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Cute beauty face has these 3 characteristics

Collapsed nose can also be very beautiful

By GonzagaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Cute beauty face has these 3 characteristics
Photo by bmx22c on Unsplash

It is said that "men look at the nose and women look at the mouth", but the pursuit of a "beautiful nose" by girls today is not low at all. Now there is a very popular term to describe the beauty of the nose: famous beauty nose.

It seems that the nose is straight and beautiful to be considered a "famous nose", which is the standard of a beautiful woman. But without a "famous nose" is not beautiful?

The ancient beauty Lang Xiaoping is a "collapsed nose", but it does not affect her gentleness and elegant.

Lang Xiaoping

Song Y is also collapsed nose, but it is inexplicably good-looking, with a sense of oriental and sweetness, her high value lies in the overall greater than the local, charming eyes, the inner corner of the eye is sharp and thin, the outer corner of the eye light, and the cat beauty of charm, low nose bridge but let her more recognizable, pure and charming blend of just right.

We often say that the collapsed nose will pull down the face value, in fact, only one-sided, many cute girls also have a collapsed nose. But mainly these qualities are more obvious, so the temperament does not have much impact. Hurry up and see if your collapsed nose has other advantages to save!

The collapsed nose can also be very beautiful, especially if the face has these 3 characteristics, which are the standard cute type of beauty

The first point: the nose is small

Many people judgment a girl as not beautiful, the first observation is the bridge of the nose, if the nose is relatively high, to meet the aesthetic needs of the public for beauty. But, for Asian people, high nose girls are a minority, the majority of girls generally collapsed noses, and the bridge of the nose is also relatively collapsed.

A girl if the nose is collapsed can not be a rod to beat thus feel that the girl's face is not enough, if the nose is less than the distance between the two eyes, even the nose collapsed will also look like the girl's features in general very delicate coordination.

Second point: the nose is collapsed, but the eyes look good

It is often said that "beautiful eyes will speak", but what eyes are considered beautiful? Song Y is this type, although she looks more "collapsed", her eyes are beautiful so that people will not notice her nose.

Her eyes, not only give her increased recognition but also look particularly dynamic and divine.

Song Y

Third point: pointed chin

If you have a pointed chin, even a collapsed nose will look like the whole person's face is very high, pointed chin girl with a collapsed nose can make the two complements, if done too high nose, each other, but also can be very good to improve the girl's temperament.

So it can be seen how important it is to have a sharp chin to cover up a lot of shortcomings of a person, although it is not that a girl needs every one of her features to be very delicate to be considered high value, a collapsed nose, and a sharp chin are more compatible, yo!

For those who want to improve the shape of the nose, rhinoplasty is a good choice

The nose can be adjusted together with several sub units to reflect the three-dimensional and delicacy. To do rhinoplasty to look natural, not only the nose itself should be considered, but also the overall coordination of the five senses.

For people with a flat face, the nose is not pointed, nose shape and bone phase do not match, it will look very fake and abrupt if also choose the high mountain root, but also easy to appear through the sky nose.

For people with h flat face, do rhinoplasty, the nose can not be lifted too high, the nose to do three-dimensional exquisite at the same time to have a sense of roundness, the mountain root starting point is a little lower more appropriate, it is recommended to make a significant nasal forehead angle again.

It is important to use a professional plastic surgery hospital for rhinoplasty and then communicate well with your doctor. It is important to find a doctor you trust for surgery because everyone has different conditions and different requirements.

The fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.


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