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Rambling About Wake Up & It's Over by Lovejoy

plz don't come for me wilbur stans, i'm just here for the words

By lucyjbPublished 9 months ago Updated 5 months ago 8 min read

DISCLAIMER: this is just my interpretation so you don't have to agree, but if you wanna get mad about it please for the love of god go find someone who actually cares and waste their time instead.


1. Portrait of a Blank Slate

the beginning of this song has such a distinct vibe that feels kind of?? sharp?? like it has very straight edges in sort of a black and white kind of way

then w the buildup ‘i'm just the same, i've got a boring name” (having a crazy name is not as fun as it sounds tho just saying)

“if only you knew just how much better things could be '' i just love the idea of not knowing what you're missing?? like how we look back and wonder what people did before electricity but they didn't know to miss it??? you can't miss something you've never had??

‘i feel at some point i broke my mind’ beginning this themes of madness and going mad that i really love

2. Call Me What You Like

i love the beginning of this song so much partly because that opening riff is so well done not just in that it fits with the song (which it does ofc) but also the sort of distinct feeling and familiarity that marks the song when it comes on—then ofc experiencing the transition of this sort of softer(?) vibe then going into the chorus with an abrupt change (which is something i loooooove just in general) that feels much angrier in comparison to that at the beginning. long story short I love this sort of dark melancholy in contrast with the kind of brightness (fs not the right word) of the anger in the chorus

‘we both taste confused’—love this as a sort of substitution of senses/feelings and using senses to describe feelings

‘you can't stay awake forever’ feels sort of like ‘nothing lasts forever’ but also kind of like sleep/the world will catch up with you eventually and there's nothing you can do about it

I love the spoken words mixed in with the music so much (its something fob does a lot and i've always always loved it so much)

‘place your bets on who's lost their mind’— i really really love all his lyrics referencing madness and going mad partly because it's something i've talked about a lot but also because it gives the sort of tilted perspective to the whole ep in a sort of unreliable narrator kind of way (i mean this as a good thing ok we're all unreliable lmao)

(also side note they played this on the local alt rock station at my job and i was very excited)

3. Consequences

there's something about the beginning of this song that feels kind of??? careless?? but in a (good) way that's totally on purpose in that it kind of feels like waking up in the morning and trying to convince yourself that it is worth getting out of bed in the first place—especially with the feeling of the chorus “what's this the consequences of my actions” and sort of feeling like these mistakes are catching up with you and what's the point of trying to outrun them?

“Do you ever feel like you've felt off for about a year?” (me but its like every year lol)

“drink i've had too much to think” I LOVE THIS not even just for the wordplay but also cause ‘i've had too much to think’ in itself is so eloquent and feels like a really vivid tangible way to capture this sort of feeling

‘i'd like to have another go’ (my inner fob stan is showing i'm so sorry) this reminds me of a lyric from the fall out boy album folie a deux in the opening song disloyal order “i'd promise you anything for another shot at life” this is one of my favorite lyrics ever so being reminded of it is lovely and i feel like these share the same general idea

love that ending—it gives the song a very idk? satisfying??? end or at least a very finite tangible ending

4. Warsaw

‘you wake up and thank god it's over’ this brings in the ep title which is always the best but i also like the concept of waking up and knowing that it’s already over

‘Don't you know no one gets what they came here for?’ this but also the kind of idea that you don't get what you came for and what you do get can be good or bad and ofc you have no control over that either

“Apathy comforts me like a cell comforts an inmate” i cannot express how much i love this lyric because it manages to capture the pain in feeling alone in a physical sense but also taking comfort in something that shouldn't really be comforting—eg prison cell, apathy, emptiness etc

“It won't get better, I assure you”—this lyric specifically is interesting in that it's a theme i've noticed a lot in different work recently both lyrically and as a common theme (fob’s smfs-I Am My Own Muse “it gets harder when it never gets better” and the band CAMINO’s What Am I Missing? “I tell myself that it's for the better so why does it keep getting worse?”—among others)

5. Scum

I really just love the feel of this song, especially ‘i feel i've reached the end before i've reached death’ I like this line a lot just in the way it references the end and the existential vibe that comes with that but also how it sort of changes the idea of death as the end

‘But you're just a cog in the machine” i love this broken machine kind of trend because it's a really good metaphor and i love seeing the different ways individual artists use the general idea (others include nothing but thieves album titled ‘broken machine’—and fob (i'm so sorry lmao) from disloyal order again—“i'm a loose bolt of a complete machine” among many others)

“I recall staring at the sea for the first time.”/“my eyes wandered, took the sights from both sides”/“they longed to be free but all i could see was horizon”/“that claustrophobic horizon”—painting this picture of the sea but i also think it's interesting (and really cool) to describe the horizon as claustrophobic because it seems endless sometimes but at the same time we can't see the end if that makes sense lol

6. It's Golden Hour Somewhere

just the title of this song gives a really good visual because obvs ‘golden hour’ is such a specific image but even thinking about the title as a whole, it's very optimistic in a way that kind of opposes the actual song—like the difference between ‘it's golden hour somewhere’ but that somewhere is not here—in a bitter way

absolutely roasting capitalism and i'm here for it (never forget, HOT GIRLS HATE CAPITALISM)

“So tell me, is it normal to totally lose your mind?” hits different (and ofc i'm here for the madness lyrics)/“i won't announce my sheer descent but holy fuck there will be signs” whenever i play music for my dad he always bitches about the swearing and how its a cover for a lack of creativity (its not) but i think this song is one of the best examples of using swearing in a way that adds to the sentiment—i especially love the lead up to this because it does a really good job of capturing the anger and feeling in “holy fuck there will be signs”

i also love “ram the holy scriptures down throats in tennis shoes” calling out religion especially in sort of forcing it on young people (my dad taking us to catholic church age 11 lmao)

i loooove the CFIT (controlled flight into terrain) lyric ‘we're all on a cfit so take what you see fit” that first one is so existential and also scary accurate but i really love the second part too—play of cfit and see fit is an absolute 10/10 i love it

i really really really love the bridge with that rising rhythm in the background but also how it lines up with the lyrics and just the general flow?? or like? continuation of the lyrics (i think about this specifically a lot but i haven't quite figured out how to describe it yet)

“his grass is the wrong shade of green, but he can pay to make a change” specifically ‘ he can pay to make a change’ is cool esp w the wording—’make a change’ vs other options—‘make it change’ or smth in reference to the grass but ‘make a change’ feels much more open ended and much bigger in terms of someone with a lot of money who could help people but doesn't etc


personal favorites:

“Apathy comforts me like a cell comforts an inmate”

“we're all on a cfit so take what you see fit”

“So tell me, is it normal to totally lose your mind? i won't announce my sheer descent but holy fuck there will be signs”

“drink i've had too much to think”

“i feel i've reached the end before i've reached death”

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writer of words


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