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Common Causes of Dry Skin (And How To Fix Them!)

Is your skin flaky, dry, and irritated? These common causes of dry skin could be the reason why…

By GLAUX CHEM®Published 6 years ago 6 min read
Top Story - December 2018

Dry skin isn’t sexy skin; it’s skin that can bring down your day. Having dry skin can cause your makeup to look bad, may make your face itch, and at times, can even flake off. It’s embarrassing, but it’s not something that’s unusual by any means. Dry skin is very common and can happen for a wide range of reasons.

If you’re suffering from dry skin, there is some good news. You can fight it and get the beautifully healthy skin you want—if you know what’s causing your dry skin in the first place.

Science has shown that there are multiple causes of dry skin that can be fixed or aided with the use of tools like GLAUX CHEM®. Before you panic or resign yourself to a lifetime of bad skin, here are some fixable issues that you should try to check for.

Your skin’s outermost layer isn’t getting water.

This might sound redundant, but it’s really not. Your epidermis, also known as the outermost layer of your skin, needs to have a certain level of water in order to stay healthy. Sometimes, water just doesn’t make it to the top layer of skin, and when that happens, you will end up with dry, irritated skin.

The best solution to this issue is to use a natural, deeply-conditioning oil that is meant to penetrate and nourish skin, such as the ones offered by GLAUX CHEM®. By using oils to penetrate your skin from the outside in, your epidermis can stay hydrated—even when your body isn’t giving it the water it needs.

A side effect from medication.

Is your dry skin a relatively new phenomenon? If so, you may want to check your medicine cabinet. Certain medications have a very noticeable drying effect on skin, and can even cause you to become dehydrated.

Should you find out that the medication you started to use is causing serious dryness, you might want to start drinking more water and paying attention to what types of skin care products you use.. Better still, you should consider talking to your doctor about switching medications.

There’s a chance you might have a chronic inflammatory skin condition.

There’s dry skin, and then there’s skin that really seems to have more going on than just regular dryness. Certain skin conditions, including eczema, can cause dry skin breakouts that turn into itchy, burning rashes. Others just make skin feel dry regardless of what people try to do to better its condition.

If you have struggled with strange breakouts or dry skin that never improves, book an appointment with a dermatologist. There is a chance that you may have an underlying medical condition that’s drying out your skin—and that could require professional help.

Or, it could be a hormonal reason.

Skin conditions aren’t the only kinds of medical problems that can lead to dryness. Changes in the levels of estrogen are also known to reduce moisture levels in skin too. Doctors are already aware that many common disorders, including diabetes and hypothyroidism, reduce your body’s ability to keep skin moist.

Even something like prolonged stress can cause a hormonal reaction that dries out your skin. When you’re stressed, you release cortisol, which causes your body to go into “fight or flight” mode. One of the things it does is cause skin to lose moisture, which explains dry skin in chronically stressed people.

The best way to combat hormonal problems is to try to relax and to get your hormones checked by a medical professional. It could lead to some serious improvements in the quality of your life—and suppleness of your skin.

You like it hot.

Heat is so snuggly and cozy, especially in the winter time. That’s why people love hot baths, hot showers, and cranking up the heat at home when Jack Frost comes visiting. Though it may feel great to get away from the cold, heat can dry out your skin fairly quickly.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s dry heat or a hot bath, either. Heat causes moisture to evaporate, and that includes the moisture that’s in your skin. If you choose to enjoy hot baths, or if you decide to snuggle up to the fire, it may be time to get a product that locks in moisture.

Certain herbal oils, such as hemp oil and pomegranate seed oil, are excellent for locking in the moisture your skin contains—or just adding moisture to replace the water that your skin lost during your time basking in heat.

Your cosmetics are killing your skin’s moisture.

Did you know that cosmetics, fragrances, and skincare products all regularly contain ingredients that are known to dry out skin? It’s true, and the most common problem stems from alcohol-based fragrances. Alcohol dries out skin like nothing else, and can even cause irritation to those who have sensitive skin.

Another common mistake people make is trying to lock in hydration using water-based moisturizers. Water-based lotions are not capable of keeping your skin hydrated the way oil-based ones are, primarily because the water does not penetrate deep into your skin’s deepest layers. In some cases, the water that evaporates even goes so far as to take moisture that was there before you applied lotion with it! Oil rich in omega fatty acids locks in the moisture, which keeps skin happier and healthier.

If you are trying to get your skin to stay moisturized, it’s best to stick to natural, oil-based products like the Face & Body Oil from GLAUX CHEM®. It’s far less likely to harm your skin or dry it out.

You are washing your face too much.

Don’t get us wrong! Washing your face is a healthy thing to do, and can help get rid of impurities that cause acne. However, there’s such a thing as “too much of a good thing” when it comes to your skincare routine.

Excess washing strips away your skin’s natural oils and causes water that’s inside your skin to evaporate. Worse, if you’re the type to scrub your skin, you could be causing inflammation that worsens dryness. If you are washing your face more than once a day, you are definitely overdoing it.

The environment you’re living in isn’t too good for skin.

Though humans can live in just about any part of the world, the fact is that certain environments are better for skin than others. Dry areas, especially deserts, can cause dry skin among people who are sensitive to environmental factors.

Wintery areas, too, can cause skin to dry out. This is because extreme temperatures causes skin to go into “shock,” which can greatly reduce the amount of oil it produces. In some cases, cold and dry air can also cause rapid moisture evaporation as well.

If you live in a dry (or super cold) area and aren’t looking to move, the best way to protect your skin is to buy a humidifier and do what you can to moisturize.

You’re not drinking enough water.

This seems like such an obvious cause, but you would be surprised. Most people don’t get the amount of water they should, and as a result, end up suffering a wide range of different symptoms. One of the most common symptoms of long-term under-hydration is dry skin.

Doctors recommend getting at least eight glasses of pure water per day. If you regularly work out, that minimum requirement swells to upwards of 10. Take a look at your water bottle. Have you re-filled it today? If you haven’t, try to get more water into your diet and see how your skin reacts.

Finally, it could also be a sign of aging.

Scientists have found that people tend to have lower moisture levels in their skin as they age, and that it’s actually tied to wrinkling. This means that most people should expect to have their moisture levels decrease as they get older.

Though you can never fully reverse aging, you can help your skin make up for the moisture loss by using a gentle oil-based moisturizer like the Face & Body Oil from GLAUX CHEM®. This can help offset moisture loss from aging, and possibly even prevent premature aging from happening to you.


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Our mission is to help those with skincare needs by developing natural products that are inspired by Mother Nature. Learn more at

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