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"The Golden Ratio" tells about Allah

The Golden Ratio

By WORKING BRAINPublished 7 months ago 5 min read

In the universe, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, there exists a visible measure and harmony in the bodies of all created beings. This perfection, not easily perceived by the human eye and mind, carries the characteristic of the "golden ratio," as expressed by the sciences.

What is the "Golden Ratio"?

The golden ratio is one of the most popular numbers in mathematics, also known as the PHI number, equal to 1.618. The popularity of this number arises from its presence in almost every aspect of life.

The "golden ratio" number was discovered by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci (1170 – 1250) and is also referred to as Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci, while exploring a sequence of numbers called "Fibonacci numbers," identified the number 1.618 as the "golden ratio."

How Does the "Golden Ratio" Emerge in Fibonacci Numbers?

The Fibonacci sequence is as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, ...

As seen, each number in the Fibonacci series is the sum of the two preceding numbers.

When a number in the series is divided by its preceding number, very close numbers are obtained. In fact, after the 13th number in the series, the result is always the same. For example, (233 / 144 = 1.618), (377 / 233 = 1.618), (610 / 377 = 1.618), (987 / 610 = 1.618), (1597 / 987 = 1.618), (2584 / 1597 = 1.618), ...

As observed, the result in each of these divisions is 1.618.

The "Golden Ratio" in Creation

The number 1.618, known as the "golden ratio," is the numerical value of the harmony ratio between various parts of the bodies of almost all entities in the created universe, including plants, animals, and humans. Scholars have given the name "golden ratio" to this value.

Italian mathematician Fibonacci succeeded in discovering the golden ratio through number sequences, unveiling the secret of the "golden ratio" in existences.

Through research, it has been observed that the bodies of all created beings, the harmony between wholes and parts, contain the "golden ratio" or the number 1.618.

In the human body (tip of the finger to elbow, wrist to elbow), (shoulder to head, head length), (navel to head, shoulder to head) - excluding exceptions, the ratio of the whole to the part is approximately always the golden ratio, 1.618.

There are multiple golden ratios in the human face, including the height of the face, width of the face, the distance between lips and eyebrows, length of the nose, face height, distance between chin and eyebrows, mouth length, nose width, distance between eye pupils, and distance between eyebrows.

For example, considering our fingers, they have three segments. The ratio of the full length of the finger to the first two segments gives the golden ratio (excluding the thumb). Additionally, the ratio of the middle finger to the little finger also exhibits the golden ratio. Measuring our index finger and dividing the found number by the length of the two segments of our finger results in approximately 1.6, the golden ratio. Similarly, dividing the length of our middle finger by the length of our ring finger yields an approximate result of 1.6.

Determining and measuring the golden ratio in the human body and other entities in nature may not be accurately done by everyone. To achieve accurate results, it is necessary to benefit from the descriptions and determinations of experts in this field.

The "Golden Ratio" Existed Before Fibonacci's Discovery

The mathematician Fibonacci discovered the number 1.618, the "golden ratio," in the 1200s as an explorer. However, the fact that this ratio has been applied in all entities since the very moment of the creation of the universe highlights the flawless creation of Allah.

The Golden Ratio: A Miracle Proving the Existence and Oneness of Allah

If the same ratio, approximately 1.6, is found in entities that have no relation to each other, such as a tree, a rock, a human, a sea creature, it naturally leads us to the conclusion of Allah's power, unity, and knowledge. When the Creator is perfect, His creations will undoubtedly be perfect.

Giving a planned and wise form to all entities, especially living beings, in the form of a measured body is the most beautiful evidence of a "golden ratio" creation. In this context, providing everything with a body in the easiest, most beautiful, lightest, and least wasteful way is a unique characteristic belonging only to the Creator, the Almighty Allah.

From the "Golden Ratio" to the "Golden Harmony"...

Allah created the soul-body duality in "golden harmony." The more perfect form of the visible "golden ratio" in the physical bodies of living beings is actually seen in the harmony of body and soul.

If a lion were given the body of a chicken for its soul, what would happen? Would there be a golden ratio? The poor lion would tear apart, but it lacks claws and teeth.

If the soul of a chicken were dressed in a lion's body, it would be a poison to that chicken's life. A spirit afraid of everything but a massive mane, teeth, and claws that cannot be used...

In this regard, God giving each creature a body that suits its soul is another truth of the "golden ratio" seen in every aspect of creation.

In fact, there is no confusion or coincidence in any part of the creation system that contradicts the "golden ratio" harmony. Everything has been done, created knowingly and calculatedly.

Allah says in Surah Al-Mulk (67:3-4): "He who created seven heavens, one above the other. You will not see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Merciful. So turn your vision again. Do you see any flaw? Then turn your vision again, and your vision will return to you, dazzled, fatigued."

Imitating the "Golden Ratio" in Works of Art

The "golden ratio" has been applied by humans in art and architecture for centuries without necessarily knowing the concept. When examining historical works, it can be seen that the golden ratio was adhered to. The ratio of the base to the height of the pyramids, for example, yields the number 1.618. The ratio of the height to the width of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting, the Mona Lisa, is 1.618. Picasso's many paintings also contain this ratio. The minarets of the Suleymaniye and Selimiye mosques, built by the architect Mimar Sinan, also exhibit this ratio.

In European sources, the "golden ratio" is often referred to as the "Divine Ratio" in parentheses, alongside the term "golden ratio." This observation is crucial and beautiful in terms of the real value given to knowledge.


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