Although PRP (platelet-rich plasma) has not been proved to be an effective treatment, it has been in use since the 1980s. PRP therapy involves three main steps. The first step is to draw blood from the patient’s body part (typically the arm) and keep it in a centrifuge for about 10 minutes. In the second step, the centrifuge separates the blood into three layers as platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells. The third step involves injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the damaged areas of the scalp with a syringe. This method repairs tissues and restores hair.

4. Corticosteroids:

Corticosteroids are injections. They are available in creams, lotions, and other forms. If directly injected into the affected areas of the scalp, they may grow new hair. This method is used when hairs fall out in random patches (alopecia areata).

5. Hair transplant:

Hair transplant is a costly treatment. It does not suit everybody and is used when other treatments do not work for the patient. In a transplant surgery, follicles are extracted from the richly-haired part of the scalp and then transplanted into the bald areas. Transplant gives a natural-looking effect. Hair transplant clinic in Lahore is offering female hair restoration surgeries for the last many years successfully so you can trust.

6. Light therapy:

Light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy and red-light therapy is a clinically proven treatment for alopecia in both men and women. It is painless, tolerable, and safe. A laser device exposes scalp tissues to photons that are absorbed by weak cells, hence repairs and increases hair growth. However, it is expensive, time-consuming, and may not be effective for people in the extreme stage of alopecia.

7. Scalp massage:

Scalp massage stimulates hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp. This strengthens the roots, reduces dryness and dandruff, and thickens hair. It is recommended to massage your scalp with oil before taking a shower.

8. Hormone therapy:

Hormone therapy or hormone replacement therapy is a suitable treatment for alopecia due to menopause in women. Also, an imbalance of androgen hormones causes alopecia. HRT products include birth control pills, antiandrogens such as spironolactone, and many others.

Eating a nutritious diet and using hair loss shampoos and oils may also help.


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