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From BTS Fanboy to Proudly Gay: My Story of Self-Discovery

From 'I Need U' to 'I Am Me': A Humorous and Heartfelt Journey of Self-Discovery Through the Power of Music

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
From BTS Fanboy to Proudly Gay: My Story of Self-Discovery
Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

Who knew that seven South Korean guys dancing, singing, and rapping could lead to such an introspective journey for a boy from a traditional Asian family? It wasn't just about the music or the fancy choreography; it was about identity, acceptance, and the courage to be who I am. This is the story of how BTS, an international K-pop sensation, became a catalyst for my gay awakening.

One afternoon, my cousin introduced me to a music video that was rapidly gaining popularity. "You've got to watch this," she urged, eyes gleaming with excitement. Little did I know, as I clicked play on BTS's "I Need U," my life was about to change.

I remember being captivated by the lyrics and melody, sure, but something else tugged at my heartstrings. I felt a connection with these seven young men who, despite the cultural gap, spoke of struggles, dreams, and love in a way that resonated with me.

Intrigued, I found myself delving deeper into their discography, finding comfort and solace in their songs. They had a knack for understanding the youth's concerns, the unspoken pressures, and the hidden dreams. Their music videos weren't just visually spectacular; they were poignant narratives, symbolically loaded, making me think, feel, and reflect.

I became an 'ARMY', the term for the dedicated fanbase of BTS. The more I listened, the more I felt seen and heard. Their music became a safe haven, a place where I felt accepted for who I was.

One day, I stumbled upon a track called "Epiphany." The lyrics were about self-love and acceptance, and as Jin sang, "I'm the one I should love in this world," I found myself questioning. Who was I? And more importantly, who did I love?

A wave of self-reflection swept over me. I found myself drawn to the openness and passion BTS expressed in their music, a stark contrast to the restrained emotional expression I was accustomed to in my traditional Asian family. I yearned for that freedom, that self-assuredness, that acceptance they seemed to offer through their music.

Then, there was the BTS fandom, the ARMY. The community was diverse, colorful, and most importantly, accepting. In online forums and fan meets, I met people from all walks of life. They weren't just fans; they were advocates of acceptance and self-love, echoing the themes that BTS passionately promoted. It was there that I first encountered stories of gay ARMY members, stories that spoke of self-discovery, acceptance, and pride.

Their courage inspired me, and I found myself drawn to their stories, their struggles, and their acceptance of their sexual orientation. And the more I read, the more I connected the dots. I realized that I too, felt different. I too, felt a connection with men that went beyond friendship.

For the longest time, I'd shrugged off these feelings, attributing them to intense friendship or admiration. But as I listened to BTS, as I read the stories of my fellow ARMY members, I recognized them for what they were — I was gay.

Coming to terms with this realization wasn't easy. I faced confusion, guilt, fear of rejection, and the burden of unlearning years of heteronormative conditioning. But through it all, BTS's music was my solace. Their messages of love, acceptance, and self-discovery gave me the strength to accept myself.

When I came out to my friends and family, it was tough. My traditional Asian family struggled to understand, and there were more questions than I had answers for. Yet, every night, I would retreat to my room, put on my headphones, and lose myself in BTS's music. Their songs reminded me that I wasn't alone, that I was loved, and that it was okay to be me.

So, there you have it. That's the story of how seven Korean men, armed with their music, their words, and their acceptance, led to my gay awakening. It wasn't just a fandom; it was a journey of self-discovery, a journey I'm grateful for every day.

There's a certain sense of irony that it took a band from a conservative society to make me realize and accept my gay identity. But that's the power of music, isn't it? It transcends borders, beliefs, and norms, touching hearts and changing lives.

I'd like to believe that BTS's acceptance and the messages they convey through their music have made an impact on not just me, but on countless individuals around the world. They have created a space where people like me can find acceptance and love ourselves for who we are.

Every time I listen to "Epiphany" now, I can't help but smile. For me, it's no longer just a song; it's a part of my journey, a part of who I am. It's a testament to self-love, acceptance, and the courage to be me.

So, if you're grappling with your identity or seeking acceptance, remember that it's okay to be different. It's okay to be you. And maybe, just maybe, give BTS a listen. Who knows? It might just lead you on a journey of self-discovery, just like it did for me.

And as BTS says, "Love yourself, love myself, peace!"


About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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