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The Chronicles of Elysium

The Prophecy Unfolds

By oscar mulwaPublished 13 days ago 7 min read

Long before the first breath of any human was drawn a prophecy was made, long long time ago in a place as strange and strange as the twilight; Elysium. From the perspective of the plot, it rendered the existence of a particular creature that was pre-ordained to be a hope to the kingdom in terms of strength. The generations never awaited the prophecy to come alive and then one day, an orphaned girl known as Alara was busy in a mysterious forest and she unexpectedly came across an old scroll.

Alara spent her early life and was socially isolated as an incomprehensible reject among her peers at a young age. But the moment she opens the book and looks at the prophecy, it seems as if the fire is burning somewhere inside. Dancing ┬áWander ┬áWords: joy, purpose, protection – these are the thoughts in her brain. Thus finding a new meaning in life, she confidently started to perform the right role that was expected from her new exemplary life.

The sole matter that was significant was the courage of Alara and the path she had to go through in Elysium to overcome the many hurdles present on her way. Well, you can only guess how she came across all of them, from unicorns to dragons and from tenderhearted to ruthless ones. With every step she takes, she gains more and more control, practicing the magical world in her style, by her own will with the aid of scholars and magical beings.

From the time our heroine, Alara traversed the real nature of Elysium she also aroused the curiosity of the echelons. The ‘Shadow King’s’ servants, a monarch who wished to make the world ignorant of the sun’s light, roamed freely as they looked for an opportunity to assassinate her. However, the challenge presented by controllers at Malaktor did not appear to have any impact on Alara and her comrades.

Alara was connected to a host of other characters during her travels, including a noble robber who refused to steal from anyone in need, a brave knight who fought for the downtrodden, and a mischievous fairy who loved playing pranks on people. Yet those people, the group that was assembled here, could hardly be considered extraordinary heroes that one might come up with in one’s imagination.

But the closeness also brought her complications with him. It was allegedly filled with acts of betrayal and treachery looming for them from every angle and direction and it did not spare them. But as many of them were trapped in the clutches of the Shadow King, Alara had a decision to make – to sit back and watch her friend die, and then use the prophecy for her own selfish needs.

Challenges were in terms of adventure with which Alara and her friends are met within the inside of Elysium different from any that they have encountered. From the Firelands where they encountered the extinguishable fire mountains to Frozen Waste all the next battles test a new facet of the characters.

Despite this and that, the base and general population of servants nevertheless endured, waxing determined in every obstruction they encountered. On the way, they retrieve such gems and relics as are older than the existence of whole civilizations and crafted from elements of creation. With these weapons at their side, they were prepared to confront whatever evil appeared in front of them.

Finally, Alara and her comrades reached the dwelling place of the Shadow King: a gargantuan fortress that seemed imbued with the dark energy. They soared through his dark tower and every story up they went, the army of the Shadow King surged forward and grew stronger and tougher with each rank.

However, Alara could not afford to let herself give in and so she recalled the presence of her friends by her side, and the words inscribed in prophecy. And when they finally reached the throne she was standing face to face with the Shadow King and fighting against him for the sake of Elysium and for a great future that should come true.

It would seem that it is always the rogue who is in danger of being killed when Alara engaged the Shadow King in a battle of magic and arms. But, in the end, there is no might, no strength, no power which may define a final result – it is the sheer will and courage of a young lady who dared to dream the impossible dream.

In a last effort towards the achievement of the prophecy, Alara gives everything she has to finally expel the Shadow King and his darkness from Elysium. As the kingdom turned into a new page of hope, the girl realized that her task was in no way complete yet. However, with the support of friends, with the prophecy, she was all set to stand and fight any the times that were to come.

As days pass Elysium starts to come to life again and everyone can forget about the battles as if they never happened, only having bright sun on their backs. Such was the end of Alara and those with her; people built great and abiding monuments, songs of heroines whose names were sung in reverence and grace.

But for Alara the greatest reward was the ultimate realization of the goal she has always dreamed to do, the goal of proving that even the smallest person in the world can reshape the course of history. Perceiving the dawn on the neighboring line, she realized that however challenging life might be, she would be brave enough to open the doors of the wonders and believe in something that only exists in Elysium.

These people got an opportunity to live happy, ordinary lives as a result of the battle against the Shadow King who was a power of evil that ruled in Elysium till that moment. Alara, the leader, and the group with her emerged victorious and narrative and those with her were celebrated as liberators; for their courage, the story and the songs of the ordeal became songs sung across the civilized world.

But it is necessary to remember that war is not a unique form of strife, and even when everything was over at least several essential questions had to be solved annually. Alara and her friends keep carrying on their adventures in the lands of the Elysium, in search of a pure color of the Shadow King – evil beings and tainted magic endangering the relatively short-lasting harmony.

But each time, seven arise to the next challenge, they welcome it and the affection between them solidified with concrete in the insides of the challenge. But, if they held hands and strolled around, they had to explore the very essence of Elysium and unveil secrets that were hidden in the obscure rooms – fragments of the previous epochs and the relics that once belonged to the ancient world before the rule of the Shadow King.

In his story, Havish educates the reader on what needs to happen after one commits suicide as depicted in the entitled ‘When You Commit Suicide’.

No fault was found with Elysium for it became clear that the facility was not in any sort of peril at all but then a new threat appeared from the shadows – a bigger threat that threatened Elysium. During these events, a low discussion emerged that there is a vile, pre-Emperor Black philosophical practice in the kingdom, which is also called the followers of the Shadow King who began organizing to bring back to life their lord, who was also called the ‘King of Night,’ and pose the threat to the kingdom’s inhabitants once again.

Understandably, Alara and her friends decided that this new evil had to be dealt with as quickly as possible before it could spread any further and so they began their journey to find out more about the cult and what they wanted. During the course of the course, some friends were made during moments in the battles during class and vice versa; enemies too were made, old and new; and with this attack, the danger became real. But as they turned to their workshop to dig into details about the cult, what they got was that the so-called Shadow King, who had been defeated was just a man who had become elusive and the only thing he needed was to step out, conquer and rule again. Battle The last episode of the main plot reunites Alara and her friends because they can trigger a moment that they cannot waste because it focuses on fighting the cult and the Shadow King’s resurrection. They had ventured deep down to the lowest level of the structure where darkness was considered to be unspeakable. Taking him to the entrance of the Shadow King’s castle they met the henchmen of the lord of shadows; this time it was a number beyond comprehension. But, even in the last fight, Alara could not bring herself to give up this time, and, with the help of her friends with the help of the word of the final prophecy in her hand, she faced the most dangerous trial.


About the Creator

oscar mulwa

Hi, Oscar is a writer with a deep love for storytelling and a keen interest in creative writing. I write content ranging from articles, blogs, poems, and scientific research, my goal is to entertain, educate, and inform my readers. welcome

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  • Denis Mulwa13 days ago

    Wow. It reminds me of greatestworld's woriors

  • fascinating one. read and share

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