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Things you should know before you pick up a violin

Things you should know before you pick up a violin

By Shivam Published about a year ago 3 min read
Things you should know before you pick up a violin
Photo by Joel Wyncott on Unsplash

Sometimes all we need is a musical instrument that could play the worries out of us. And sometimes all we need is to know a few things before we pick up an instrument and learn. Learning an instrument takes immense effort and time. This means that you’d definitely not want to pick up the wrong one. As someone who has known violin for many years, I often get asked by beginners about what they should know before picking up the instrument. The violin can be a challenging instrument to learn, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. So, if you are getting even a tiny thought of playing it, know these few things before you learn.

Is it the right instrument?

Choosing the right violin is important, especially when you are a beginner. Hardly do we get the idea of learning an instrument. And when we do, most of us do not lead it to its realization. Now, if you’ve got the idea of playing violin, you’d want to make sure it is the right decision.

I do not mean to demotivate your brain toward learning it, but there are a few reasons you might want to opt-out. There are three areas that you should consider before you step in: finances, time constraints, and effort.

Learning violin could be a bit heavy on your pockets. This is because quality musical instruments might come expensive. However, you do not need to invest in a thousand-dollar violin initially. You can simply buy a basic violin from sites like eBay and start learning. But before you do it, know that it will take time and effort. Learning violin is going to take time. So, you might have to dedicate a few focused hours to it. At times, you might even fail frustrated as nothing will be coming out. But persevere. As a day will arrive when you’ll be playing that Bach masterpiece fluidly.

Buy a high-quality student model violin that is designed for beginners and can help you get started on the right track. Also, find a violin that is the right size for you, as playing an instrument that is too big or too small can lead to bad habits and physical strain.

Learning the Basics

Now, if you’ve come to this far, it is time to persevere. Learning to play the violin requires patience and persistence. Start with the basics – focus on having a proper posture, bowing technique, and finger placement. Learning these skills correctly from the beginning will help you avoid developing bad habits and make it easier to progress in the future. And if you are someone who needs a guru to get started, great idea. Finding a good teacher or taking lessons online can be a great way to get started.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The only way to get better at playing the violin is to practice consistently. I remember the time when I would not want to practice it enough. As a result, months passed and I could not progress even a minor scale. It’s important to establish a practice routine that works for you. This could mean practicing for short periods every day or dedicating larger blocks of time a few times a week. Also, when you learn, focus on specific areas that need improvement. This comes with proper observation.

Learning to play the violin takes time and effort. It's important to be patient and not get discouraged when progress seems slow. It can take years to develop advanced skills, and even professional musicians continue to practice and improve their technique throughout their careers. Perseverance and a love of the instrument are essential for the success my potential Hahns and Paganinis.

Remember to enjoy the journey, and don't give up when progress seems slow. With time and effort, you'll be playing beautiful music in no time.


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