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The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Once upon a time in the wild west of California, there lived a man named Simon Wheeler, who was known for his long-winded storytelling.

By DUNGAPublished 3 months ago 1 min read
    The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

One day, a curious traveler named Mark Twain wandered into the local tavern and found himself cornered by Simon Wheeler, who insisted on sharing the tale of a remarkable jumping frog.

According to Simon, the frog belonged to a man named Jim Smiley, who was obsessed with betting on anything and everything. Jim would challenge anyone to a bet, confident that his frog, named Dan'l Webster, could out-jump any competitor.

As Simon regaled Mark with the story, he described Jim Smiley's antics in vivid detail. Jim would feed Dan'l Webster quail shot to weigh him down before a jumping contest, ensuring he wouldn't jump as far. However, one day, Jim's scheme backfired when his opponent filled Dan'l Webster with buckshot instead, causing him to lose the bet.

Despite Mark's attempts to escape Simon's ramblings, the storyteller continued to regale him with tales of Jim Smiley's absurd bets and the shenanigans of the jumping frog. Finally, Mark managed to slip away, leaving Simon Wheeler to continue his storytelling to an empty room.

And so, the legend of the celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County lived on, immortalized in the exaggerated tales of Simon Wheeler and the amused recollections of Mark Twain.


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