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By Livia HegganPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Life is like a boat, sailing on the boundless sea, different course to create different fruits. Sail for faith! To find our own happiness!

The endless sea is our great journey, perhaps the unknown darkness ahead. But you're not alone. Look! The wind cheers you, the waves cheer you, the seagulls sail with you. They are your companions, hone your will, strengthen your faith, and perhaps there will be some sinister rocks in the journey. However, don't hold back, fight with them bravely, overcome difficulties, and surpass yourself. Take a chance and jump. Difficulty is nothing, but the most important thing is to give up! Giving up is an act of cowardice, as long as you dare to work hard, failure is also a kind of comfort.

Lose, not terrible, failure is the mother of success, the road to success may be full of thorns, but it must not affect your firm belief, perhaps you are injured, can not find the exit of success, do not wander in the dark, do not admit defeat. Try to find direction, reorganize yourself, and become more ambitious. To understand, losing is not terrible, the most terrible is to admit defeat!

Confident sail, we are young, we are confident, we are carrying a warm heart. No matter what the future world is like, what the future world is like, it cannot extinguish our heart to pursue progress. Sail away to find your own unique happiness, regardless of the wind and waves to rush forward, not afraid, the wind light clouds light, and strive to pursue your goals and dreams.

Life needs to struggle, need to walk day and night, constantly forge ahead, constantly strive to move forward, driving the boat of self, in the turbulent sea, leaving a string of expectations in the harbor, flying in the vast fog, enjoying the perfect life brought by expectations, like the petrel of Gorky, Shouting loudly; Let the storm grow stronger!

There is a famous saying that goes, "When you brave the wind and waves, you can sail straight into the sea." Don't let weakness deny yourself, don't let fatigue miss youth. A person cannot achieve anything without struggle, a country cannot stand in the world without struggle, and a nation cannot prosper and become strong without struggle. Take the struggle to fly together, because with it, let me have rational thinking; I made sure that the mistakes of the past would not be repeated in today's films; I can make the past success continue to sublimate in life; The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. -- Trice.

Whether you see the dawn of expectation or not, the light in the heart is faintly glowing, constantly walking, constantly sailing, constantly running. Do not abandon, do not give up is the belief of my door, a blind fantasy will eventually disappear like a bubble. Hard sailing in the beautiful spring of 2015, I remember Bing Xin said; "The larger the flowers of words, the smaller the fruits of actions." Break the overcast silence, break out in the silence, prove yourself with practical actions, sail hard, don't cry, don't stop, don't relax.

Don't stop, success requires fierce and unceasing pursuit; Don't admit defeat, there will be sunrise after dark. The rainbow comes after the rain. Remember, success is in every next step, tears are the most beautiful book in the world!

Use sweat to water the fruits of life, enrich yourself with colorful knowledge, firm faith with a full pace, sail for faith, create a new tomorrow!

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