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Budget Products for Beauty

Great beauty products for budgeting people!

By Michelle WhitePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Budget Products for Beauty
Photo by Kalos Skincare on Unsplash

People hype up expensive products all the time. But for some of us, those prices just aren't working for our budgets. Plus, just because it costs more money doesn't mean it always works.

For years I've wanted my skin to be able to glow more. I've searched time and time again for products that would work. Little did I know, a few cheaper products from Walmart would change my skin literally overnight!

As far as makeup removers, I found that the Micellar water with vitamin C was perfect. The vitamin C in the formula adds a nice glow to your skin. But I also struggle with a balanced skin tone, so I grabbed an Aveeno face wash that was gentle on my skin, but left it feeling refreshed and moisturized. The product was the Aveeno positively radiant daily scrub. It gently exfoliates the face while helping your skin brighten and glow! I also grabbed a Biore witch hazel toner, and it changed my life.

The toner left my skin feeling balanced and extra clean. It helped my skin glow as well. I had always heard that witch hazel was excellent for a facial toner. You don't have to use the Biore products though! Those can get pricey, so fortunately a bottle of regular witch hazel will do the trick the same! It does feel like cool alcohol going on your face, but no need to fear. It hasn't left my skin feeling dry, so it shouldn't leave yours feeling dry either! I'm still working on balancing my skin tone and complexion, but so far these products help! I also grabbed a charcoal peel off mask that doesn't hurt in the least when using it!

We've all seen those videos that can be hilarious reactions to people using those black peel off charcoal masks. Charcoal is great for acne prone skin, so I was excited to use this. I struggle with acne breakouts still, even in my twenties. It can still be frustrating even though its still common for my age range! This one was made with tomatoes. It's called the "Say Yes to Tomatoes" peel off mask. It has an applicator with it for you to swipe the mask on. Just let it dry, and painlessly peel it off. This product left my skin feeling soft, and refreshed. I use this once or twice a week, depending on how my skin is feeling. It also helps clean out your pores! I'm sure there are others out here who sometimes wear makeup almost daily. I do myself because I like to play with new makeup looks.

After using all of these, and properly cleansing my face I finish up with my favorite moisturizer. The one I'm using currently is on the expensive side, but I got it with some facial products I tested out from the mall near me on a discounted price. It's great, but there's still many cost efficient moisturizers that are just as wonderful! I found that when I was trying Mary Kay products while my mom sold it, their botanicals line of moisturizer left my face feeling soft and smooth! More cost efficient than what I bought, and a little truly goes a long way!

These few products can truly change your life, and your skin quickly! I swear by them. If you've experienced allergies to skincare before, please remember to check the ingredients before you try these!

If you're feeling generous, leave a tip for me to try future products! I would be glad to review them!

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About the Creator

Michelle White

Hi! My name is Michelle, and I love to write about many things. I find that writing is a wonderful release for me, and I'm sure many of you feel the same! I enjoy reading everyone's wonderful stories!

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