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"Anti-glycation" can anti-aging?

Anti-aging is not that simple!

By John A. MurrellPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

With the support of the concept of "anti-glycation" in health care products, "anti-glycation" products have become the big names in the skin care industry. What is "saccharification"? Do "anti-glycation" products really have the magical effect of making people stay young forever? Can "anti-glycation" fight the aging of our body?

Today, I will reveal the truth about "anti-glycation" for everyone.

The "Maillard reaction" that makes people love and hate

Why do some foods, such as tempting cakes, aroma-filled coffee, chocolate with a strong aroma, and squeaky roasted meat, always have a strong temptation for people? This starts with a reaction.

It was first discovered that when the mixture of glycine and glucose was heated together, a brown compound was formed, and the aroma could be smelled. Later studies found that this is a reaction between carbonyl compounds and amino compounds, which is a non-enzymatic browning that is widely present in the food industry, called "Maillard reaction", which is often referred to as "saccharification reaction."

It is this kind of reaction that makes a lot of delicious tastes that people can't stop. Food cooks can use Maillard reaction to make all kinds of colors and flavors you want. However, things always have two sides. While tasting a good taste, Maillard reaction also forms acrylamide, furan, heterocyclic amine, advanced glycation end products, and these substances may cause cancer, chronic diseases, and accelerate aging.

Especially advanced glycation end products, it can lead to more than one way of aging. Some studies believe that the damage of this substance to the skin is to increase the brittleness of collagen, which is easy to break, and then produces wrinkles. Its own color makes our face yellow and dull. In fact, the acceleration of human aging by advanced glycation end products is also reflected in the occurrence of many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and atherosclerosis. Studies have found that the level of advanced glycation end products in the above-mentioned patients is significantly higher than that of the normal population.

Therefore, it is certain that the "glycation reaction" and skin aging are inseparable.

Can quit "sugar" prevent aging? You think too much

As for the two products of acrylamide and heterocyclic amine, the former is mainly produced by the Maillard reaction of high starch content food raw materials through frying and baking, and the latter is formed in grilled and fried meat. . So, people are beginning to think about whether they can achieve permanent youth without eating these over-processed foods? Unfortunately, no.

Reducing high-temperature cooking, avoiding burnt food, and avoiding excessive consumption of grilled and fried foods can indeed help us reduce the intake of possible carcinogens to a certain extent. However, another advanced glycation end product is not so easy to "handle". This kind of substance is also the most worried thing about beauty.

There are two sources of advanced glycation end products in the human body: one is the synthesis of excess sugar and protein in the body, and the other is ingestion through food. It should be noted that the sugar referred to here is not just sweet candies, but carbohydrates. It is a general term for various types of sugars including monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

Some people may ask, is it possible to "quit sugar" and avoid carbohydrates at all to stay away from advanced glycation end products and stay away from aging? Unfortunately, this is basically impossible!

We know that there is glucose in the blood of the human body. No matter how you "quit sugar", your body will find ways to provide glucose as an energy source for picky red blood cells, nerve cells and muscle cells. Therefore, in the human body, there is always a slow "Maillard reaction", which in turn makes us grow old slowly.

In addition, carbohydrates are one of the three energy-supplying substances that provide human energy. Insufficient intake will naturally lead to a decline in body function or partial loss, such as easy fatigue, emotional irritability, inattention, and decreased immunity. .

Although there are currently many clinical applications of ketogenic and low-carbon diets, these are all based on therapeutic diets, that is to say, they are set up to treat certain patients. It cannot be equated with a daily diet in a physiological state.

Relying on "anti-glycation" products can nurture "girl muscles"?

When it comes to "anti-glycation", many people may be confused, but for those who love beauty, this is a hot product that is eagerly sought after. Searching for "anti-glycation" on major online sales platforms, the various oral liquids, capsules, and protein powders are really dazzling. Most of the product advertisements read: "Anti-aging", "Brightening", "Fighting against free radicals", "Stay up late can also nurture "Girlish muscle""... Generally speaking, many of these products contain whitening and anti-aging ingredients. There are also some products that use antioxidant ingredients, such as ceramide, VC, and zinc. Although this does not affect our whitening and anti-aging effects, they are not the mechanism of "anti-glycation" effects.

Moreover, there is currently no guideline recommended dosage for these ingredients, and there is no more research support for the "anti-glycation" effect.

In fact, for the skin, the biggest damage is not the "Maillard reaction", but the sun, staying up late, unbalanced diet, stress, etc. The simple "anti-glycation" product cannot resist all the harmful factors that bring to the body. Damage.

Therefore, for "anti-glycation" products, they can be chosen voluntarily when the economy permits.

Delay the aging of the body

Compared with "anti-glycation" products, sun protection, healthy eating, and regular life will play a greater anti-aging effect. If we want to delay the aging of our body and maintain our health, we must start from the usual bit by bit. Try to do the following aspects, it is possible to really achieve the purpose of slowing down aging and preventing diseases.

Change cooking methods Use some cooking methods that can reduce the generation of possible carcinogens, such as steaming, boiling, stewing, and boiling.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits appropriately. Dietary fiber has the effect of adsorbing possible carcinogens and reducing their activity.

"Quit" unnecessary added sugar Although the human body needs glucose, it does not mean that you have to take in sugar directly. From this perspective, "quitting sugar" cannot be said to be completely useless. We can quit adding sugar, such as cane sugar, white granulated sugar, soft white sugar and so on. In addition, get healthy carbohydrates through intake of complex carbohydrates, such as cereals, miscellaneous beans, fresh vegetables and fruits. At the same time, with a reasonable intake ratio of protein and fat.

Appropriate exercise and regular work and rest, reduce staying up late, go to bed early and get up early, exercise moderately, and use exercise to effectively and quickly consume excess sugar and maintain the balance of sugar in the body.


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