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For women who love beauty, if they eat three more kinds of food in the morning, their skin may be very "happy", which is conducive to nourishing their appearance and resisting their early aging.

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By testPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Now many women tend to ignore the normal intake of three meals a day because of their busy work and high stress in life.

Especially for the breakfast meal, many female friends will be ignored in a hurry because they stay up late at night or can't get up in the morning, and sometimes simply eat a few bites, which can't play the role of absorbing nutrition at all.

The so-called plan of the day is in the morning, in fact, this meal in the morning seems simple, but it has a great impact on some physical health and skin conditions.

After a night of nutrient consumption and loss, the body is in urgent need of some nutrients to enter.

And the skin's pores and internal collagen, elastin, etc., but also because of night water evaporation and nutrition consumption, and in a relatively unhealthy condition.

If you do not supplement some beneficial nutrients in time, there is no doubt that these proteins and keratin, dermal cells will be gradually inactivated, thus it is easier to enter the aging situation.

In the cold and dry winter season, the skin is actually more likely to be disturbed by some damage and influencing factors.

Therefore, if women want to be "beautiful" and have to go out of their homes next winter, the necessary protective measures cannot be ignored.

For women who love beauty, if they eat three more kinds of food in the morning, their skin may be very "happy", which is conducive to nourishing their appearance and resisting their early aging.


Fresh fruits and vegetables.

First of all, fresh fruits and vegetables are very suitable for protecting the skin. People should eat some fresh fruits and vegetables every day, so as to make the skin better. Fresh fruits and vegetables are very rich in nutritional value. For example, they contain a lot of vitamins and have antioxidant effects. Eating these foods regularly can make people's skin better.


Milk or soy milk.

Milk or soy milk is rich in amino acids and protein, as well as a lot of calcium.

In the case of regular supplement, it can supply more adequate protein nutrients to skin cells, avoid and reduce the excessive inactivation of collagen and elastin, and help to restore the healthy and youthful characteristics of the skin.


Coarse grain.

At breakfast, eating whole grains is actually more beneficial to the maintenance of skin and physical health than eating refined pasta.

This is because coarse grains contain dietary fiber, which can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, help to digest and absorb more nutrients from food, thus replenish enough nutrients to the skin, prevent and reduce the growth of some skin problems.

Daily skin care, 2 things can be done more.


Supplement some skin care nutrients.


Maintain a regular and steady sleep.

The reason why many women enter old age prematurely is often due to the lack of sleep time, so in daily life, we should maintain a regular and stable sleep time.

Go to bed before 23:00 every day and get about 8 hours of sleep, which is good for skin care.

Every woman wants to have a youthful appearance and her skin will get better and better.

When a woman reaches the age of 25, the condition of her skin will get worse and worse. Simply using all kinds of skin care products can not solve the problem of skin aging at all.

The aging of female skin will be shown in advance on the skin, and most women think that they are still young and do not need to pay special attention to skin care.

Some minor problems on the skin will become more and more serious, so that their skin is getting worse and worse, and finally can only passively accept aging.

The appearance of these three problems in women's skin indicates that the condition of the skin is getting worse and worse, so it is necessary to take care of it as soon as possible.


The skin is getting drier and drier.

Most girls pay great attention to skin hydration, regardless of the use of any skin care products, the skin is getting drier and drier.

At this time, the shrinking ability of the skin decreases, and simply hydrating the surface of the skin can no longer solve the problem of moisturizing the skin.

If the skin is in a dry state for a long time, it will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles.


Wrinkles grow on the face.

When wrinkles start to appear on the face, most girls don't care.

Only when the wrinkles are very obvious do you start all kinds of care.

When there are fine lines on your face, don't think that taking a nap will solve the problem.

At this time the skin has entered the state of aging, it is necessary to seize the time to do a good job of skin care, otherwise there will be more and more wrinkles on the face.


Acne imprinting is difficult to eliminate.

Young skin cells are full of vitality and fast metabolism, even if there are acne or acne marks on the face, it can also be eliminated very quickly.

When the skin enters the aging state, it is difficult to eliminate acne quickly after growing acne on the face, and the acne imprint will be deeper and deeper.

When the acne imprint is difficult to eliminate, this is the skin has entered the state of aging ahead of time.


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