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A Hot Girl’s playlist for the worst holiday of the year

By Krysten ColemanPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
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Valentine’s Day has come and gone, I don’t know about you guys but I'm super relieved and am already dreading the next year, single or not. I spent my valentine’s channeling several different moods. First, I'm blasting my girl boss music on the highest volume, telling myself “you don’t need him sis”, and then in the next five minutes i’m in the parking lot of Walmart sobbing because I saw that same man with another girl 10 hours prior. Moral of the story, this Cupid holiday blows so i’ve come up with a list of “Hot Girl favorites” that picked me up off of the floor Valentine’s Day night.

1. “I Like That” By Janelle Monae

Picture this, I’m fresh out of a situationship with a man too blinded by his perfect reflection in the mirror to see the gem that was standing in front of him. I shuffle my playlist hoping for a banger and Janelle starts out with “Sometimes a mystery, sometimes i’m free”, immediately i’m like “period, let me turn this up.” Basically she speaks on how she was taken for granted and made fun of because of her thrift store clothes, and her natural hair but she didn’t care because she liked who she was and didn’t seek approval from anyone. She knew that she was THAT girl and no one was taking away her title, and she was right because she later got the last laugh by becoming the star she is today. We love to see that.

2. “Be careful” by Cardi B

Ringing in at number two, my girl Cardi B. She did not come to play with this hit single. I chose this song because I have given my all to a person before and watched them literally play hopscotch on my heart like it was recess. But when you mess over people that only have good intentions for you, you never know what karma has in store for you. Cardi made it very clear when she said “be careful with me”, she really meant that. But remember, success is the best revenge.

3. “Soulmate” by Lizzo

The name might throw you off because you’re like “hey this is anti love, okay” but hold on, Lizzo is teaching us all that we can be our own soulmate. One thing that I have learned is that no other human being can bring me as much joy as I bring myself. I know what lights me up, what turns me on, what puts me off, and all of the love that I was searching for in someone else has always been right here, in my soul. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, “dang babe, you are doing your thing”. Lizzo is just empowering all around.

4. “Pockets Bigger” by Flo Milli

Flo Milli is a twenty-one year old woman who is one hundred percent in her bag. She’s young, single and keeping her eye on the prize. In this song, she speaks about men not being on her mind, she just wants to run up her cash. As she continues to focus on herself and her career, she continues to grow bigger and richer. I chose this song because she’s honestly just an inspiration, we’re from the same hometown and it’s just amazing to see someone that looks like me in her position. Not worrying about outside opinions is something a lot of us struggle with but in “Pockets Bigger”, she’s just like forget the drama, where are my coins? You cannot help but to respect it and stream.

5. “Trying My Best” by Anson Seabra

So, I know we’ve been on a roll with the super empowering songs but this one is a bit more emotional. Anson speaks about how everyday he’s just trying his best to be okay, he’s got all of these emotions piling up and he doesn’t know what to do with them but at least he’s trying. Sometimes it’s okay to just sit with your feelings and process them, it’s okay to cry on Valentine’s Day, it’s okay to cry on any day. I think people equate holding in your emotions to being strong but it takes a strong person to actually sit with that heaviness and feel it out. It’s going to be okay, cry it out!

6. “Lose you to love me” by Selena Gomez

A fan favorite! Sometimes, we have to get rid of people and things in our life that dim our light. You never know how much you’ve been neglecting yourself until you let go of something that has been draining you and putting you down. It’s okay to let people go, what’s meant for you will always align with you.

7. Undo it - Carrie Underwood

This song makes me giggle because when my ex-boyfriend made me really upset, I would blast it in the car and he would just stare at me in disbelief that I would be that bold. Carrie was definitely in her bag with this joint, “You blew it, you put me through it, I wanna undo it”. If someone’s stealing your happiness and making you cry constantly, It’s time to let that person go expeditiously. That’s all.

8. “Enough Cryin” by Mary J. Blige

Saving the beat for last because this is a classic. Mary says she’s not playing house with you anymore, she doesn't need you trying to save her! Auntie is fed up and she’s sure as heck not crying over any man! Anytime someone has broken my heart, I've blasted this song. It’s just pure feel good music that makes you want to level up.

As we head into the rest of the year, and prepare ourselves for yet another dreadful Valentine’s Day in 2022, I want my readers to know that you are worthy, beautiful, strong, and no one can take that away from you. Even if you guys decide to get into a relationship, just know that only you can provide yourself with true happiness. Take this Anti-Valentine’s Day playlist, dial the volume up to 100 and speak positivity to yourself.


About the Creator

Krysten Coleman

What’s up guys! I’m Krysten and I am a freelance writer but unfortunately I am quite terrible at bios. I love words, I love art, I love my toddler, cat, and dog. I hope you guys enjoy!

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