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Don't Miss This! A Simple, but Wonderful Way to Learn Piano and Keyboard

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By Bec CampbellPublished about a year ago 9 min read
Don't Miss This! A Simple, but Wonderful Way to Learn Piano and Keyboard
Photo by Dolo Iglesias on Unsplash

Are you looking for a fun, easy, and affordable way to learn the piano or keyboard? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll explore a simple yet powerful method that can help you get started with playing the piano and keyboard, without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars. From the comfort of your own home, you can learn to play the piano or keyboard in no time - so don't miss out! Read on to learn more about this wonderful way to learn the piano and keyboard.

1. You don't need perfect pitch

One of the biggest myths about playing piano or keyboard is that you need perfect pitch to be successful. Perfect pitch is an ability to identify a note by ear without any reference. While having perfect pitch can be a great asset to a musician, it's definitely not a requirement.

Most people don't have perfect pitch, and that's ok! There are plenty of other ways to learn how to play the piano or keyboard without needing to rely on perfect pitch. One of the best methods for beginners is the chord method. With this method, you use a combination of chord shapes, keys, and notes to create melodies. This method is easy to learn and allows you to quickly create your own music.

You can also learn to play by ear, which does not require perfect pitch. With this method, you learn to listen and identify different elements of a song by listening. This is a great skill to have, but again, it’s not necessary to become a proficient pianist or keyboard player.

So, if you’ve been feeling intimidated by the idea of playing piano or keyboard because you don’t have perfect pitch, take heart - you can still become an excellent musician without perfect pitch!

2. You don't need years of lessons

Learning to play the piano or keyboard doesn't have to involve a years-long commitment to a traditional music school. You can learn to play and become a skilled musician in far less time than you might think. There are lots of self-teaching resources available online, and you can even find beginner-friendly classes that teach you the basics of playing in as little as 8 weeks!

By using simple methods and tools, like chord charts, tutorials, and practice tracks, you can quickly master chords and melodies. With dedicated practice and dedication, you can make amazing progress in a short amount of time, without having to pay for costly lessons. This method is especially helpful for those who are busy and don't have the time to commit to regular music lessons.

3. Just sit down and play

The beauty of learning piano and keyboard is that you don't have to worry about scales, intervals or any other complicated musical terms. You can just sit down at your instrument and start playing. Even if you don't know any chords or melodies, you can still make beautiful music. All you need is your fingers and an understanding of the instrument's keys.

The best way to start is to just find a simple melody and play it over and over until you get comfortable with it. Once you get comfortable, start to experiment with variations of the melody. You can change the rhythm, add more notes, or even use a different key. The possibilities are endless!

Another great way to learn is to take a piece of sheet music and try to play it by ear. While it may take some time to figure out the notes, this is a great way to learn a song without having to look up all the chords and notes.

Finally, you can also try playing along with your favorite songs. This is a great way to learn new chord progressions and practice improvising. You can also try writing your own songs, which is a great way to develop your creativity and grow as a musician.

No matter what level you are at, there is always something new to learn when it comes to playing piano and keyboard. So grab your instrument, sit down and just start playing!

4. The chord method

The chord method is an incredibly useful way to learn piano and keyboard. It involves playing the chords of a song and using them as your guide. By playing the right chord combinations, you can easily reproduce the sound of the entire song, even if you don’t know all the individual notes.

When learning the chord method, you’ll want to start by finding the correct chord diagram for your song. Most chord diagrams are quite simple and easy to understand. You can find them in songbooks or online, depending on what you’re looking for. Once you’ve located the chord diagram, you’ll be able to easily identify the chords you’ll need to play for your song.

Once you have the chords identified, it’s time to practice! Start off by playing each chord slowly and in order. Make sure to pay attention to the details of each chord such as fingering, strumming pattern, and rhythm. Doing so will help you get comfortable with the sound of each chord and eventually lead to a more effortless transition between them.

From there, it’s just a matter of practicing until you’ve memorized the order of chords and how to play each one. As you become more familiar with the sound of each chord, you’ll be able to pick up on subtleties like variations in dynamics and texture. When you reach this level, you’ll be able to start experimenting with improvising, adding your own flair to the song.

The chord method is an effective way to quickly learn piano and keyboard. With practice, anyone can master this method and soon be able to play any song they want without having perfect pitch or years of lessons. So why wait? Give the chord method a try today!

5. You can find chords anywhere

Chords are the building blocks of music and are easy to find once you know where to look. One great place to find chords is in songbooks. Most songs come with a chart that has the chords for that song written out for you.

Another great place to find chords is online. The one I recommend is Piano by Chord if you are interested in spending an extra few bucks to improve your skills

Finally, if you have an instrument, you can find chords by listening to the notes being played. Listen to the root note, then look at the intervals being used to determine what type of chord is being played. This is a great way to learn more about music theory and gain an understanding of how chords are constructed.

By learning to recognize chords, you'll be able to start playing songs quickly and easily. With a little bit of practice, you can become a pro at finding chords anywhere.

6. Play along with your favorite songs

Playing along with your favorite songs is one of the most fun ways to learn how to play piano and keyboard. This can help you master different keys, practice improvisation, and work on your timing.

To get started, all you need is a good pair of headphones and a piano or keyboard. Find some of your favorite songs and listen to them through the headphones. As you listen, try to figure out what chords are being used. Identify the root note of the song, then begin to match the chords up with the notes in the melody. As you play the chords, make sure they match the notes in the melody.

Once you get comfortable with playing along with your favorite songs, start experimenting with different rhythms and voicings. This will help you learn how to create interesting and unique musical ideas. After you have practiced playing along with your favorite songs, you can even use them as backing tracks while you solo over them.

Practicing playing along with your favorite songs is a great way to bring some extra fun into your music-making session. The more songs you learn, the more knowledge and understanding of chords, scales, and improvisation that you’ll gain. So don’t be afraid to try it out and enjoy yourself as you practice!

7. The melody method

The melody method is a great way to learn the piano or keyboard without having to read music. This method involves finding a melody from a song and playing it on the instrument. To do this, you need to learn how to hear and recognize the different notes that make up a melody.

Once you’ve identified the melody, try playing it on the piano or keyboard. This can be done using the black and white keys, as well as chords and arpeggios. It’s best to start with a basic song that you know so that you can quickly get the hang of it.

Once you feel comfortable with this technique, you can move on to more complex melodies. By hearing the notes in a melody, you can pick out the chords that are being used, as well as their structure. You can also use this technique to create your own original songs.

The melody method can be especially helpful for those who have little or no experience reading music. Instead of trying to figure out what notes to play, you can simply recognize the melody and play along. With practice, you’ll soon be able to come up with your own creative ideas.

In short, the melody method is an effective and enjoyable way to learn the piano or keyboard without having to read music. All you need is your ears and your creativity – then just let the music flow!

8. Playing by ear

Playing music by ear is a skill that comes with time, but it doesn't have to be intimidating! It's simply the ability to hear a song and then play it without using sheet music or any written notes. This skill can be developed by anyone who has the passion to learn piano and keyboard.

The first step in playing by ear is to be able to recognize notes and chords. You can use the chord method mentioned earlier, as well as the melody method, to get familiar with the sounds of each key. As you get more comfortable with the sound of different notes and chords, start to identify and sing along to songs you like. If you can’t seem to figure out the exact chords, try humming the melody and making up your own chords as you go along.

Once you’ve gained some confidence in your ability to recognize chords and play them on the keyboard, start experimenting with improvisation. Start by playing a simple chord progression, then add in different embellishments such as arpeggios or trills. Listen to recordings of your favorite songs and start replicating what you hear. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different sounds and techniques. Eventually you’ll find yourself making up your own melodies and riffs, as well as creating your own unique sound!

As you practice playing by ear, remember to stay relaxed and have fun. Don’t worry if you make mistakes or if something doesn’t sound perfect – that’s part of the learning process! With time and practice, you’ll become a skilled player and find joy in playing the music you love.

if you want to learn the #1 way to learn piano, CLICK HERE NOW.


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