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Everybody Hurts – Existential Pain of the Human Condition

When your day is long And the night, the night is yours alone – R.E.M.

By Donna L. Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)Published about a year ago 4 min read
Everybody Hurts – Existential Pain of the Human Condition
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

"Everybody Hurts" is a powerful ballad written by R.E.M. and released in 1992. The song speaks to the existential pain that is inherent in the human condition and highlights the shared struggle of all individuals. The lyrics are poignant and relatable, tapping into the universal experience of feeling overwhelmed and lost at times.

Existential pain is a deep and abiding sense of discomfort that arises from the realization that life is uncertain, unpredictable and often times beyond our control. It is a feeling that can be difficult to articulate and is often described as a sense of emptiness or meaninglessness. For many people, existential pain can be a source of great distress and can lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression.

The human condition is characterized by a constant search for meaning and purpose. Despite our best efforts, however, life is often unpredictable and can be marked by tragedy, loss, and suffering. "Everybody Hurts" speaks to this reality, reminding us that no one is immune to the hardships of life.

The chorus of the song repeats the line "Hold on, everybody hurts," emphasizing the message that we are all in this together and that there is comfort in the shared experience of pain. There is a strength in acknowledging our vulnerabilities and seeking support from others. This is a message that is especially important in today's world, where mental health issues are often stigmatized and people are often reluctant to seek help. The lyrics offer hope, reminding us that even though we may feel alone in our suffering, we are never truly alone.

By Alex Boyd on Unsplash

Anthony Bourdain once said, “As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in returnThe quote from Bourdain highlights the interconnected nature of life and the impact that our experiences have on us. Just as our actions and experiences leave marks on the world, life also leaves marks on us, both beautiful and painful. This speaks to the theme of existential pain, as our experiences, both positive and negative, can have a profound impact on our sense of self and well-being.

The quote from Bourdain highlights the interconnected nature of life and the impact that our experiences have on us. Just as our actions and experiences leave marks on the world, life also leaves marks on us, both beautiful and painful. This speaks to the theme of existential pain, as our experiences, both positive and negative, can have a profound impact on our sense of self and well-being.

Bourdain's words remind us that the marks left on our hearts, whether they are beautiful or hurtful, are a testament to our journey and a reflection of the life we have lived. They are a reminder that we are all connected and that our individual experiences are part of a larger narrative.

Existential pain, as Bourdain suggests, can be one of the most anguishing marks left on our hearts. It can sink us into the deepest of despair. However, it can also mark a path of growth and self-discovery. The experience of suffering can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves, each other, and the world around us. This can be a difficult and painful process, but it can also result in greater personal insight, a stronger sense of purpose. By embracing and working through our pain, we can perhaps find meaning and fulfillment in life. In this way, existential pain can be seen as a necessary part of the human experience and a journey towards growth and self-awareness.

It is important to remember that there is no single solution to existential pain and that everyone's journey is unique. Some may find solace in spirituality, while others may find comfort in relationships or community involvement. The key is to be mindful of our own needs and to seek out what works best for us as individuals. Mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety, and can provide a sense of inner peace for some. Engaging in creative pursuits, such as writing or art, can also help us tap into our emotions and provide a sense of self-expression.

Existential pain is inherent in the human condition and reflects the shared struggle of all individuals, no matter the individual circumstances of their lives. It reminds us that no one is immune to the subjective experience of the hardships of life, and that there is comfort, or at least connection, in the shared experience of pain.

Both R.E.M.’s lyrics and Anthony Bourdain’s words underscore the importance of recognizing the impact of our experiences and the role that pain can play in shaping our lives. Healing and growth are possible, even in the face of our existential pain. Everyone’s journey is challenging in its own unique way, and yet we all share the common experience of heartache and sorrow. With support and self-reflection, it is possible to find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in even the most painful parts of our journey. By embracing our experiences, both positive and negative, and seeking help when we need it, we can find value and direction in life, even in the face of existential pain.

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About the Creator

Donna L. Roberts, PhD (Psych Pstuff)

Writer, psychologist and university professor researching media psych, generational studies, human and animal rights, and industrial/organizational psychology

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