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How Do the Dulo Amp Pedal Stand Out from Other Options?

Tube Amplifiers

By Lata OutreachPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
How Do the Dulo Amp Pedal Stand Out from Other Options?
Photo by Goh Rhy Yan on Unsplash

Electric guitars require amplifiers to amplify the electrical signal emitted by them. dccdsElectric signals are primarily produced during pickups, and by nature, are of electromagnetic variety. Among different types of amps, tube amplifiers are the best for electric guitars. Tube amplifiers use valves or vacuum tubes (preamp and power vacuum tubes) to amplify the sound.

Role of a tube amplifier in an electric guitar:

8L6 Integrated Amplifier By EAR

When a guitarist plugs the electric guitar into an amplifier, it is not to obtain a clear, crystalline sound but to enhance the tonal coloration of the electric signal produced by the electric guitar. A tube amplifier passes an electrical signal through vacuum tubes, thereby increasing the amplitude of the signal.

Importance of a tube amplifier

Tube amplifiers benefit in the given ways;

1) Tube amplifiers are suited more for a high-voltage circuit.

2) Vacuum tubes in tube amplifiers increase technological robustness

3) Tube amplifiers have increased overload handling capability.

4) Tube amplifiers produce softer clippings in overloaded circuits.

5) Tube amplifiers also benefit linear circuits with low distortion.

Role of the pedal in a guitar:

A pedal or a stompbox is a metal enclosure with a housing circuit. When it’s turned on, it can produce variations in the sound generated by your electric guitar. Modulating, reverberating, distorting the guitar tones are some of the normal functions of a pedal. The order of your pedals, using the correct power source, and the way the guitar pedal is used must be kept in mind when using a pedal.

Are the pedals required while playing the guitar?

After procuring a tube amplifier, do you want to know what more you need to achieve a perfect tonality?

Then the answer is, you need a pedal. A pedal helps in improving the tone of the sound produced by the guitar and the tube amplifier. Even creating variations and different tonal textures is importantly the function of a pedal.

What is an amp pedal?

The signal chain’s end should be where you must have the amp pedal. They are meant for enhancing the processed signal before moving them to dedicated speakers.

If the guitarist wants to connect to the speaker cabinet, replacing the guitar amp is a straightforward solution with the Dulo amp pedal.

Dulo amp pedal features:

The Dulo amp pedal is one such pedalboard amp. Due to several essential features of the Dulo amp pedal, it is better than any other in the market. Here, some of the most outstanding features are being discussed vividly.

1) Dulo amp pedals are easy to use

With the Dulo amp pedal, you can connect an amp head directly to Dulo instead of the speaker cabinet. A simple connection can be made between your guitar, Dulo, and a speaker.

a) It comes with a pedalboard, and Dulo should be the last pedal in the rig. Dulo does not have a drive segment. If you switch to Dulo, you will see a significant change in the tone of the sound produced; it will instead become more cleaner & clearer.

b) The amp pedal can create multiple effects.

c) The amp pedal can be connected even to your computer.

d) The XLR jack is for running direct outputs. A small cabinet can be run directly on stage in live performances, and Dulo can send a direct output to the mixing desk being used.

e) The XLR connector can be separated from the ground by using a ground lift switch.

2) It is compatible with every type of speaker cabinet

Every type and kind of speaker cabinet can function when connected with the Dulo amp pedal. The impedance between 4 and 16 ohms (60 watts to 15 watts) can easily be matched when using the Dulo amp pedal.

3) Improved sound quality

Dulo’s sound quality stays separate from the guitar tone used. Dulo aims create a transparent tone for powering the cabinet. But when using multi-effect pedals instead of in-built amp pedals, you may not understand the difference in sound quality.

4) Dulo gives plentiful volume

The Dulo power output is directly proportional to the impedance level of the speaker. For most guitarists, 15-Watt power is found to be sufficient. A live performer can run the guitar cabinet and the DI output to the mixer simultaneously.

Wrap up

If you use a multi-effect pedal and want a paddleboard amp, Dulo is for you. If, as a guitarist, you use different plugins, then Dulo is best for you.

To get the best out of them, combine the amp models from a pedal. Listen to the differences yourself before deciding or making a choice.

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