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The soundtrack of a Life

The Melodies That Shaped My Journey

By Amna AsgharPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
The soundtrack of a Life
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

Music has the power to transport us to different times, places, and emotions. It weaves its way through our lives, becoming intertwined with our most memorable moments. In this playlist, I invite you to join me on a journey through the soundtrack of my life. Each song holds a special place in my heart and represents a defining moment or emotion that has shaped who I am today.

1. "Dream On" by Aerosmith:

Link: [Spotify](

This song was the anthem of my childhood. It reminds me of the dreams and aspirations I held onto with unwavering determination. Whenever life threw obstacles my way, this song would play in my mind, urging me to push forward and never give up.

2. "Fix You" by Coldplay:

Link: [YouTube](

During a particularly difficult time in my life, when I felt lost and broken, this song became my solace. It offered me comfort and reminded me that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope for healing and renewal.

3. "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield:

Link: [Spotify](

As I embarked on a new chapter in my life, this song became my anthem of freedom and possibility. It captured the exhilaration of embracing the unknown and reminded me to seize every opportunity and create my own destiny.

4. "Brave" by Sara Bareilles:

Link: [YouTube](

In a moment of self-doubt and fear, this song became my rallying cry. It empowered me to stand up for myself, speak my truth, and embrace my authenticity. It reminded me that being brave is not the absence of fear, but the courage to face it head-on.

5. "Happy" by Pharrell Williams:

Link: [Spotify](

This song encapsulates a period of pure joy and contentment in my life. It reminds me to cherish the simple moments, embrace positivity, and find happiness in the little things that make life beautiful.

6. "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor:

Link: [YouTube](

During a challenging breakup, this empowering anthem became my anthem of resilience and strength. It reminded me that no matter how difficult life may seem, I have the power within me to overcome any adversity and emerge stronger.

7. "Imagine" by John Lennon:

Link: [Spotify](

This timeless classic carries a message of peace, unity, and hope. It serves as a reminder of the power of imagination and the possibility of creating a better world. It has always inspired me to dream big and believe in the collective power of humanity.

8. "Hall of Fame" by The Script ft.

Link: [YouTube](

This song became my anthem during a period of intense self-discovery and personal growth. It reminded me of the importance of embracing my unique talents, pushing boundaries, and striving for greatness. It motivated me to reach for the metaphorical

"Hall of Fame" in my own life.

9. "Rise Up" by Andra Day:

Link: [Spotify](

This powerful and uplifting song became my source of inspiration during times of adversity. It reminded me of my inner strength and resilience, encouraging me to rise above challenges and continue moving forward with unwavering determination.

10. "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey:

Link: [YouTube](

Closing my playlist is this timeless anthem that captures the essence of hope and perseverance. It reminds me to hold onto my dreams, stay true to myself, and never stop believing in the magic of life's journey.

Music has the incredible ability to transport us back to significant moments in our lives. Each song in this playlist represents a chapter, an emotion, or a lesson that has shaped my journey. As I listen to these songs, the memories and emotions come flooding back, reminding me of the strength, joy, and growth I have experienced along the way. May this playlist inspire you to create your own soundtrack and reflect on the melodies that have shaped your own unique story.

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About the Creator

Amna Asghar

Discovering life's magic through writing

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