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7 Celebrities Who Drastically Bleached Their Skin (Photos).

When does it go too far?

By Jide OkonjoPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

When does it go too far?

This is the question I've been asking myself as I compile this list. When does it go too far?

So many people start out trying to make little treatments for hyper pigmentation, but the before you know it, this person has undergone a full out body tone transformation.

When does it go too far?

I guess for some of these Nigerian celebrities, there is no line. Once you've bleached that skin, you have to maintain it. And it's in that maintenance that a lot of times, things begin to spiral out of control.

I have compiled for you 7 names of some Nollywood celebrities who have drastically bleached their skin.

What I think is that in some of these cases, these celebrities didn't set out with the intention of bleaching as far as they went. I'm sure it was just one harmless buy of one harmless product in a store. But then the more they started seeing that fairer skin, the more they felt the need to apply.

Without further ado, here is my compilation for 7 Celebrities Who Drastically Bleached Their Skin.

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1. Rukky Sanda

Some of the before and after pictures of Rukky Sanda really have me scratching my head.

Ever since I've personally seen Rukky Sanda on television, I have always assumed she's a light skinned woman. But going through some of these pictures and seeing Rukky with more ebony skin, I'm totally lost.

Check these pictures out for yourself.

2. Toke Makinwa

Toke Makinwa's own bleaching according to her was as a result of her husband. In her book, "On Becoming", she wrote that she started bleaching her skin because she knew that her husband at the time was into lighter skinned women. So in an effort to catch his interest and keep his interest, she started lightening her own skin.

I guess having seen the results of the light skin creams, she's just decided to keep going at it. Or is it a case of her just having to now maintain her newly found skin? I guess we'll never know.

But what we do know is that this difference is very clear!

3. Bobrisky

Bobrisky's story is one that I do find interesting. According to the very popular Instagram influencer, she says that when she was still living and presenting as a dark skinned boy, nobody paid her any bit of mind. She was broke and hungry and nobody cared, nobody wanted to help.

So after she rebranded, started lightening her skin, pushing all of her lightening products, etc, that's when the checks started to roll in. All of a sudden, her phone calls were rising. But so was the hate she begun to receive.

Now, in a documentary titled Skin, the internet mogul says that she actually sometimes regrets her decision to bleach her skin because maintaining it is a lot of work. Asked if she would prefer to go back to her dark skin days, the Instagram influencer said that she would very much like to.

4. Dencia

Dencia's is one story that I find interesting. She is obviously a lot lighter than she used to be but she has never actually fessed up to bleaching her skin. She has a skincare brand called "Whitenicious" which got so much backlash because people believed that the name of the brand as well as the images used and promotional campaign was very anti-black skin. The singer heself has come out to say that in as much as Whitenicious products can lighten the skin, their primary aim is to fix hyper-pigmentation.

So I find this whole thing interesting because: is it that Dencia started out using these products and then turned into this whole other complexion?

I mean, talk about things going too far if that's the case.

5. Tonto Dikeh

Tonto Dikeh is an open book. I think this is one of my favorite things about her. Unlike other celebrities who like to deny what they've done, Tonto Dikeh opens up about every single thing with a refreshing honesty that I enjoy watching.

The actress bleached her skin and has maintained that skin tone for years now. In fact, looking at some of her older pictures, I was quite surprised at the difference.

Take a look for yourself.

6. Cynthia Morgan

Nigerian dancehall singer and rapper, Cynthia Morgan, when we came to know about her was light skinned the first time we saw her on the scene.

But when older pictures of Cynthia begun resurfacing online, people were left scratching their heads trying to understand how such an obviously dark-skinned woman became so light-skinned.

Wow! The power of bleaching cream. It truly never ceases to amaze me.

7. Sean Tizzle

A lot of times there is a narrative pushed that only women bleach their skin. Only women have insecurities about their looks. That is a lie. Men too do have body insecurities, and some, many actually, invest in skin lightening products just as much as women do.

One popular example of this is Nigerian singer, Sean Tizzle, who went under fire when pictures of him looking significantly lighter hit the internet.

The pictures caused so much backlash, so much so that even Sean himself had to address the pictures, insisting that he isn't bleaching, and that we should "blame the filter".

Okay Sean Tizzle. Whatever you say. I guess let us blame the filter for these very stark differences.


I hope you've found this story interesting. Bleaching especially in the black community is way too prevalent, and the conversation as to why that is and why people do it is very deep and very interesting. There are also some extents of non-celebrity type folks going very extreme with the bleaching. A good documentary you can watch if this type of thing interests you is Skin by Nollywood actress, Beverly Naya. It won an AMVCA award this year and it is really good. Here's the trailer in case you want to check it out.

To not miss out on any new stories and articles that I post every single day, be sure to like and follow my Facebook page.

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Until next time, have a wonderful rest of your day!


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Jide Okonjo

I have ONE account and MANY interests. My page is a creative hodgepodge of:

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