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Gods created dogs for close inspection on humans

By Vishalraj MPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

Dogs are often referred to as man's best friend, and for good reason. They have been a companion to humans for thousands of years and have earned their place as one of the most beloved pets in the world. But what about the relationship between dogs and God? Is there a deeper meaning to this bond that goes beyond just human companionship? In this article, we will explore the unique and meaningful relationship between dogs and God.

Many people believe that dogs are a gift from God. They are loyal, loving, and bring joy into our lives. Dogs have an innate ability to love unconditionally, and their presence can be incredibly comforting during difficult times. They provide a sense of security and safety, and their playful nature can bring a smile to even the saddest of faces. It's no wonder that dogs are often referred to as therapy animals or emotional support animals, as they have a remarkable ability to comfort and heal.

In many religions, dogs are considered to be symbols of loyalty, protection, and faithfulness. In Hinduism, dogs are believed to be the guardians of the afterlife and are often depicted at the feet of the god Yama, who is the god of death. In Buddhism, dogs are seen as protectors and are often used as a symbol for loyalty and faithfulness. The ancient Greeks believed that dogs were sacred animals that were associated with the goddess Artemis, who was the goddess of hunting and wilderness.

In Christianity, dogs are also revered and have a special place in the hearts of many believers. In the Bible, dogs are mentioned numerous times and are often used as a metaphor for faithfulness and loyalty. In the book of Revelation, dogs are described as being outside the gates of the heavenly city, which symbolizes their unworthiness to enter. However, there are also many positive references to dogs in the Bible, such as in the book of Tobit, where a dog named Tobias is said to have accompanied Tobit's son on a journey and protected him from harm.

One of the most famous dog stories in the Bible is the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. In this story, Elijah is on the run from King Ahab and takes refuge with a widow and her son. The widow only has enough food to feed herself and her son for one day, but Elijah tells her that if she shares her food with him, God will bless her and her household. Miraculously, the widow's food never runs out, and her son is saved from death. In this story, God uses a dog to protect and care for Elijah, and the dog is seen as a symbol of God's provision and protection.

Another famous dog story in the Bible is the story of the Good Samaritan. In this story, a man is beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. Several people pass by and ignore him, but a Samaritan man stops to help him. The Samaritan bandages the man's wounds and takes him to an inn, where he pays for his care. In this story, the Samaritan's actions are seen as a symbol of God's love and compassion, and the dog is used to represent the unconditional love and loyalty that we should have for our fellow human beings.

In addition to being symbols of loyalty and faithfulness, dogs are also seen as spiritual guides in many cultures. In Native American culture, dogs are believed to have a spiritual connection to the spirit world and are often used as guides for those who are on a spiritual journey. In ancient Egypt, dogs were associated with the god Anubis, who was the god of death and the afterlife. Anubis was often depicted as a man with the head of a jackal or a dog, and was believed to guide the souls of the dead.

In conclusion, the relationship between dogs and God is a complex and meaningful one. Dogs have been valued as loyal companions and protectors for thousands of years, and their presence in our lives has been seen as a gift from God in many religions. The bond between humans and dogs is rooted in a deep sense of love and trust, and this bond has been used as a symbol of God's love and provision throughout history. Whether as a symbol of loyalty, faithfulness, or spiritual guidance, dogs continue to hold a special place in the hearts and minds of people all over the world, and their presence is a reminder of the love and protection that we receive from a higher power.


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